
Truce With A Demon

"Okay what do want now." I asked her.

She was the demon who early on took my eyes. She broke the souls of other humans I met. So to take revenge I killed her son and husband.

Her son was a demon prince and a very powerful at that. Her husband was a demon king. When I left I actually let her live so she could see what had happened.

But sometimes I wonder if I let her live because I liked her. I understood so much about her. A demon is born from the anger of humans is what some people say. But the truth is that demona are born from each of the seven sins creating seven variants.

But humans who are brought to hell after death can also turn into a demon after being there for too long. Slowly their soul will break and then shatter reforming into one of the seven variants of demons.

She was from what I knew human once. But she didn't survive and was turned eventually. She probably went through a lot similar to mine experience.

"Listen let's just call truce." I said as we both looked at each other.

She was wearing a dark red gown. Her hair was a deep shade of red like a rose turning dark.

"A truce. You killed them. You killed all of them." She said.

"You killed everyone I met. Your husband was ruining the life of the demon who gave me my eyes. Your son was preparing to go on a conquest into earth and wage war against heaven. You literally ripped my eyes out, stabbed me way too many times and ruined every chance I had at escape." I said realizing I needed to calm down as I stopped.

"How did you escape." She asked looking at the ground.

"I did something worse then a demon." I said slowly.

"Sure you did. But how can you leave and try to live a normal life again." She asked moving closer slowly.

"Because I wasn't ready to die. I'm still not ready to die. I want to see what becomes of the people I meet." I said as she walked into me as I held her.

"A truce it is then." She said.

Even the human part of a demon will continue to exist. It's just together.

"So what are you going to do now." She asked.

"I'm going to live a normal life. At least as normal as I can." I said letting go of her.

"Good luck with that. You made a lot of enemies. A lot of demons will want to claim the power of the demon kings you killed." She said looking behind me.

"I'm sure we could have been good friends in a past life." She said turning around as a black limozin pulled up.

"Just don't give in too much." I said turning around to see my grandpa looking at me from the door as he opened it now.

I walked back through the grass and up the steps.

"Friend of yours." He asked seriously.

"Just a person I new." I said walking inside.

More like she is the the current demon of blood. Blood being one of the strongest ranks among demons. Not like she also caused the black plague or anything as well.

I said feeling the presence leaving and I fell asleep.

I spent the day just relaxing and preparing for school. Grandpa gave me a old work phone of his. He had it set up for me the day before so I could call him.

But if the demons became weaker in the over world. Then that would make sense why my power also weakened so much. I guess it's a different realms power.

But if she could enter this world so easily then others would as well. But thinking more I realized the rules. Demons and angels cannot enter this world to destroy it. That would mean a demon or angel couldnt now enter earth and cause complete chaos among a huge crowd.

As I woke up and got ready for school I grabbed my bag and got on the bus. From there I got off and bought a coffee and made my way to school. The best part of waking up early is you get more time before school starts.

I walked inside and went to the office.

"So your the new kid." The attendant said handing me a paper.

"Guess so." I said looking at my classes.

They were all very basic classes. Thanks to gaining knowledge from demons I was guaranteed easy high grades.

I smirked while walking through the halls into my class. I turned and looked for a empty seat.

"Lucas." A voice said.

My head turned to see Lucy sitting down with some friends it seemed.

"Hey how you doing." I said waving at her and walking over.

"You know this guy." One of the other girls in her group said.

"Yes, is that a problem." Lucy said.

"Never said it was." Her friend said looking back at me.

"So how you two meet." Another one of her friends asked.

At that we both went silent.

"Just tell us." One of her friends said.

"He saved me from some creep on the bus over the weekend." Lucy said making sure only her group heard.

"Wow. A real knight in shiny armor." Her friend said chuckling.

"Those don't exist." I said stone cold and way too seriously.

"Oh, sorry." The two girls said as the bell rang.

I took a empty seat in back row as our teacher walked in. He seemed like a nice guy. He stood on the front of class as another student walked in. My instincts kicked in the moment I felt aura.

'cant she leave me alone already.' I thought.

The demon from last night walked in cheerfully.

"Hello my name is Regina Hounds." She said happily looking around.

Her long hair and beautiful figure seemed to catch all the boys off guard. She didn't have the biggest assets but she just had that beauty. A heard one of the boys say he would die for a girl like her.

What he didn't know is that if he did actually die he would probably meet her. About seventy percent of people go to hell. But it's always possible to move up to heaven. As hell is a punishment that is not always enternal.

"That will do." My teacher said taking a breath.

Either he was caught off guard as well or he could feel the evil aura from her.

"Feel free to sit next to anyone you want." My teacher said tossing her to the wolves.

"You can sit here."

"We have a empty seat over here."

It was like all the boys in the class had their brain turned dumb. The girls however looked at the boys like they were true creeps.

"Sorry, but I think I'm going to sit with Lucas." Regina said, politely saying no and walked over to the seat next to me.

Immediately the boys seemed defeated and a few sent daggers my way I gladly accepted. As soon as the boys glaring at me saw me looking back they turned to mush and looked the other way.

Lucy turned around looking at me with a questionable face.

"Why are you here." I whispered to her as she took a seat next to me.

"You don't really think I'm going to let another get that power of yours." She whispered and moved her desk a little more to the right closer to me.

There was no way no one notices as I felt a new anger pass through the class at me.

'cut me a break you guys. I don't want to sit next to demon who created the black plague and tore my eyes out.' I thought to myself.

I won't forget the pain of having my eyes torn out so easily.