

copy paste so I can listen to it - not mine find original on fanfiction.net named - A new world to conquer by lordofthegrey

supahsanic6969 · TV
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25 Chs


Harrenhall, The Riverlands.

"I still don't get why you're so disappointed Jon," I said.

"I thought the Ruby Ford would be… you know more." He muttered.

I rolled my eyes, "You didn't expect to find some of Rhaegar's rubies there in the ford, did you?"

He blushed and the retort died in my mouth as a black monstrous castle appeared in the distance.

"Fuck me," Ramsay said as we laid our eyes on the ruined towers of Harrenhall.

The formerly largest castle in the Seven Kingdoms – Winterfell holds that place now, was a dark, ruinous place. Named after its builder, King Harren Hoare, Harrenhall was a gigantic castle that stood amidst vast tracts of green and fertile lands. When it has stood proudly in the past, now most of the towers were bent, lumped and cracked from the melting of the stone by Aegon Targaryen Dragon's.

It was foolish; Harren thought that he could starve out Aegon's and the riverlands armies while he remained behind his safe walls, so Aegon flew over with his dragons and burned them all in their tower.

After a long, bloody history of dead lords, House Whent, originally knights sworn to Harrenhal, became lords of the castle for their part in defeating the Lothstons.

The castle was also the place where everything started for the Rebellion.

The tourney of Harrenhal, said to be the greatest tourney of its time. During the tourney's opening ceremonies, fifteen-year-old Ser Jaime Lannister was admitted into the order of the Kingsguard. Although Jaime wanted to compete in the tourney the next day, King Aerys commanded him to return to King's Landing that night to guard Queen Rhaella and Prince Viserys.

However, the true tragedy sturck at the ending of the tourney; Rhaegar Targaryen was champion of the joust, defeating four knights of the Kingsguard, and in the end he chose Lyanna Stark as the new queen of love and beauty, placing a crown of blue winter roses in her lap. Angering the people of Dorne, his wife's people, and Robert Baratheon, Lyanna's betrothed.

A year later, the rebellion ended and the Targeryans lost their crowns, most dead or in exile.

All of that happened because one horny kid. I however disagreed; there was something weird in Rhaeger kidnapping Lyanna Stark.

It didn't matter right now though.

"Wanna check it from the inside?" Ramsay asked excitedly.

I looked over to the sun, "It's almost nightfall, perhaps we should head inside and request lodgings from Lady Whent."

"Fine with me," Jon shrugged. "Maybe we could climb to the top of the towers and see the view from upstairs."

Ramsay lost his excited face quickly and was replaced with a mask of horror, "Maybe we shouldn't." I calmed him down.

"Lady Whent, thank you for your hospitability," I said,

The old lady of Harrenhall nodded, "You'll be welcomed at Harrenhall as long as you stay here, my lord."

I smiled and followed the servant to my rooms.

"Thank you," I waited till all the servants were asleep and quickly got out of my room where I found Ramsay and Jon waiting with a torch.

"Ready to go?

They both nodded and we started walking through the dark corridors with only the torch light guiding us, the musty smell of rotten wood filling our nostrils, cobwebs filling the spaces behind columns. The heavy rain was rattling against the wooden roof of the barracks and buildings. The walls were broken and full of holes offering glimpses of the rest of the rooms.

A flash of lightning illuminated the tower and all I could see was the endless dark corridor with no one in sight. I rubbed my eyes from the sudden light and continued walking softly.

Jon said hesitantly, "We should go back."

"Afraid of the dark, Snow?" Ramsay said mockingly.

Jon glared at him and refused to answer.

"There's nothing in here. Are you expecting to find ghosts in her…- FUCKING HELL." Jon

A swarm of bats emerged from behind a tapestry, spooking the hell out of me.

Get a grip on yourself, I thought. You're an ex-dark lord who has seen more horrors than a bloody dark corridor.

We found a dark elaborate room in the end of the corridor. Lady Whent stayed at the lowest level of the tower, so that wasn't her room. Intrigued we decided to enter. Stepping over that rotten threshold was like crossing into another world, one where the crumbling walls groaned around us like a dying beast, and the movement of the door rattled dust around thickly causing us to cough.

"The Mad Lady Lothston once ruled this castle, cooking children, biting the flesh of her handmaidens, bathing in their blood and serving feasts of human flesh." Ramsay said in a spooky sound in an attempt to scare Jon. "They say that Harren's soul remains here, fading away, haunting away any who dares reside in his castle. It is said that on still nights, when the air feels heavy and the moon is blotted out by the oppressive shadow of the clouds, one who listens can hear the long wails of Harren and his children burning."

"Do they really?" A raspy voice said from the darkness.

I whirled around and my eyes focused at the sight of a ghost floating through the walls. He saw me looking and his eyes narrowed, "You can see me?" The ghost looked at me. He was tall and thick shouldered, with a square jaw and wearing an elaborate crown over his head.

"I can," I said nodding.

Before the ghost could utter another word, three other ghosts appeared from the wall and screamed so loudly that my eardrums almost burst. The skin hung from their face in fleshy tatters, with remnants of armor melted with their skin.

"My children," he said sadly, "Aegon Targaryen burned us in our tower because I wouldn't bend my knee to a fucking foreigner."

"I could free you," I suggested.

"Free me? FREE ME?" He screamed and laughed maniacally, "No boy, this castle is my masterpiece. I will remain here for the end of time."

I shrugged and started walking away, "Whatever suits you."

A hand suddenly gripped my shoulders, stopping me from walking away. "Ramsay, what the fuck are you doi-" The rest of the words died in my mouth as Ramsay's face morphed through Harren's and his children's and other various faces I couldn't recognize and back to Harren's face.

"Whoever said anything about leaving my dear boy," Harren said with a mad glint in his eyes.

"You'll stay here with us," he said as dead bodies appeared in the darkness, walking towards us and wearing different armors with sigils of a single black bat, on a field party, Five black towers on white, surrounded by a double tressure red and black,

a tripartite pale blue, red, and green on white and various others that he couldn't make out properly in the dark.

"Forever," Every dead body in the room said in unison.

I chuckled darkly, "I don't think, I will."

"Fiendfyre," I whispered with menacing red eyes.

As the dead bodies and ghosts were destroyed by the fire that consumed even magic, I quickly stumbled out of the room and locked it, walking away as if there wasn't contained hell fire devouring ghosts just behind me. I walked away towards my room where I hit face-first with two others.

"Awww come on, you went exploring without us?" Ramsay whined pitifully.

"Wha-What…?" I asked baffled.

"You look as if you've seen a ghost, cousin." Jon said amusedly.

"Afraid of the dark, Stark?" Ramsay said sarcastically.

"But.. you just.. what?" I muttered confusedly as I wiped my face. "No exploring." I said forcibly.

"But you said you wanted to…" "I know what I said and now I say no exploring," I interrupted him looking behind me at the door.

"Whatever," Ramsay said sullenly as we went back towards our rooms.

"Lord Stark, are you leaving already?" The old lady said kindly as we guided the horses out of the stables.

I replied, "Yes we are, my lady. I'm afraid we've imposed on your hospitality enough already."

She smiled, "It was a pleasure my dear to have guests in the castle. I usually entertain recruiters of the Night's Watch whenever they come by."

I thanked her and said, "I've noticed that you've a party of your own preparing as well. If you don't mind me asking, where are you going, my lady?"

"The harvest feast at Riverrun, all the lords and ladies of the riverlands are going to be there. A little bit early than in the North, I know." She said.

"Very well then, good luck on your journey to Riverrun my lady. Perhaps, I will see you there."

"Perhaps," she nodded, "Safe travels my dears."

Ramsay and Jon thanked her and rode beside me as we exited the castle.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I said with a grin.

"Lady Sheila must have been one hell of a hottie when she was young." Ramsay said.

"Exact… What the fuck Ramsay? No!" I said.

He frowned, "Well, I suppose she's still got it if you like them a bit hairy…"

I resisted the urge to palm my face and just rode on.

Isle of Faces, The Riverlands.

The harvest feast was almost 2 weeks for now and we had the advantage of being lone riders and we could reach Riverrun in almost a week.

So we decided to go to the historical place where the pact between the First Men and Children of Forest took place. It was called the Isle of Faces So that the gods could bear witness to the historic agreement, all the trees on the island would have a face carved into it and the order of the green men would be created to guard them

It was said that green men lived there and were entrusted with the Isle Faces. Some tales said they rode elks and had antlers. So filled with intrigue, we set off with a small boat towards the Isle of Faces.

"You think you'll find wizards there?" Jon asked.

I scoffed, "Doubtful, but I just want to see how the Andals failed to destroy the so-called green men."

We rowed the boat and the fog continued to increase as we approached the isle. I could feel us passing through a ward, judging our intent, and as soon as we passed it was like a haze was lifted off my senses. Everything was so… clear. I could feel the magic thrumming through and beating off the isle in a consistent drum-like rhythm.

The isle shimmered slightly and I could feel an illusion covering it. I probed it slightly and… BAM! The illusion shattered with an audible crash deafening us momentarily. Jon dropped the oars in surprise.

"By the Old Gods…" Jon said in surprise.

I could only nod in acceptance. In front of us was one of the grandest structures I've ever seen. It was almost 500 feet tall, made of entirely green glass and emeralds. It was thick and asymmetrical, as if it was emerald quartz dragged from the earth and engorgio'ed several times.

We landed on the shore and started walking attentively, looking for any sign of the fabled green men. I knew they weren't there however; there was nothing here but animals and trees.

We found some bodies in the distance and approached them softly. They were quite dead. Their skin had a green hue and was covered with twigs and branches and leaves. I shook the image of Professor Sprout that popped in my head and took a closer look.

Proud antlers were sprouted out of their skulls and most of their bodies were decaying and surrounded by roots. They must have died with the destruction of the Children. I felt a sense of melancholy at that- 3 Magical species dead because of me, and quickly regained my bearings. I was a fucking dark lord for the first century of my life not some PETA pussy.

"They're all dead." Ramsay said without any sadness in his voice.

"How astute of you," I muttered sarcastically

He just shrugged and continued walking. We passed through tens of dead green men on our way that all look like they collapsed mid-day, which they probably did. We reached the emerald construct and found a wall with engraving of a straight vertical line with a circle surrounding it and a triangle enclosing them. 'Fuck me'

"That's it?" Jon asked.

I looked at him with annoyance and pressed my hands to the symbol and felt a light prick. The moment my blood made contact with the engraving the whole construct began to melt to the ground. I had no idea what the people in Harrenhall and the surrounding lands saw and I was beyond caring right now. The emerald was falling and melting as if it was snow and after everything was gone, only a pedestal remained in place. I approached the pedestal with anticipation and excitement only to find a piece of parchment folded on it.

"A parchment? That's what the green men and children were protecting for thousands of years?" Ramsay asked incredulously.

I shrugged and opened the parchment with curiosity, only to find something that made want to burn the bloody Isle until not even the ashes remained.

A clumsy drawing on the parchment that had a tandem bicycle with a grim reaper on the back seat and something that looked suspiciously like me in my early days in the front seat. Under the drawing were the words, 'The real treasure is friendship xoxo'.

I sighed in annoyance and crumbled the piece of parchment and threw it as far as I could, "Let's go."

"What was written on it?" Jon whined.

"Let's go…" I said gritting my teeth.

"What the fuck is wrong with him, First Harrenhall and then here?" Ramsay asked.

I ignored their mutterings and jumped back on the boat staring stubbornly at the horizon as the illusion looked back down into place.

I really should've never come to the bloody Riverlands.

Riverrun, The Riverlands.

I had placed my faith that our journey would take a turn at the riverlands and were mightily disappointed. That's why I decided on annoying Hoster Tully as much as I can.

We arrived a day early and decided to camp outside the castle until next day so we would crash the feast, literally.

As soon as Jon and Ramsay were asleep I took the chance to sneak into Riverrun.

The castle was not particularly large and was constructed as a triangle. The castle is bordered on the north by the Tumblestone and on the south by the Red Fork, while on the west a third side faces a massive man-made ditch. The castle has sandstone walls which rise sheer from the water, its battlements are crenelated and have arrow loops, and its towers command the opposite shores.

I disillusioned myself and apparated inside the castle. Almost all the lords of the riverlands were in attendance and were situated inside the castle, waiting for the feast. I had to be extra careful so to not bump in anyone.

I quickly slipped through the guards and entered the main keep which was also triangular. I kept walking around aimlessly until I reached a spiral stairway that had 2 guards stationed on it. Bingo.

I climbed up and opened the door. It was Hoster's solar. Let's see what dirty secrets Hoster hided here.

I looked around the solar and couldn't find anything of importance at first glance. Everything was covered in trout and fish. What was so great about having a fish as a sigil? I flipped through the letters placed on his desk; House Mallister rising, The Brackens and Blackwoods were fighting.

Nothing interesting at all.

Was Hoster as boring as he looked? A worn looking book lied innocently in the corner of the table. I opened it and an evil grin spread on my face.

Next Day, The Feast

"Lord Tully," I said grinning at his discomfort. "Thank you for hosting us."

"Of course," he said smiling tightly, "May I request the reason of your visit?"

"I can't visit my uncle's goodfather?" I asked in mock hurt.

"Oh come off it, Hoster. Lord Stark is welcome in the riverlands at any time." A man with brown hair, a chiseled face and fierce blue-grey eyes said.

"Lord Mallister, I haven't seen you since the Greyjoy rebellion!" I greeted the man.

"Bah, as if you can call that farce a rebellion, good riddance I say."

I nodded solemnly, "They've been reaving and raiding the riverlands for too long with only you as a protection, correct?"

Lord Tully seethed in rage at the insinuation that he was doing nothing against the ironborn and Lord Mallister took notice and smirked, "Aye, Seagard was the only thing stopping the iron shit from taking all over the riverlands."

"How dreadful…" Ramsey said, barely doing an effort to sound solemn.

"Perhaps we should start the harvest feast now?" Lord Drarry said.

Hoster stumbled a bit from the reminder, "Ahh, yes of course."

We took a seat in the corner along with other guests of non-importance. Hoster seemed trying to hide us.

"So, Lord Stark, what brings you to the riverlands?" Jason Mallister said as he sat down with a smile.

"I've decided to tour the seven kingdoms for a while to get a look at the castles and meet with the lord paramounts."

He nodded, "Perfectly reasonable for a young lord, but I was under the impression that you and Hoster were at odds."

I smiled, "Are we really?"

"Yes well," He straightened up, "You're aware of course how the riverlands have been unstable so far, most of the lords have way too much food to sell and it's all going bad."

I just nodded silently waiting for him to get on with it, "Hoster is a good man, he tried to secure our borders but completely forgot about the internal matters."

"What are you proposing, Lord Mallister."

"Call me Jason, please." No, I won't. "You've heard of Edmure's tragic death last year, correct?"

"He drowned because he was trying to kiss the moon's reflection… That's not tragic, that's stupid." Ramsay said.

"And you are?" Jasona asked.

"My associate, Ramsay Snow. Now we were saying?" I said trying to get the attention back on me.

"Ah… yes of course, I hoped to arrange a…" "I thought we were friends." Ramsay gasped once more interrupting us.

I took deep breath, "Ramsay, not now."

"Is Jon an associate as well?" He said.

I looked at him blankly, "Really? We're having this conversation now?"

"Of course you are avoiding the question. It's because I don't have a pet wolf, right?" He asked looking hurt.

I looked at him for a long moment and said in a low whisper, "If you don't shut up right now, I'm going to hurt you in ways that would make even the Red Kings of old cringe."

"Fine," he huffed.

I glared him one last time before turning my attention to Mallister, "You were saying?"

"Ermm... I was thinking that perhaps since Lord Tully's heir was now your cousin Bran, we could arrange a betrothal between him and my newborn daughter, to consolidate his power in the Riverlands."

Fucking medieval cunts, "You do realize that Bran's barely of his mother's teats?"

He laughed, "I know, Lord Stark. But the other houses are going to hog you as the head of his family for marriage alliances."

I stayed silent for a moment, "After the unfortunate demise of House Frey, Your house is the most powerful vassal of The Tully's right?"

He nodded proudly.

I realized that it was just the way things done here. Marriages were the best tools to cement alliances, and I would need to use them. The least I could do to my cousin is to allow him to build a relationship with his bride to be at least, "Very well, when your daughter is 10, she'll be fostered here in Riverrun with Bran."

He looked hesitant, "I don't think that Lord Tully would agree, my lord."

"Well he's going to have to deal with it. Either he allows the betrothal and fostering, or House Tully would go extinct." I said as matter of fact.

He smiled broadly at that, "Excellent! Thank you, my lord. I knew you would see it my way."

"Shouldn't you be the slightest bit pissed that the north is hogging all the wealth and won't buy anymore grains from you?" I asked baffled.

He smirked, "Seagard is getting 5 times the revenue it got before the rise of the North. The North wealth trickles to us as well, my lord."

I smiled back at him. I really have to do something about this. The riverlands gaining wealth is acceptable; they're in my grasp anyway, but what about the Vale?

Perhaps I should arm the mountain clans and set up another base there, definitely worth thinking about.

"Lord Tully, Thank you for your hospitality. I'm afraid we're going to have to leave though." I said remorsefully.

He tried to put on the saddest face he could but his face held giddiness that we were going to leave.

I was almost at the door when I turned abruptly, "When is Bran going to be here?"

"Ned and I agreed that he would come here on his eighth name-day." He replied.

I nodded, "I agreed to a betrothal with Lord Mallister's daughter and Bran. You boys can set up everything, I'm sure."

He looked stumped for a moment before he had a broad smile on his face, "That's an excellent idea, consolidating the Tully's rule within the Riverlands. That was very thoughtful of you, Lord Stark."


Nononono, that wasn't how this was supposed to be like.

He was supposed to throw a fit because I was arranging betrothals for his heir and get that nice purple color on his face once more.

I kept my face blank as he smiled gratefully, "Of course."

I made sure to steal Lord Edmyn Tully's - the first Lord Paramount of the Trident, sword on my way out.

It definitely made me feel better.