
Hero Story: You Are Special

Imagine a world where magic is real and some possess unique abilities that defy reason. But what happens when you lack both? In a world where being special is common and normal is strange. Asher Himmel is a young boy who lives only with his grandfather, in a seedy neighborhood along with other people that society has turned its back on him for having mediocre or non-existent skills. One day, while cleaning, Asher finds his grandfather's comic book collection and decides to read it out of boredom, not knowing that this would inspire him with the nobility and moral dilemmas of those subjects called 'heroes'. But that would not be the only thing that would change in the young man, as he would be visited by a being of indescribable appearance, which gives him a chance to become a 'hero'. This is the story of a young Argonaut whose ordinary dreams are transformed into something extraordinary, challenging the very notion of what it means to be a hero.

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27 Chs

Chapter 10: Scars

Asher Himmel

October 24th, 2010

Eugenio Himmel's house

I opened my eyes, only to realize when I looked at my grandfather's alarm clock that it was 1 pm the next day, so I got out of bed, with great pain in my body due to the blows I received yesterday.

I went to the bathroom, and when I saw myself in the mirror, I could see that the bandages on my body were dirty, so I decided to take a bath, washed my wounds with alcohol and put on new bandages. I was not an expert, but I managed to tie them securely. I regret not wishing for a healing skill or medical knowledge this time, but when I get the [Miracle Machine] ready again I will definitely ask for it.

After I finished getting ready, I made myself a light lunch and leaned back on the furniture to watch some TV. I watched cartoons to relax, but suddenly the program was interrupted to show a full news segment.

{We interrupt your regular programming to inform you of something that happened on the borders of Eternity. Apparently an unidentified being, which we will refer to as a "creature", attacked an Inspector of the Superhuman Registration Office while he was performing his duties. The event happened yesterday at 5 pm. Below, we will show a video and images taken by the Inspector's cell phone camera}

In the video on the screen, Grigory was attacking the creature with his most powerful spells, while that creature was just laughing and waiting for his mana to run out. The moment the spells stopped, the creature lunged at Grigory and began to devour his arm.

I hadn't realized that Grigory was recording what happened while pretending to be unconscious. He must have nerves of steel to show no reaction as his arm was being devoured.

Suddenly the video was paused making a close-up of the beast's face.

{As you can see, the creature looks human at first glance, but if you look closely, it has tentacles on its back and the exoskeleton of a Chimera. Scientists believe it is a new type of beast that can transform itself or acquire characteristics from what it eats. There is also a high probability that... it is a superhuman with a unique ability... }

Hearing that, I felt so much disgust. To know that a human could commit such acts, it's horrible. I could notice the discomfort on the reporter's face as she watched the video.

{You may be wondering how we managed to get this video, and what happened to the Inspector. For that, we have brought a special guest}

At that instant, Grigory entered the stage. It caused me some happiness that he managed to save himself, although I felt bad to see the total absence of his left arm. Grigory, assisted by a team of doctors, sat down on a prepared chair in front of the reporter.

{Un Placer. I am Grigory Santana, the inspector from the on-screen video. I was examining a superhuman, when I was cruelly attacked by that creature. If I am still alive today, it is thanks to the dedication and sacrifice of a stranger. Please pay close attention to the footage below}

In the video, my fight against the creature was shown. I was a little embarrassed to see my costume on TV, but it felt pretty good to see my efforts recognized.

{Thanks to this stranger, who selflessly helped me, I was able to survive. And if you are watching now, I want you to know that I will thank you all my life} Grigory said as he knelt down.

{Are you not interested in the identity of your savior?} Asked the reporter

{If someone is masked, it is because his identity is not public. He saved me, and whether or not we know his identity doesn't change that fact} Grigory said.

My heart felt a huge peace listening to Grigory's honest words. It was amazing the feeling of helping people. My wounds and scars were not in vain. Being a hero is definitely one of my best decisions. I cried from happiness.

{Your words were very touching Grigory. Our newscast sent reporters to the Eternity Frontier and apparently you were not the only person saved by that masked man}

Immediately, a lot of confessions and videos started to loop, in which people from the border showed their gratitude towards the masked man, from simple acts like helping to find a child with his mother to saving the stock distribution center. Everything was rolling like a huge snowball, until today it showed itself in the form of a beautiful thank you. As I cried in my furniture, I could only pray and thank the heavens for giving me such a beautiful life, and talent.

Life is full of beautiful moments, that make us thankful to be breathing.

{Speaking of the masked man, don't you think the light around him is very beautiful?} Said the reporter as she zoomed in on a piece of footage of him using the [Wings of Aegis].

{There is no doubt that the light accompanying the masked hero is beautiful. It reminds me of a story my mother used to read to me at night} Grigory said.

{You're not talking about "Argonaut Regulux"? My grandmother read me that book, too!} Exclaimed the reporter.

{Yes. That story in which a god, seeing the evil present in man, sends one of his angels named Regulux to destroy mankind, but the latter, contrary to his master's wishes, descends to earth, to heal the hearts of men, helping them in their problems, no matter how small or big. At the end of the story, God destroys the angel for his disobedience but the humans manage to save themselves, so Regulux shows a sincere smile in his last moments of life, leaving a life lesson to his creator: "Small selfless acts and perseverance can transform the most intense darkness into the brightest light". God, repentant for his actions, turns the remains of Regulux into a star, from which a warm and bright light shone that would last even when the last star went out} Grigory narrates 

{I always thought it was too sad for a children's story} Said the reporter

{Yes. But I consider that to feel sad for Regulux is to belittle his sacrifice and work} Grigory said.

{Do you consider that masked man to be a real-world Regulux?} Asked the reporter

{He's just a human who decided to make things right and use his powers for others. A human who decided to save his fellow humans without asking for anything in return. And worse, to save those we gave up. To answer your question, I do consider the masked one a Regulux} Grigory said.

That's how I got my first hero nickname: Regulux. It's a great name and with a great mission. Before that story, I promise to give my all for the sake of others. No matter how stormy and hard the road may be.

As I took the oath, I turned off the TV and went to the basement to read comics for the rest of the day.

Grigory Santana

October 24, 2010

Central News, Eternity

It was a very long segment but it felt pretty good, I just hope people were influenced by my words.

-Thank you very much for your assistance. Would you like a ride to the nearest teleportation crystal?

-Of course... Excuse me, my work is calling me.

I took the phone out of my right pocket and took the call. It was quite short and precise, but it still managed to cause me a lot of panic. The call was summed up in one sentence: "the creature escaped while on its way to the Superhuman prison".

The worst part of the case was that our suspicions about the creature's identity were correct. It was a human...

-Excuse me, are you all right," said the reporter worriedly.

-I need to wash my face," I said as I walked away.

The creature could be anywhere by now. I couldn't know how or when but I was sure that after the way I expressed myself, it would be one more victim.

I ran to the bathroom, as if it were an emergency, and threw up in the sink. Then I looked at my face in the mirror, noticing a security guard staring at me.

-You must watch out, or you could die today," said the guard as he laughed as if speaking sarcastically.

I could have taken it as a joke, but I noticed there were no lies in his words. Besides, that intense smell of blood I remembered from yesterday. In front of me was the one who devoured my left arm. The appearance was different but I was sure. 

When I thought I had left death behind, it turned out that it was just resting for a while to give me hope.

I closed my eyes and accepted my fate.

-Today I will be your prey but someday you will be in my place, and I am sure you will beg for mercy as you are engulfed in deep fear," I said as I opened my hands.

-Your blissful savior will one day be my lunch," said the creature as it transformed into a giant beast.

-Please shut up, your mouth stinks. There is a very good product called mouthwash....