
Hero Story: You Are Special

Imagine a world where magic is real and some possess unique abilities that defy reason. But what happens when you lack both? In a world where being special is common and normal is strange. Asher Himmel is a young boy who lives only with his grandfather, in a seedy neighborhood along with other people that society has turned its back on him for having mediocre or non-existent skills. One day, while cleaning, Asher finds his grandfather's comic book collection and decides to read it out of boredom, not knowing that this would inspire him with the nobility and moral dilemmas of those subjects called 'heroes'. But that would not be the only thing that would change in the young man, as he would be visited by a being of indescribable appearance, which gives him a chance to become a 'hero'. This is the story of a young Argonaut whose ordinary dreams are transformed into something extraordinary, challenging the very notion of what it means to be a hero.

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27 Chs

Chapter 8: Trial by Fire

Asher Himmel

October 23rd, 2010

Home of Eugene Himmel

Today is an important day as my skills will be put to the test by an inspector from the Superhuman Registration Office. In my moments without heroic activity, I have been setting the stage for my debut as a Superhuman. Considering the simplicity and versatility of [Superhuman Strength], I decided to make it my unique ability public. 

I was researching if there are people with more than one unique ability on the internet, and the results I got were surprising. Apparently when a person develops two unique skills, they are called "Mutated" and usually tend to develop violent behaviors because their brains undergo a drastic change to withstand the pressure of possessing two Talents. Some forums even claim that the mutated are treated by some countries as potential criminals and are watched at all times. I felt a bit terrified as I read about it, since if the Superhuman Registration Office finds out that I have three unique Abilities, I could end up being like "an animal in captivity".

My [Miracle Machine] must be a secret, as well as the Talents obtained as a result of that ability. At least in my public life, already for my identity as a hero, I will use them without a second's hesitation.

While I was sunk in my thoughts, the doorbell started ringing. I rushed to open the door. As I did so, a man in a smart suit, short in stature and somewhat overweight quickly entered my home. He went over to sit on a piece of furniture without asking.

-Grigory Santana from the Superhuman Registration Office at your service. Let's save the greetings and go ask you a few questions. I warn you that my unique ability allows me to detect lies, so try to be honest," said the man while eating some peanuts that he took out of his pants.

At those words, I could only shake my head in agreement but I really felt nervous knowing Grigory's talent. I had to choose my words well if I didn't want to finish before taking my first steps.

-What is your name?

-Asher Himmel

-Do you live alone?

-No. I live with my grandfather.

-Please limit yourself to answering my questions specifically. No details unless I ask you to...


- Are you a possessor of unique abilities?

-yes -

-Are you a mutated?

At that question, I kept silent and thought about my words. I didn't know how Grigory's talent worked, so I was careful not to say any information that would put me in a compromising position.

- What is a mutated?

-There are humans who acquire two talents instead of one. We call them mutants. Now that you know, you can answer my question.

-I awakened a single talent naturally.

At my answer, Mr. Santana remained silent for a few moments. I managed to see a light at the end of the road, for I had not lied, since I actually obtained one talent naturally, the rest were a consequence of it.

Grigory Santana

October 23rd, 2010

Eugenio Himmel's house

My talent [Master Spy] allows me to detect lies through pattern change analysis. Liars tend to make involuntary gestures when lying. While there are professionals who are able to disguise them and manage according to their lies, they cannot cover everything. The rhythm of their breathing, heartbeat and rate of speech are some of the patterns I can notice when talking to a person.

As I started talking to Asher I could notice that his heartbeat became faster when he learned about the effect of my talent, which is normal but curiously there was no variation when he learned about the mutated. As if he had been informed before, which leaves me with some suspicions, especially about why he asked me about the mutants if he already knew about them.

I didn't want to waste any more time with my suspicions so I proceeded to the practical tests.

-- What can your talent do? -

-I have super strength.

-It's a pretty generic effect for a unique ability. There are plenty of spells and potions that can give the same effect efficiently, plus talents that bring super strength as a side effect. I'll need to test you to see how effective your talent is.

I recited a simple incantation slowly while pointing to the ground.

xx Born: Obsidian xx

A chunk of a large black mineral formed on the ground. 

- I used a level 2 magic to form that chunk of ore from the ground. I changed its composition to increase its weight and hardness. I need in the first instance, lift that ore up to your shoulders for as long as you can-.

That ore weighs 500 kilograms and is as hard as titanium. If you can at least move it a few centimeters, I'd be satisfied, but obviously I won't let you know.

Asher Himmel

October 23rd, 2010

Eugenio Himmel's house

In this test, I must be as reserved as possible. I must not give my all to avoid drawing attention to myself, so I will make it look like I can barely lift that piece of ore.

I approached the black ore on the ground, bent my legs and placed both my hands on my target. The obsidian was lighter than I thought it would be, so I had a hard time feigning difficulty lifting it. I lifted it in 3 minutes and lasted 2 minutes with it above my shoulders, until I collapsed and dropped it to the side.

Grigory looked at me in surprise. I imagined that my mediocre demonstration caused him shock, to which I wondered if I should have lasted longer.

Grigory Santana

October 23rd, 2010

Eugenio Himmel's house

Using doping to increase physical capabilities, can endow you with enough strength to lift up to 2 times your weight. Magic can double that. 

A 15-year-old teenager, who at most I estimate weighs 100 pounds, was able to lift more than 10 times his weight. This is an astonishing finding. Besides, he had no control problems as is usual among first-time Superhumans. He has a lot of potential.

-The tests are over for today. In a few days, we will send your Superhuman license with a courier. We will also look forward to having you attend our Superhuman Training Institute in case you wish to develop your Talent alongside people your own age.

I patted the boy on the shoulder and reached over to get rid of the ore. When I looked at it closely, I noticed that both of Asher's hands were marked on it. That meant he probably had even more strength than he showed before me. It was interesting to think of the things that boy could do.

-I bid him farewell. I gave the young man an unopened bag of peanuts I still had left and headed for the door.

As soon as I left the Himmel home, I decided to call the office to tell them about my find, but without warning, a young man in his early 20's with black hair and red eyes approached me with the intention of asking me a question.

-Excuse me, I'm a little busy. I don't have any money to give you.

-Don't worry young man, I don't need money from you. I need something else.

-I told you I'm busy.

My ability heightened my senses to detect lies, but it didn't necessarily mean that it only activated when someone was lying. It was always active, giving me signals that I interpreted as lies or truth.

The moment the subject approached me, I began to smell a rather intense metallic odor which was unmistakable.... It was blood. Not only that, there were more smells mixed in, it felt like I was in the middle of an autopsy. My senses told me that this guy was dangerous but I had some confidence in my magical abilities.

- Have you killed anyone recently? -

-Yes, and soon I will kill you, and devour your flesh," said the man with a smile.

For the first time, I wished it was all a lie, but it was not. With no doubt in my eyes, I used a quick spell.

x Ant Trap x

The ground where the young man stood became a pit of sand for a few moments, only to turn back to asphalt as the boy's feet sank.

Quickly, I conjured my most powerful spell, as the red-eyed young man remained static.

xxxxx Atlas xxxxx

In that small space, I multiplied gravity, causing that space to sink a great distance and with it, the young man.

At best, his bones ended up turned to dust but for some reason, I still felt uneasy, which is why I decided to approach the hole to check on the boy's corpse.

As I approached, a figure leapt quite high from inside the hole. It was the young man, completely unharmed, with black bone armor and two black tentacles on his back. 

-It was a good massage. From your magical abilities, I can imagine you're from the Superhuman Record Office. A big shot. I wonder if by devouring you I can get your abilities," said the young man as he licked his lower lip.

I'm in trouble...