

copy paste so I can listen to it - not mine find original on fanfiction.net named - A new world to conquer by lordofthegrey

supahsanic6969 · TV
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293 AC, The Westerlands.

After stealing Lord Tully's ancient sword, we made our way towards the Golden Tooth, the seat of House Lefford. It is located along the river road west of Riverrun. Although the Golden Tooth is a small castle, it was basically the westerlander version of Moat Cailin. . It is generally held that in order to attack the westerlands from the east, one must take the Golden Tooth to have a secure passage.

We passed through the Golden Tooth without an incident. Ramsay wanted to go to Castamere, but I thought it was a waste of time. It was out of our route and was in ruins anyway. I still didn't get how there were no bards singing songs about my victory and annihilation of the Iron Islands. I guess the Panic of Pyke wasn't that catchy but you have to admit that the Rains of Castamere was as lucky as my first name. Having a house called Reyne in Castamere and drowning the entire residents was fortunate. Had Tywin planned this in advance?

Anyway, we made our way to Casterly Rock without an incident. The Lannisters really managed to keep their vassals and lands in check. Fear was an excellent motivator – that's why I had changed my eyes into red when I started the whole being evil thing, and everyone feared Tywin's wrath.

The castle was truly something else. It didn't have that imposing figure of Winterfell but you could practically feel the wealth of the Lannisters from just looking at the Rock.

Casterly Rock is carved out of a great stone hill colossal rock in the sea. The Casterlys of antiquity built a ringfort on the peak, and as millenia have passed its natural defenses have been expanded with walls, gates, and watchtowers. It was said that Lannisport was founded because at first Lann the Clever's descendants couldn't all fit inside the Rock, so most of them relocated and established the new town.

I was exceedingly jealous of the height of the rock compared to Winterfell and was determined to fix that as soon as possible. The highest tower at Winterfell was barely 240 feet high and this monstrosity was almost 2100 feet high.

I could probably get away with annoying the fuck of Hoster and showing up announced but Tywin Lannister was still the second most powerful lord in westeros and was famous for holding grudges. He fucked over the Targaryens because Aerys refused to marry Rhaeger to his daughter. With the Lannister's support, the Targaryens would have most likely been able to win the rebellion.

We sent a raven from Riverrun announcing that we would arrive within 2 weeks; the minimum respectful amount of time to show up.

We passed through the Lion's Mouth, the main entry to Casterly Rock. It was wide enough for almost 20 riders to pass through. It was as if the Lannisters wanted to show you how wealthy they were the moment you entered their castle. Gold statuses and structures were all along the gate, some of them are worth more than what some houses ever had their entire lives.

"Lord Tywin," I said bowing my head slightly, "Thank you for having us in Casterly Rock."

He bowed his head and said nothing except look at my companions and introducing us, "My brother Kevan," motioning to a portly, balding old man, with short blond hair and the Lannister green eyes. "My sister Genna," introducing another fat, square woman with a broad and smooth face. "And my son, Tyrion," He said almost dismissively.

I got my first look on Tywin Lannister's bane of existence and the most famous dwarf in Westeros. He had the typical dwarf stubby legs, a jutting forehead, mismatched eyes of green and black, and a mixture of pale blond and black hair. He was wearing fine red and gold clothes and looked slightly drunk.

I smiled at each one of them politely and tried not to stare at Tyrion for too long. We were directed to our rooms and offered a tour in the Rock by Kevan Lannister.

"Thank you for guiding us, Lord Kevan. I fear we are somewhat a burden to your duties." I said as we met with the man.

"It was no inconvenience at all, Lord Stark. After all, all of us are indebted to you for returning Brightroar." He replied with a smile.

"It's your family's sword; I had to return it of course." I smiled, "Has Lord Tywin been looking for it for a long time."

He gained a faraway look, "Ever since we were children. Owning a Valyrian Steel blade is a great honor, so Tywin was adamant to have one for our house."

I nodded, "I understand the Starks also have a Valyrian Steel sword, Ice was its name, correct?"

"We have seven actually." I stated nonchalantly.

He tripped on the next step and almost fell if it wasn't for Jon supporting him. "Sev-Seven…?"

I looked at him with amusement as I nodded.

"I was unaware that your family had any other but Ice, my lord." He said skeptically.

I rolled my eyes and unsheathed my blade, "This is one of them, Fire." I said as he looked over the crimson and black sword with fascination.

"Another is with Uncle Ned and Benjen, while Ice is back at Winterfell. I fear a longsword isn't my weapon of choice." I continued.

"Do I get one?" Jon asked from the sideline.

I nodded, "As soon as you get legitimized."

He gained a gleam in his eyes and nodded.

"I'm sorry, you are?" Kevan asked.

"Jon Snow, my lord. Lord Stark's cousin." He said narrowing his eyes in defiance.

Kevan smiled kindly, "I have nothing against bastards my boy. My brother Gerion's daughter Joy Hill lives here with us."

"You have a brother named Gerion?" I asked, puzzled.

He nodded somberly, "He left on an expedition to Valyria to try and retrieve Brightroar but hasn't returned."

I changed the topic and asked, "So what is that?"

He looked in the direction I was pointing at, "That's a corridor," He said bluntly, "Through here you'll find the Hall of Heroes, where valiant Lannisters who have died are interred. It also contains the armors of Lannister of old."

"This is Lann the Clever's statue, our ancestor that is as famous as your own, Bran the Builder. It is said that he managed to trick the Casterly's by wit only and …"

The Feast

The feast was a generally straight forward affair. Only the Lannisters and a few other nobles that lived in the castle were in attendance. It was the dullest affair of the season. I've been to death eater meetings that were livelier. As soon as Tywin excused himself, the party started. I truly missed nightclubs. The idea of a party here was alcohol, food and silly minstrels and bards.

I had thought about introducing a school of Music and Arts to produce better quality bards and shows but couldn't bring myself to do it.

I was the Warden of the North not fucking Mace Tyrell.

I approached Tyrion as soon as I could, he was stinking from whiskey and wine but his eyes brightened as soon as he saw me coming.

A large grin found itself on my face, "A pleasure to finally meet you, Lord Tyrion."

He smiled back, "Not what most people think when meeting me, but its appreciated Lord Stark."

I sniffed, "Winterfell's Whiskey, isn't it?"

His smile broadened, "Indeed, and what a drink it is."

"There were times when wine was the only thing you could get drunk on, not what you young people keep drinking nowadays," Genna Lannister sniffed slightly.

"Regardless of your personal opinion Lady Genna, It produces an enormous amount of wealth for us. I thought Lannisters understood business?"

She rolled her eyes, "There's a difference between business and producing a dozen different drinks for drunken people of all ages."

Tyrion replied, "I believe the Maesters will call our time as the Drunken Age in their books."

I laughed, "Perhaps they will."

"I've been very interested in you, Lord Stark." Tyrion said quietly as the others scattered around.

I raised my eyebrow, waiting for him to elaborate.

"A once in a lifetime genius, they say. I've read your theories and must say I'm incredibly impressed." Tyrion said.

I bowed my head, "My thanks, Lord Tyrion."

He nodded, "I've heard that Winterfell has changed entirely as well."

"You're always welcome to come see it yourself." I said.

His face suddenly loses its previous cheer.

"I don't think my father would allow it." He said bitterly.

"Why?" I asked.

He looked at me blankly, "I'm a dwarf…" At my confused stare he continued, "Do you believe the Great Lord Lannsiter would allow his disgrace of a son to go visit any of the other Great Houses?"

I snorted, "You're exaggerating, I'm sure he would allow it."

"When I was sixteen name-days I wanted to tour the Free Cities like my Uncle Gerion and Tygett had done, he charged me of the cisterns and drains at Casterly Rock instead."

I said, "Well…" "When I was eighteen, uncle Gerion went on his journey for Valyria to recover Brightroar, he forbade me to go as well." He seemed to go on and on.

"For fuck's sake just shut up." I snapped.

His face changed into anger before carefully slipping a cold mask and apologizing politely.

"Sit down, you idiot. You're almost as bad as my cousin Jon."

He still had his cold mask on and I elaborated, "He kept moaning and pitying himself for being a bastard and acting like a little bitch."

"Your point is?" He asked.

"My point is that you should stop bemoaning your state of birth and start doing something about it instead of wallowing in alcohol and whores." I snapped.

Jon said, "I was treated like shit back at Moat Cailin, before I left to Winterfell with Cousin Brandon. So let me give you an advice, never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you."

"What the hell do you know of being a dwarf?" Tyrion asked angrily.

"Dwarves and bastards aren't so different," He shrugged, "We were both ridiculed and hated for the circumstances of our birth which we had no hand in. Make your own way in your world instead of bemoaning your life at Casterly Rock."

He gains a speculative look and said to himself, "I've always wanted to go study at the Citadel."

"Come to the North, our Citadel is larger and I'll make sure your father can't find you there." I proposed.

He looks at me suspiciously, "You would defy my father just to help me? Why?"

Because I know how it is to have a shitty father who you want to kill.

Instead I answered, "They say that you're shrewd, educated, and calculating, but receive no credit due to your deformity. By giving you a chance, I gain a great mind in the North and you'll owe me for it."

"And a Lannister always pays his debts," He answers, "I'll do it."

I blinked, "You're not going to think on it?"

"I had my entire life to think on leaving, I'm ready." He said forcibly.

I nodded, "Very well then, Take this coin," I handed him an iron coin with a direwolf head on the back and the dark mark on the front, "and give it to any northern ship. Tell them the words "winter is coming" and they'll provide you with a place on their ship and help you reach Winterfell and the Temple."

He flipped the coin, "Thank you, Lord Stark."

"Just don't waste your life and do something useful for the North and consider your debt paid." I said flippantly.

He nodded and his face broke into a wide smile, "Perhaps I could start creating new drinks."

"Perhaps," I shrugged, "Good Luck, Lord Tyrion."

The Northern Trading Post, formerly Tarbeck Hall

We stayed in Casterly Rock for almost a week after the feast enjoying the Westerlands. It was time however to go on our journey.

"I hope you've enjoyed your stay at Casterly Rock." Tywin said.

"Indeed, it's a most beautiful castle." I answered.

He nodded in thanks, "You're going to the Northern Trading Post, I assume?"

"Yes, I was hoping to check on it before going to the Reach."

"It has been generating a great deal of tax for us, and already a small city is around it." He said.

"Wonderful," I smiled, "It's most efficient in storing cargo and merchandise and distributing them to the Westerlands instead of loading them straight off the ships."

He replied, "I was hoping to start a Westerlander Trading Post like it in the North."

I nodded carefully, "What do you have in mind?"

"We could start a harbor and a city in the Rills. It's mostly an empty area in the North and starting a trading post there would populate it a bit as well as providing tax for you." He proposed.

"You want to build it from scratch?" I asked skeptically.

He nodded, "It would take perhaps 3 years, but it is the only choice."

It would probably take less with our builders but I had no intention in providing him with cement and steel.

"That sounds acceptable," I said, "I assume the terms we've agreed on Tarbeck Hall are the same?"

He just nodded silently.

"Very well, I'll send someone to accurately mark and choose the best place to start a town there and they'll wait for your builders."

He nodded once more.

"Where is Brightroar by the way? I've noticed that you weren't carrying it." I asked.

A ghost of a smile appeared on his face, "I presented it to my son, Jaime."

Ahh, the Kingslayer. Better not mention that moniker in front of his father though.

"Very well then, we must be going now. Farewell my lord."

We kicked off and were on our way with a party of 50 Lannister soldiers to Tarbeck Hall.

The reason I chose Tarbeck Hall not Castamere was its strategic position. The Trading Post lied on a hill that had direct view of Casterly Rock and Lannisport. It was quite far, but the magically enhanced cannons could probably reach the Rock accurately. The harbor as easily accessible to land troops whenever needed and any blockade by Lannister ships were going to get destroyed quickly by cannons. It was nigh impregnable with our repairs and it would take months of siege for it to fall.

The cannons and weapons were hidden from sight of course. 500 soldiers were stationed there permanently to provide protection.

The new trading post was on the surface built as only a trade city. Merchants and bazaars and storages were all around. High walls surrounded the city and the port and the city was bustling with action. 10 trusted agents of mine ruled the city and made sure everything went without complication.

The lower empty rooms that once housed the mines however were entirely devoted to weapons. Secret tunnels were built all around the city that was 5 riders wide to allow reinforcements from land. Explosive bolts and cannons were stored downstairs as well as some of the wildfire I managed to replicate.

I met with the agents and quickly went over the ravens that were delivered to me from Winterfell, nothing out of the ordinary, thankfully. Everything was going smoothly back home. The north was a well-oiled machine that could function without input now.

"My lord, has everything been up to your standards." One of the men asked hesitantly.

I looked over the numbers. They were very well actually; revenue has almost quadrupled since the exportation of ice. But first rule as a dark lord was to never give your followers too much praise lest they get lazy.

So instead of praising the man, "They're… okay. I expect that you will build several more ice houses and expand the harbor a bit."

The man nodded quickly, "Of course, my lord."

"Now what did you want to show me?" I asked.

"Please follow me, my lord." The man said as his eyes sparked with excitement.

I followed the man to the deepest level of the building and passed through numerous corridors. If I didn't trust my followers I would've assumed he was an assassin trying to corner me.

He opened the door and led me inside.

I was almost blinded by the sight that greeted me. Diamonds and lots of them were scattered all around the mine as far as I can see. This mine was probably worth as much as Casterly Rock.

"How did the former owners miss this?" I asked the man baffled.

He straightened up, "It was extremely deep my lord, we only managed to find it because of the mages. They came here and managed to pull it from the ground to ease the mining process."

See what I'm talking about? Well-oiled machine.

"That's okay then, but I still don't see the reason why you brought me here…" I asked.

"Ah, of course. It's actually a plant we've managed to find, we've been keeping it here under statsis."

I nodded and followed the man.

He lifted a piece of cloth and I blinked at him and said dryly, "Congratulation, That's Cannabis."

"Well the thing is my lord is that we've managed to acquire it from a merchant from Qarth. Many nobles are paying ridiculous amounts of gold to get their hand on it."

"Westerosi nobles get high?" I asked myself.

"Very well then, send that plant back with one of the Winter Mages and order him to start planting in it in greenhouses in large quantities and I'll send them blueprints for the making and processing of tobacco and marijuana."

"Right away, my lord," He said.

Grains, meat, silk, ice and now tobacco and marijuana.

I was revolutionizing industry and slowly turning into a merchant king without even noticing it.

I need some violence to re-establish my fearsome reputation.

Tourneys, here I come.