
Hero But Not A Pro

After All Might crushes Izuku's dreams, he decides to take his father's advice and become a police officer. How bad can it be? Especially when his father is police too!

soulofdarkandlight · Cómic
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11 Chs

Secrets Out!

"Nedzu, what are you doing here?" Aizawa asked seeing the principal walking around the staff room.

"Oh, nothing,"

"Really?" Aizawa deadpanned.

"What's wrong? Can't he be here for no reason?"

Aizawa snorted, "With Nedzu, there is always some reason," he said, "Why are you smiling?" he asked hesitantly.

"I just find it funny that," Nedzu paused to sip a tea, "A room full of pro-heroes and they don't notice a blade being held to one of their necks,"

"Wha-" Yagi began but stopped short. He felt the cold metal of a blade on his skin and slowly looked up. Hisashi was hanging from the vent with a cheeky smile on his face. He dropped down so silently that even Aizawa was impressed, "You should really be careful Mr. Number 1. Especially with that injury of yours,"

Yagi stiffened, no one was supposed to know about that. Surprisingly, his colleagues were calm, "Hello again, Hisashi-san," Aizawa greeted lazily.

Hisashi nodded curtly, "Yo,"

"Seems Nedzu told you about the injury, huh?"

"Not really. Cmon All Might, we have to talk about something important," he said a bit too cheerfully.

Yagi looked at Nedzu who gave an identical smile. He gulped and nodded, following Nedzu out of the room, "What do you think they want with him?" Mic asked loudly.

Midnight shrugged, "Who knows?"

Meanwhile, Yagi was still nervous as to what was happening as he set foot into Nedzu's office, "What, um, what's this about?"

"Yagi, meet Midoriya Hisashi. He's the police officer who was in charge of covering up your fight with All For One. He knows about your injury and everything about One For All. He's my best friend and is the one who arrested my torturers. I trust him with my life!"

Yagi nodded dumbly. He had never heard Nedzu speak so highly of someone. The name Midoriya seemed to ring a bell but he couldn't place where he heard it, "Why are you suddenly introducing him to me?"

"There have been some developments. All For One is still alive,"

Yagi spluttered, "Wh-what?"

"At this moment, we do not have much intel. What we do know, we will not be sharing for you currently. All you need to know is the commission is in on it too, so you should be careful around them," Hisashi brushed past.

Yagi collapsed on the chair, "I was aware they are corrupt, but I thought they only took bribes and things of that sort... for them to do associate with such a villain..."

Hisashi rolled his eyes, "Well, anyway, that's all for now. The police will contact you if we require any help,"

"Wait! You guys know something to have suddenly pieced this together? What is it you know?"

"None of your business,"

"As a pro-hero, I must-"

"As a pro-hero, you are to report when the police force calls on you for your help and when the public is in distress. A pro-hero is a public servant and not an authoritarian figure. Or have you forgotten what you preach?"

Yagi gulped. He had not had someone get up in his face like this since Nighteye, "But, then why did you tell me that he's still alive?"

"Because he's likely to come after you. You should be prepared and keep your eyes open. Tell your fellow heroes to do the same. The rest of the information is irrelevant to daylight heroes at the moment,"

"Daylight heroes... you mean to say you will divulge this secret to those you deem necessary,"

"Yes," Hisashi replied, "Simply put, the life of the citizens will be held in higher regard,"

"Aren't you being too harsh, Hisashi?" Nedzu interrupted.

Hisashi sighed, "Perhaps, but I want to make it clear that you should not act out of the ordinary without another thought,"

Yagi nodded quickly.

Hisashi sighed once again, "Look, I'll give it to you straight. I do not like pro-heroes. The daylight ones that is. I feel that you are only after the fame and wouldn't give two shits about anyone else. I have come across enough villains to know that they could have been saved, had the heroes intervened. I respect the underground heroes because they are doing what a hero should. They are saving lives and they don't care whether they get the recognition. Some of the daylight heroes, I do respect, like Orca, who despite being called a villain for his looks, still serves to protect the people,"

Yagi clenched his fists, "You may be right about that... but we need people who are strong, who will fight for the good side, and we need to keep them on our side?"

"Like Endeavour?" Hisashi said coldly, "That bastard has more civilian deaths than several high-profile villains. But no, he's got a license, so he must be heroic," Hisashi mocked, "I also know you aren't an idiot. In those times, a symbol was needed and you delivered. You stepped up to deliver hope to the people, something the underground or the police could not. But, do you really think you succeeded as a symbol?"

Yagi puffed up in anger. He didn't take well to being insulted for being a symbol of peace. He had worked hard, day and night, to be a symbol, "I'm sure you are worth every bit that Nedzu thinks you are, but I would like to think I succeeded in being a symbol of peace for the people. I made sure they didn't cower in fear and fought against the injustice!"

Hisashi didn't falter at All Might's words, "That isn't what I was talking about," he said and pinched Yagi swiftly, right in his injury. All Might deflated to leave Yagi down on the ground, hacking up blood. Hisashi didn't bother giving a helping hand and instead coolly continued, "It's because you worked hard to only be a symbol that every other daylight hero, thought that that's all mattered. They decided the recognition is what needed and didn't give a hoot about the poor and the needy. I know you have helped and will help everyone but that part isn't what the world broadcasts... and that's why heroes are saturated with only those who live for the limelight. If you are going to be a symbol, make sure you boast everything so that people can learn from you, or do everything quietly and forget about the recognition. The evil you fought could have been taken out quietly and people could have still lived in peace," Hisashi finished and gave a helping hand to Yagi to pull him up, "Given you always seem to bring the media with you, everywhere you go. When you help the poor and villains and the media isn't there, it seems like you are trying to hide your association with such people. You're one of the few daylight heroes I respect... don't go disregarding that trust,"

Yagi nodded dumbly, he barely knew this guy, but everything about him was just so... commanding, "I'll try my best,"

Hisashi smiled finally, "Good. I'll be going now, Nedzu, to inform Kenji of the case. Inko invited you for dinner this Sunday,"

"Hmm, I'll try to make it but I might get busy,"

"Invite is a formality. She has basically ordered you there,"

Nedzu laughed, "Haha, I'll be there, don't worry," Hisashi gave a curt nod and left.

"Just who is he?" Yagi panted, wiping off the blood of his hands.

Nedzu smiled, "He's my friend!"

"I'm aware, but why do you trust him so much? He seems to have so much power too,"

"He is a police officer. He's the one who rescued me from my lab experiments and just last week, he brought my torturers to justice and had them executed!" he said cheerily. Yagi looked in shock, which would explain the amount of trust, "He must be a very good detective. I'll have to ask Tsukauchi about him later,"

"I would rather you not. Tsukauchi probably won't tell you anything, but on the off chance he does, I doubt you would like to see your friend get executed,"

"Executed!" Yagi exclaimed with astonishment, "For what!?"

"State secrets. There's more to him than meets the eye. He has power and trust of both the government and the underground,"

"The underground... he must be an undercover cop then?"

"Indeed he is. A good one at that. So good, that even though some of them know he is a cop, they would still rush to his aid,"

"Are these powerful people?"

"So powerful that they could work together to even have you killed," Nedzu smiled eerily, "Men who work for honor and not money. We are lucky he's a police officer and on our side. That's about the only reason why the villains are in check,"

"Who are we talking about?"

"The Yakuza,"

"The government knows?"

"Yes, Hisashi worked out a plea deal so that they could return to their lives under heavy police surveillance. They can no longer do any crimes but they still do some dirty work on the black market and are held in high regard by other villains. They are the ones who provide more than 70% of our info on criminals,"

Yagi stood shocked, "I see. He really is powerful... I'll be going now,"

"Of course. You still have that appointment with Recovery girl,"

"Why did you tell me all this though? You just said it's all classified,"

"It is but I know you would try to piece things together and come to this conclusion. Easier to just tell you why you should listen to Hisashi rather than having you disobey him and then understanding that he was right. Besides, what makes you think I have told you even half of what all he has done?"

Yagi gulped but nodded. He left the room quietly, deep in thought. Midoriya Hisashi: the man seemed to have quite a reputation and even then, he didn't know the whole thing. A part of him was impressed and the other part knew that if he messed up, Hisashi would make sure he rotted in hell. God forbid he does anything that angers him. It concerned him that the name Midoriya seemed familiar. The last thing he needed was knowing that he blew off his kid or something. Yagi chuckled to himself, he was overthinking it.

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