
How Demons Begin

I kept a close eye on the man. He was staring at a girl ahead of him.

'Is he a lust demon.' I thought to myself.

There are seven types of demons. Each of them is part of the seven deadly sins. I had learned that demons and angels could enter this world. But angels were far rarer.

The mans aura seemed to thicken as other people started moving away from him. I got up and walked in front of him and sat across from the girl across.

The man must have a high amount of demonic energy in him. I didn't know exactly how it worked however. I only knew demons would invade a persons body and when they left the demon left their energy behind.

That energy would effect the person until he became a demon and his soul entered hell.

The man got up and lunged forward as the girl screamed. I jumped into him slamming into the side of the seat. As he struggled I elbowed him in the face and held him down.

When the bus stopped the other people helped to hold him back.

'poor guy. His soul is already gone.' I thought seeing his eyes.

"Thanks." The girl said as we got off the bus and the police who were nearby got on.

I hadn't really noticed before, but she is beautiful. Then the police came over and questioned us. After a few minutes we were both allowed to leave.

"My name is Lucy. Once again thank you." She said.

"No need. The guy was giving everyone on that bus the creeps I think. The names Lucas." I replied as we walked back to the bus.

As we took our seats the bus started again.

"So what school do you go to." She asked.

"I think I'm going to Markstone." I said as she smiled a little.

"I'm already going to Markstone." She replied.

"Then I will see you this Monday?" I asked.

"You might." She said.

As I got off at my stop I said goodbye and went home.

"Did you have a good time." My grandpa asked as I got onto the porch.

He was sitting in his old rocking chair looking at me.

"It was a breath of fresh air." I said.

"Okay well your brother will be back soon." Grandpa said as I went inside.

The day was oddly smooth as I went to bed. As soon as my head touched the pillow all my tiredness left me. I got up and tossed my coat on walking quietly and opened the front door.

"What you still doing up." My grandpa asked as he looked at me from outside.

"I think you should come in tonight." I said looking around.

"It's fine. I do this every night." He said with a small smile.

"No, I mean you should really go in for tonight. Probably don't come out for a while." I said as he could tell I was worried a little.

"Okay if it makes you feel better." He said walking inside.

"Aren't you coming in." He asked turning his head.

"I will in a few minutes." I said already scanning everything.

My eyes were no longer eyes of humans but of a demons. My eyes had been destroyed and burned. A demon gave me this eyes if I helped them. I did what they asked and kept the eyes. I could see things fine no matter how dark. It would simply be a little smudgey if too dark.

But out here I could feel her presence getting closer. I stepped down from the porch and looked at the ground. I reached into my pocket dimension and pulled a small black knife.

She was getting closer. Ahead to the right was what I could tell. I cut the palm of my hand and let the blood drip onto the grass.

"Frith." I said the blood that had dropped formed into a symbol in the dirt under the grass.

It was a circle with eight triangles in it.

"So clever you are." She said right in front of me. Barely a few inches away.

"Why are you here." I asked.

"I thought we were friends. Just let me in." She said looking at me with two pink eyes.

"I only remember the part were you ripped my eyesbout, sorry." I said taking a small step back.

"That was so long ago. But you should know hell has been in chaos since you left." She said taking small steps left and right.

"Really. I thought everything would be better with me gone." I said looking around.

"Sure we're glad the demon hunter is gone. But you also killed four demon kings. Now their power is in your soul." She said reaching towards me.

But the hand stopped against a barrier that gave off small red cracks around her hand.

"Why would that matter." I said playing dumb.

"Because now everyone is trying to become one of the demon kings." She said freaking calmly.

"I guess that would cause a blood bath." I said snickering.

"Listen boy. If you think you can leave so easily. Your wrong." She said raising her hands to her sides dramatically.

"Oh so you want the power as well." I said nodding.

The invisible barrier was weakening under the stress she was causing to it.

"I'm also willing to bet you want revenge for me killing your son." I said with a smile.

"You murder." She said angry and the barrier broke.

She drew a knife from her sleeve and lunges for my neck. I might have lost a lot of my power but I survived in hell. I could survive a simple single demon attack.

My right hand pushed her attack of course and past my neck. As my left hand grabbed the handle of the knife that she was holding. She had lunged forward with her whole body as she fell forward herself.

I used my free right hand to stop her falling into me and held her up.

"Forget about that brat of a child. We both made a few mistakes." I said as my left hand squeezed the hand she was holding the knife with. A sudden small pop and cracking could be heard from her hand.

"I give. I give." She said in pain as I let go.

She took a step back dropping the knife holding her broken hand. But her hand was already healing and the bones were being put back together.

"So this is how weak a demon is in full form in the over world is." I said looking at her.