
Hidden mystery

One thing he hated the most were mind games, in short Ethan lived a boring life until love struck him a forbidden love at that…. And just like that he was throw in the world of uncertainty,that required him to be cautious with his words or doings … for what though???the love that could not be reciprocated ???Was it worth it ??? That was not certain….would he solve the mystery that fell his way and his forbidden love ??? Would his love accept him ??? Or family come his way?? Those were the thoughts Ethan lately found himself battling with because One wrong move could cost all:: Mike I love you!!!! Ethan begged his elder brother for what seemed like the hundredth time in the day His brother hand moved swiftly on Ethan’s neck pushing him to the end of the wall causing Ethan to wince in pain from the collision Wasting no time his grip tightened around his neck causing him to choke on his last words Don’t you ever say that : Mike warned Never again !! Love is not a word to play with child he spat furiously and unwilling let go of his younger brother neck who now was left in tears from the hold Are you scared of father and Mother ?? Ethan asked regardless of the warning …. Or it’s because of Ruth???? Because the last I checked you didn’t care about her , Ethan pushed further You don’t wanna do this … I l mean be with me , am bad for you , no for everyone and I love Ruth ….Mike implored And I can’t leave her Why why her??? Why not me??Ethan continued with his asking now with more tears falling … he took a step further and closed the gap between them…I know you trying to protect me ..I mean everyone does that for me already… just let me love you.. Ethan pleaded once more , desperate wanting for his brother to agree to his love … I can’t Ethan !! I can’t …you know for sure that am not gay and and he signed Mike what ?? Ethan asked further advancing forward making their head touch inches from his lips Ruth is having my child, and there is more you need to know that doesn’t meet the eye …father did something to Ruth’s family ..Mike signed again at this rate he could be getting grey hair soon … i cant love you…maybe as a lover but let me protect you… he signed again was this now a habit ? I want everything…you as my brother and lover …I don’t care about Ruth…and about father he can too go to hell for all I care …. just want you ….I love you Mike and with hesitation he closed the gap and kissed his lips

Lucia_Muchelenje · Real
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4 Chs


Mike's P. O.V

 January 3.

The beginning of a brand new journal. The beginning of a brand new year. All those days and pages to fill about the digging and mysteries of my family and myself!!

I wonder who I'm writing to when I write here . Maybe a saviour?? Maybe Ruth or my brother Ethan?? Hoping he would see my writings. When I was a kid I would write keep out in front of all my little fat dairies ; the ones with the keys you would lose right away or misplace somewhere . Now I write ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK, which is more like saying: come in if you must , but watch your step..

Who is the you I'm speaking to?? Me,I suppose,so that later I can remember what I was thinking about ; helps me figure out stuffs because I don't know what is real or not anymore... though that was partly it . I know what I'm thinking when I print it in my journal , but I must believe someone will read it too, why else would I write Enter? Years from now when I die, I would be sure that someone would finish where I left off or bring the truth to light ... the truth that is now costing my life dearly... and so I began writing 

Dear dairy

 I'm scared about my condition, but Ruth says she will guide me ..will she though?? At what cost ?? Revenge??? Last week I found something at the family house .. a document , though am not sure if its enough to pave my way out from this marriage with Ruth or do I need more?? ...God please help ..... Father is hosting a party for my little brother in two days and he has demanded for my presence ...am I comfortable facing him ? No, but I will do it for Ethan .... it's been long since I saw that kid .... Father knows that I am onto something... he doesn't want me tainting Ethan hence barely allows the kid to visit me and Ruth ..... why though ??because Ethan is my key...the key I need to use to get free from this nightmare ...the key

The door to my study opened and that was my cue to stop and hide my thoughts away... 

what do you want ?? I asked the person in the door way

you didn't come home last night, Ruth stated moving in my study as if she owned it.. to think about it she never respected my privacy ...not anymore.

I had a meeting,Ruth I lied while staring on my computer like its was the most interest thing the world had that I would look at

i was expecting you at 8 , besides you knew every well that we were having dinner with the Millers ,she looked at me hurt flashed on her face

look am sorry ... I gave up exasperated already ..because I knew where it was going , the conversation,..such never ended well with Ruth

No you're not !!!....I know that for sure ...you're always doing that to me ... finding excuses to paint me bad Mike ...when are you gonna give up ?? Huh ???when I kill your dear father or your Ma??? Maybe Ethan ?? She said earnestly with pure hate whilst staring me in the eyes 

she knew I hated her and I was vulnerable when it came to my family mostly Ma and father...but Ethan the most because he was my key ...A key to end this deceitful marriage ... 

look am sorry Ruth you don't have to go there ... I signed earning a scorn from her

you better be because you won't know what will hit your family... You know how I am when am crossed ...she pressed on 

and prepare yourself for traveling tomorrow... because your birth giver needs you .... with that she left me to my own nightmare life