
Hero of Sanity (My Hero Academia x Male Oc)

The boy stared at the ceiling of a white room, blood pasted on the walls with bodies surrounding him. What did he do to deserve such a terrible life? A quirkless kid sold off to a researcher to help the quirkless but it was all a lie and now he's suffering because of their choice. Will the boy find peace? Will he be saved? Or will he become what the researcher wanted him to become?

Acreogoth · Cómic
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15 Chs

Season 1, Episode 3


A/N: Hello Readers, The poll will end on Tuesday of this week which is November 8.


Ten Months Later... the first day of the U.A. began. Kaiyu and Hua took a blue Nissan ultima to the U.A.. For those who don't know, U.A. High is an academy that boasts the best heroics education in Japan. It sits atop a forested hill that overlooks Musutafu. He looked out the window, the sky still blue instead of red the clouds not raining down blood.

"Kaiyu, are you okay?"

He turned to face Fu hua, his smile remained on his face, Hua never seen Kaiyu get angry, sad, or even serious.

"I'm fine, just kind of nervous." He replied feeling the car stop in front of the prestigious high school. This is also his first private school, he hasn't gone to school before but now he has a chance.

He got out the car letting Hua out, he noticed an sinister presence here but it was faint. The silver-blue hair girl placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Come on, we're in Class 1-C." She said walking into the building, he followed behind his smile then dropped for a moment and there it was..a sinister grin his eyes had pupils or an iris.

"I'm right behind you!" He exclaimed running up to her and made their way to class.


In Class 1-C, they were about 5 teenagers, their homeroom teacher was none other than the Telekinesis Hero: Tornado. This made Hua freeze up the most because weather you believe it or not, she's her daughter.

"Alright you weaklings, stand up and tell us your name and quirk." She demanded calling the first student in the first row far right corner. It was none other Heo Seol-Jin and Libur.

"My name is Heo Seol-Jin...my quirk is kinda difficult to explain."

"Huh? What do you mean?" She asked confused as hell.

Libur than stood up with a wide grin, "I'm his quirk." She spoke with confidence, everyone looked at her, then back at Heo who was sweating nervously from the pressure.

Heo Seol-Jin


Ego Sword

Heo is able to summon Libur in her sword form and when he gets stronger so does she.

"I see..we'll I guess this is why Principal Nezu not to be surprised." She was able to accept that too easily.

The next student was me, I stood up from my seat and gave a wide smile that showed promising future. "My name is Kaiyu Tsuchikawa! And my quirk is unknown." He had to make sure his quirk stayed a secret.

Tornado then lifted an eyebrow, she never heard someone not knowing their own quirk. "Whatever."

And so on the rest of the class was introduced, so many new and strange quirks revealed to the class like Broken Phantsam, all quirk powers within a 100 yards of the user can not activate. This power does not affect mutant types, but any emititon created by a quirk is auto canceled within that 100 yard radials. This quirk is used by Class 1-C, Hirohito Osanai.


We followed Tornado out to ground beta, the others were dressed in their U.A gym clothes except me—I remained in my clothes because I don't like changing in front of others.

I watched as the others student did their own test with their quirk, I felt like this class was weaker. Heo doing push-ups nonstop, Lyra using her guns to fire at buildings, and Fu Hua meditating. I stood there watching them train so hard, it was like I was a commander watching soldiers train to be the top rankers in the military.

"Come on, Kaiyu. No need to be shy." Libur taunted me but I refused to listen, my head filled with a voice no one has ever heard. The voice filled with rage and denial. My body trying to calm my blood down, it seemed to rise when the voice talks.

I walked away alone, because that's how I see the world, I could never reach the top even if I become #1. "I'm heading back to class." I told Libur as Tornado watched from the sky. No matter how you look at it my power could be the very embodiment of SANITY or DESTRUCTION.

"Oi, Kaiyu was it? I don't think you know this but I can expel you anytime if you don't participate." She said despite our height she was still older, she reminded me of some I knew from long ago.

"Yes ma'am, I can't use my quirk because you wouldn't like the outcome." I caught her attention when I said outcome.

"This quirk is a curse not a blessing, you wouldn't understand but at least...just let me do something without using my quirk." He begged softly.

She then sighed and patted him on the head, she saw a familiar face just like Kaiyu's. "You're just like her.."

He was confused when she said that. "Fine you can do something else but don't make me regret it."

Kaiyu nodded before he started to do a 1 mile run before class ended. He was quite the fast and agile one. He was recommended by Pixie bob for a reason.



Your death will come soon, child of destruction.

At the cafeteria, the boy noticed that all the food around him smell good but tasted gross because of his tastebuds. He opened his bento to see his version Shrimp Curry with tomato miso soup; except his was made from animal organs such as Lions heart, lamb organs, and then for the soup it was just straight out hyena blood.

"Mind if we sit here." Heo asked Yin. Heo and Kaiyu were close like brothers no matter what people say.

"Sure!" He accepted his company, digging into his food. He scarfed down his food with little difficulty before moving onto his soup, it was delicious—no even better than a normal blood miso soup.

Libur eating something he's not familiar with in Japan, it's Korean food but he never had it before. "Is the food good?" She asked him then turned to Fu Hua who stood their with a 'I'll end you face.'

Kaiyu questioned Fu Hua, "Did I do something wrong?"

"Why didn't you tell me that it was lunchtime?"

"Because you were too busy meditating." He replied bluntly.


It sounded like Fu Hua broke the poor Kaiyu arm with ease. Though it didn't affect him he had to fake it, he didn't want to stand out like he was a boss. She walked off pissed.

"Sheesh! I never seen her this mad in her life."

"Me either."

They all turned to see a voice familiar to them alone, "Kina!"

She's the Paradox Outcast #5 member and the best elemental user of fire.

"It's been awhile, I never thought you guys would come here." She said sitting down next to Yin on his right.

"How have you been?" Libur asked with a face saying 'I'm going to kill her if she tries something!'



Rivals at best I should, but they always fought Heo before until it became a stalemate. Yin decided to beat the crap out of them to stop the endless suffering for his brother.

"Enough." Yin demanded bonking Kina on the head and Heo did the same with Libur.

"...ouch.." they wined in unison. The two then laughed, it has been 4 years since they seen each other.

Can you survive the upcoming calamity, Yin?