
Hex-The lies you were told

You were told that there are only six infinity stones and that they each existed when the universe first made its appearance as The Big Bang, but what if I told you that these were all lies. Lies told to protect you from the truth, to protect you from the weapon and definition of death and destruction? Hex, the name given to the mortal that was so unfairly forced and chosen to become the pain and misery of this power. The 'mother' of all six infinity stones. The original stone that overpowers them all.

Marnika_Stander · Película
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20 Chs

A Reunion

-Present day-

"Where were you brother?! I thought you were dead!" Thor yelled at his younger brother standing before him.

After Loki made is appearance to Hex, E.D.I.T.H alerted the others of his presence. Thor was the first one running out of his room to see whether the news were true.

"To be fair brother, you thought I was dead before." Loki said casually, a small smile playing on his face. He knew Thor wasn't truly angry with him. Thor simply did not want to believe too quickly in hope of his brothers return.

Hex simply made some coffee in the kitchen, tuning in on the conversation at hand. She loved it when the two brothers bickered like this, she knew that they only did that because they cared for one another so much.

"I thought I lost you. I thought I was the only one left. Blamed myself for your end." Thor stated sadly. His head hanging slightly and his eyes trained on the floor. "Why did you not come back brother? We could have used your help. I could have used your help!"

"You of all people know very well that Thanos would have made sure you died first or try to get inside my head again! I would rather have you believe I was truly gone than you thinking I betrayed you again by putting a blade against your throat!" Loki shouted at his brother.

Hex sat down on the couch next to the two brothers while the others left to their chambers. Trusting Thor and Hex enough to handle the personal issue at hand. Although they did not go to sleep just yet. They stayed on high alert at all times, especially Carol Danvers who only knew Loki as a villain.

"You could have at least warned me beforehand! I could have helped you. We could have stopped him together." Thor said.

"You know him now well enough to know that would never have happened. Besides, he would have seen it in your head. He would've known that I wasn't truly dead." Loki sighed, sitting down on the couch across his brother and Hex. He no longer sported his leather and armour, but rather a more casual look. A dark green long sleeve sweater and black pants. His shoulder length hair tied up in a bun resting low on his head, a few loose strands falling in front of his face.

"I want to give you a hug brother, but I am not sure if you are still the brother I had before you left." Thor said softly folding his arms. He no longer sported his armour either. His tank top clung tightly to his muscles and his sweatpants hanged loosely on his waist.

Loki simply stood up and opened his arms for his brother. Surprised by his actions, Hex just stared at this phenomena before her and simply sipped on her coffee. Thor did not spare a second however and embraced his brother standing before him. Thor has waited ages to hug his brother and he finally has the chance to simply embrace him for who they truly are to one another. Brothers, nothing less to than equal to each other.

Loki stepped away from his brother and awkwardly straightened his clothes and quickly sat down again. Hex coughed trying to hide a giggle from emerging and continued drinking her coffee from her mug that seem to suddenly look very interesting.

Thor clasped his hands together, a big smile plastered on his face. Seemingly unaware of how much Loki hated giving hugs, but he did not want to sadden his brother anymore. Loki would never admit it but it hurt him more to leave than it did for his brother.

"I will speak with you both tomorrow then. I am heading for my chambers. Goodnight Hex," He smiled and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight brother." Thor beamed at Loki and swiftly turned around and left for the night, taking Stormbreaker with him.

Hex stared at her mug and drank the last of her coffee. Pretending not to notice Loki intently studying her features. He truly did miss just admiring her, he had perfected every detail of her face. Except for her new scar she bared trailing from her jaw to her neck. It had a slight colouring around it if you looked close enough, barely visible. A Midgardian would simply miss it but not a god like him.

A cursed wound. He thought. There was only one person in the universe who would have succeeded such a curse on someone like Hex. Odin. Of course Loki also noted that the wound was elegantly done. It was a surgical wound, not one from a fight.

"You never answered my question." Loki spoke up, referring to when he first made his appearance an hour or two ago.

"Technically for me it felt like I only saw you a few days ago." Hex smiles sadly, putting her empty cup on the coffee table in front of her. "And yet," she continues, "I also feel like I'm seeing you again for the first time. You unfortunately don't get much of an answer I'm afraid." She spoke with a small laugh and a sad smile on her features.

"It's enough of one for me to know." Loki spoke sadly. His intense gaze fixed on Hex.

Ever since he met Hex, emerald green became a frequent colour in his wardrope. It reminded him of her eyes. How they seem to hold the whole universe filled with life in them.

He only realised now, staring into them, that the shine they once had was no longer there. It seems a sadness had overtaken them. They're much darker than they use to be. He slightly frowns at this since he remembers that they always seem to fade a bit more each time she had to work with Odin.

It was almost as if the Allfather drained more and more of her morality. Odin always preferred Hex using the dark side of her gifts.

Loki never truly saw his own eyes changing as well. Not because of how Odin treated him through out his life. No. It seems as if each time Hex loses a piece of herself, Loki does too.

He doesn't notice that his love for her makes him even more broken than he already is. She doesn't notice that her love of trying to pick up what he is losing is drowning her. They both try to fix one another only to be left more broken in the process. As if their souls are at a constant battle to keep each other afloat.

The silence between them was loud as they both sat, staring at everything but each other. Hex never needed to sleep. For which she is grateful for since she just woke up from one that lasted almost a century.

Again, her eyes found Loki's wrists. She could see that he bared a few knew ones on them. As she stares sadly at them, Loki's gaze towards her goes unnoticed.

"I'm sorry." She spoke. Her eyes fixed on his.

"For what, darling?" Loki asked confused. He doesn't remember anything she needed to apologize for. In fact, he felt as if he was the one who needed to apologize.

"That I was not there when you needed me the most. That I never said goodbye. That I dissapeared and left you alone. That it felt like as if you did something wrong." Hex said, a silent tear making its way down her cheek.

"I didn't have a choice and I didn't know that I would be leaving you behind. If I did I would've made sure that you were okay. I would've hugged you until they had to tear me away. I didn't...."

"Shhh, hey darling don't cry." Loki spoke gently. Standing up and sitting next to her small figure. He put his around her shoulders and wiped her tears away with his palm.

Loki hated seeing Hex cry. She didn't cry every often, but when she did the universe were at a standstill. He felt hopeless and his whole world seemed to crash before him. He would give his life it meant for her to no longer shed a tear.

Thanos always thought Loki's mind and his emotions was his weakness to control him. The god of mischief was thankful that only he knew that Hex could bring him to his knees.

"I know it wasn't your fault. I have to admit that the first few weeks was torture. My life for me did not matter during that time. My will to live seem to have left along with you. My purpose no longer written in the books of destiny." Loki sighed and caressed Hex's hair.

"When I found out that Odin was behind your sudden disappearance, I tried everything I could to find you. I hated him for it. No matter what I did, he always seemed make sure I never have an ounce of happiness in my life." Loki suddenly said angrily. His skin growing colder by the minute.

"He couldn't even tell me where you were since he did not want to know himself. He told me that it was for the better and that I should instead focus on different matters. He also seemed to have forgotten to tell me what I truly am!" By now Loki started turning a pale blue and his markings appeared along with it.

Hex noticed this and slowly started sitting upright. She stared at him while he spoke. His eyes now changing as well as he focuses on the floor. She did not try to calm him down, instead she let him release all of his built up emotions he kept locked away.

"I didn't mean to hurt him. I was just angry and I didn't know what I was doing. After that, everything seemed to have fallen apart. Frigga lost her life and the last thing I spoke to her was how she wasn't my mother. I was too stubborn to say how I really felt." His skin was no longer blue and his markings had gone, only to be replaced by tears.

"I was so consumed by hatred for myself and the world that I completely disregarded any thought of finding you. I thought myself weak and undeserving of your presence..." he trailed off. Hex now wiping his tears away from his face.

She hated seeing him cry too, but knew that at this moment he had to let it all out. She cupped his face, forcing their eyes to meet and waited for him to continue.

Loki sighed and looked down again, "It was only after Hela and facing death that I realised why I have felt so alone and empty all these years. I have cut off and refused any form of affection from anyone. I started accepting Thor more into my life which made me feel like his brother again." Loki suddenly whipped his head up, " Do not tell him this. He will humaliate me even more than when we did 'Get Help' again."

"I have to know what led to you doing 'Get Help' again!" Hex laughed.

"The matter is not important." Loki said, his brows furrowed trying to look intimidating of which he knew has no affect on Hex. Yet, he always still seem to try.

"Oh I beg the differ. Maybe I'll ask Thor about it and he can tell the story to everyone." Hex teased. She only received a dissaproving look from Loki which only made her laugh more.

Loki suddenly had a small smile tugging at his lips when he saw Hex rolling her head back in her fit of laughter. He immediately stopped when she calmed down to look at him again. He didn't want her know that he quite enjoyed her teasing. He appreciated her trying to make him feel better.

"As I was trying to tell you," Loki looked at Hex, waiting for her to laugh again but she didn't. She just stared into his eyes waiting for him to speak. "After I started letting my emotions in again I realised that I needed to find you."

"Because I could have prevented this war and killed Thanos before he could achieve anything?" Hex asked, use to the fact that she was used for her gifts.

"No, I did not care about that. I knew that everything would work out eventually. I just had to find you. I had to find you, because you were the missing piece of me that I lost all those years ago. I had to find you because with you by my side it felt real. My life was complete and I felt like I was home. I felt as if I belonged." Loki said. His palm once again on her cheek. His eyes admiring her beautiful features.

"It took me too long to locate you and everything turned into chaos when Thanos won. All contacts that knew about your location disappeared along with their secrets. I am sorry love, that it took me this long to find you." He said, leaning his forehead onto hers.

"I promise to never leave you again Loki. I don't like being away from you. My world is broken without you by my side. I never truly felt wanted until I met you and I never had a place to call home before you. I will never have the need to say goodbye again and neither do you." Hex spoke softly. Her eyes closed as she enhaled his scent.

Their embrace always calmed one another and they both relished in the comfort. Loki kissed Hex's forehead and leaned back onto the couch. Hex snuggled into his chest and they both just stared out the window into the might sky. Content in each other's presence.

Neither of them noticed the colours of her scar starting to spread a fraction more and her eyes once again turning into a darker shade.