

In the heartwarming tale of Soojin and Minho, childhood friends turned high school sweethearts find themselves on separate paths, only to reunite under unexpected circumstances. Soojin, now a renowned singer celebrated for her ethereal voice and beauty, faces a life-altering challenge when news of a brain swelling rocks her world. Seeking solace, she returns to her hometown to be with her grandmother, where fate brings her face-to-face with Minho, now a successful photographer. As Soojin navigates the turmoil of her health crisis, Minho emerges as a pillar of strength and support, reigniting a bond that time and distance could not diminish. Amidst the backdrop of fame, love, and resilience, their intertwined journey unfolds, weaving a tale of love, friendship, and the unwavering power of connection in the face of adversity.

BerboxKLZ · Ciudad
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12 Chs



As I woke up the next day... the memory of our passionate kiss from the night before flooded my mind, leaving me flustered and disoriented...." What was I thinking?" I groaned

I then realized I was in Minho's room, a wave of mixed emotions washed over me....and right then i heard a sound of clattering dishes which drew me to the kitchen, where I found Minho... preparing breakfast.

"Good morning," I managed to say whole Sitting at the kitchen counter, " Good morning.." he replied as he placed Infront of me a plate of scrambled eggs...and a glass of juice..." thank you.." I said as I wondered if we were going to talk about last night..." So last night..." I said..." Last night was amazing..." He said but I did sense a " but " coming..." but!" I replied.." But...I don't think any one of us ready....well we just put an end to something that had been left hanging for over ten years...right now I believe that we are getting to know eachother afresh..we building something new and I want us to take things slow..." He said... Minho's response, though gentle, stung a little... I nodded in agreement, masking the hurt that lingered deep within me, "You right...we need to take things a step at a time..so friends?" I asked as I held out a handshake..." Friends.." he replied as he shook my hand..." well you should have your breakfast before it gets cold.." he said breaking he tension..." where are you going?" I asked.." I need to start getting ready...iam leaving today remember..." he said..." Right...." I replied low spiritedly as I stuffed my face with the scrambled eggs....



" You kissed!" Arin exclaimed over the phone..." wow when how?" She asked curiously.." well it doesn't matter we both agreed that the kiss was out of impulse.." I replied.." Well do you think so?" She asked..." No...I actually wanted to do it...maybe impulsively I don't know...anyways enough about me..how is your honey moon?" I asked while trying to change the topic...." My honey moon is okay now back to you and Minho...what happened?" She asked...

" you really aren't going to let this one go right?" I asked.." No way.." she replied.." Don't you have some honey moon stuff to do?" I asked.." maybe but those can wait for now..seeing that my dear husband is on the phone as well.. probably talking to you know who..." She said as we both chuckled.




" So do you still like her?" Suho questioned.." I mean did you feel something with that kiss?" He asked as I stopped to think..." Maybe...I like her but what it's just the lingering feelings from ten years ago that were suddenly awakened after us you know meeting again...talking things out...I just don't want to rush it you know..we just closed one chapter and are trying to open another...so Iam a bit scared...that the faster we go the more we would crush..." I explained....." I understand...and I know you both will figure things out..." He replied..." Okay I'll let you go back to your honey moon.." I said.." Right...by the way are you leaving Xiying today?" He asked.." I was...but then my parents called and said that they were coming back..so I have to go pick them up from the airport and probably spend a few days with them...I will probably go back by the end of the week." I replied.." okay then..." He replied as I ended the call.

I had to get ready and immediately rush to the airport to pick up my parents..

As I waited for them I heard some one call out my name...and on turning I saw my mom who cheerfully ran towards me and gave me a hug.." how have you been?" I asked..as she hugged me tightly..." How have you been?" Dad asked as he gave me a hug too.." We were really surprised to find out you came back..." Mom said.." Well I had to come back for suhos wedding.." I replied.." Right Suho and Arin's wedding..we feel bad for having missed it.." they said.." Well Iam sure they both understand that you were busy.." I said.." Well let's get going..." I said as I helped them carry their luggage to the car.

While in the car, " How's work?" Dad asked.." It's okay..." I replied..." And life?" He added..." It's going well as well.." I replied.." Well can we stop over at granny Ling's house..I want to personally say hello to her before going to the house.." mom requested..." I don't think she's at the house right now..she's probably at the bakery.." I replied..." well let's go to the bakery then.." he replied.." okay.." I said as I drove to granny Ling's bakery.

" Granny ling..." Mom cheerfully called out as we entered the bakery..." Granny ling.." she added as granny ling came out and was surprised to see the both of them.." Mr and Mrs Choi...when did you both come back?" She asked.." We just came back today..but I told my boy right here that I can't go home without saying hallo to you...and so we came.." she explained.." well Iam really happy to see you..how about you sit right here I'll bring some refreshments..." She offered

As we sat down, I heard a loud thud echoing from the kitchen, my heart skipped a beat..." What happening?" I asked as granny walked in with the drinks.." That's soojin..she insisted on helping me out in the kitchen but Iam worried I'd lose an entire set of utensils by the time she has finished..." Granny replied.." I'll go and check on her.." she offered as I stopped her.." You and my parents should catch up..I'll go and check on her.." I offered as I left...

I hurried to investigate, and on Walking into the chaotic scene, I saw Soojin standing amidst a mess of flour and broken glass, looking utterly perplexed.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my concern mixing with a hint of amusement as I rushed to her side to help clean up the spilled glass. "I was trying to help Granny cook," she explained, her tone a mix of determination and defensiveness. " Well you sure aren't helping...do you even know how to cook?" I asked..." Ofcourse..I mean a little I did take cooking classes last year.." she replied defensively..."Well, it seems like those lessons aren't quite sticking," I remarked with a chuckle As she leaned in and playfully nudged my shoulders...

" What are you doing here though, weren't you supposed to leave for Han city today?" She asked.." I was but then my parents called and knowing that Iam in Xiying they asked me to pick them up...so I think I might stay for a few more days.." I replied.."Your parents are here?" She asked.." As a matter of fact they are outside with your granny...they

insisted to see her before heading home.." I replied.." I should go and say hello to them then.." she said as she took off her apron...." Let's go.." she said as she turned to leave..." Wait up.." I called out..after I noticed some flour smudged on her cheek...a sight that made me giggle.." you have something here.." I said as I pointed at her cheek.." I do.." she said as she tried to wipe it off but kept smudging it..." I'll do it.." I said as I picked up a tissue and wiped it off..." There you go.." I said with our eyes locking...." Thank thank you.." she said as she pulled away and left the kitchen.



" Nice to see you Mr and Mrs Choi.." soojin said with a slight bow..." Why are you being so formal with us..come here.." my mom said as she pulled her in for a hug.." how are you?" She asked.." Look at you....all grown up.." she added...as she stared at her warmly.." Well we were inviting you and your granny here to have dinner at our place tomorrow..." She added.." Please make sure you come..we can talk more then.." she added.." We shall surely be there.." soojin replied..." Okay then..we shall take our leave..it was nice seeing you again granny ling and you too Soojin.." my mom said as we all said our goodbyes.." see them out.." I heard soojins granny tell her...which she did....



" Soojin is pretty on screen and even prettier off screen..she grew up to be such a beautiful lady.." my mom said.." Are you fan Girling over soojin?" I teased.." You think she's fan Girling? You should check her playlist..most of it are soojins songs..." Dad said as we all laughed.." Do you think she has like a boyfriend?" Mom asked..a question that caught me off guard.." why would you care about her love life?" I asked.." Iam just curious who the lucky man is..." She replied..." Stop being curious..." I said as I cleared my throat.." You should both get some rest...I'll order something for dinner.." I said.." Don't order any for me..Iam on this one set of meals per day diet..." Mom said.." And what exactly is that .you eat one meal and skip the other?" I asked.." You will fall sick at that rate..." I added.." Don't worry about me..just buy something for your dad.." she said as she stood up and left for her room..." I'll have some noodles.." dad said as he followed her to the room as well.




I woke up to this strong urge to clean my old room, and as I cleaned memories flooded back with each item I found.. The notes from our shared classes, the laughter we once shared, it was all there.. lingering in the corners.

As I cleaned up, my gaze fell upon the guitar lying in one of the corners in my room...i slowly grabbed it and opened it up and my fingers brushed against it I was suddenly transported back to that time....


A time when it felt like my friends had forgotten my birthday. Suho, Arin, and Minho, acting as if the day was just like any other, oblivious to my hurt.

And as I Walked home, with frustration bubbling inside me, a hand grabbed mine. It's Minho, pulling me to the school rooftop. The sight before me left me speechless – a beautifully decorated surprise birthday celebration.

The warmth of their smiles, the melody of "Happy Birthday" filling the air, it all felt overwhelming.

And when it came to the gift giving, Each gift held a piece of their thoughtfulness. Arin's makeup kit because I kept going on and on about how I needed one, Suho's ice cream coupons from what was my new favourite icecream shop, and then there was Minho's simple note just saying happy birthday...I remember me Suho and Arin expressing our utter disappointment at his gift...but before I could say something he goes around the back and pulls out a guitar leaving me utterly speechless....

As I opened the guitar, Joy washed over me, and I couldn't help get teary eyed....He urges me to play something for them but I confess my lack of skill, leading to shared laughter....



The laughter of that day echoed back to me as I stared at the guitar..." What's that?" I questioned as I pulled out a picture that was lying in the guitar Case..." Oh my goodness...I had forgotten about this place.." I said as I immediately stood up.

" Granny!" I called out as I made my way to the kitchen where I was welcomed by the sweet aroma of granny's carrot pie.." omg is that!" I exclaimed as I took in the smell.." Are you preparing that for later?" I asked.." Well yes Mr and Mrs Choi invited us to dinner..we can't go bare handed.." she replied.." By the way granny, do you remember this place?" I asked as I showed her the picture..." Wasn't that the record stores you often went too back then?" She asked.." Well yes..he the man in the photo with me was the owner of the record store...I used to call him old man Lee...." I replied.." Oh now I remember..* she said.." Well does this place still exist...I don't know it's been so long.." I asked.." Iam sure it does...I remember seeing it open some time this year.." she said as I immediately turned back to my room picked up the guitar.." are you heading out?" She asked.." Yes but I'll be back in time for dinner.." I said as I left.

After asking for directions, I finally found my way to the record store..this was one of the most important places to me back then..I spent most of my time here and the old man who sat with me in this photo was the man who taught me how to play the guitar..he was always grumpy but kind hearted...he too believed that music had the power to speak when the person didn't feel like speaking, it had the power to join people and it had the power to heal...he wasn't just the man who taught me how to play the guitar but was rather an important person who also taught me numerous life lessons so as I stood out side the shop, the memories attached to the place started flashing right back to me.

As I walked into the record store, it felt like stepping into a time machine....The shelves filled with records, the cassette player, and the vintage vinyl players transported me back to a bygone era.

My eyes fixate on the table in the corner where old man Lee used to sit, where he patiently guided me through guitar lessons, stirring up a whirlwind of memories and emotions.

Lost in this sea of nostalgia, a voice pierced through my thoughts, "Can I help you, ma'am?" It said as I turned to see a young lady standing before me, abruptly pulling me back from my thoughts..." Hey!" I said with a smile.



" This is the photo of me and your grand pa back then.." I said as I noticed the young lady's eye fixated on me.." I know you.." she said..." Kang soojin!" She exclaimed.." oh my God it really is you!" She added as I smiled back..." so you are saying that my grand dad taught you guitar lessons right here back in the past..?" She asked.." Yes.. precisely ten years back..." I replied.." Wow..that's crazy..." She replied.." Well do you know where I can find old man Lee?" I asked..as I noticed a change in her facial expressions.." Iam sorry...but my grand pa passed away two years ago.." she said as I felt a lump in my throat.." He did!" I exclaimed with heart break.

" He passed away two years ago from a heartattack..." The young lady's words echoed in my mind as I walked home....." I took on the record store...as his succession towards me but business has been slow lately and I was thinking of selling it.." she continued...." I wanted to keep his legacy alive but it's becoming a little too expensive for me to maintain..." The words continued.....

" You back!" Granny exclaimed.." Were you able to find the store?" She asked.." Soojin! Are you okay?" She asked as I hugged her and busted into tears..." Soojin?" She called out, he voice filled with worry..." He's gone.." I replied in a low voice.." he died two years ago..." I added..." He was such an important part of my life and he died and I didn't know..I didn't see him off..." I added as my granny pulled in closer in her embrace.....

" Have this.." she said as she handed me a glass of water.." I mean when I left this place back then...I knew I was leaving behind a big part of my life...but then how did I just forget everything and kept on leaving...how didn't I even bother to reach out to the people I left behind, how did I just forget it all....?" I asked..." Well time does fly by quickly...and by the time you take a minute off you realise that it's already late...." She replied to me.." I missed so many important moments in all of your lives...I didn't even know that Arin and suho were going to get married and if I didn't come back here then I would never have known..." I said.." Iam really sorry granny...I should have reached out sooner to all of you.." I said as she pulled me for a hug.." it's okay...it's never too late to make it up for the people you love..Iam sure each one of them missed you but also kept rooting for you wherever you were....so don't be hard on your self..you can always make new memories.." she said.." You have time.." she added as my heart skipped at that comment...did I really have time?"

We got ready and left for the dinner at minhos house...." Oh granny ling..welcome to our humble home.." minhos mom said as she gave both of us hugs..." Where can I put this?" I asked pointing at carrot pie..." Put it over there in the kitchen..that's where Minho is.." she replied as I slowly made mt way to the kitchen.

" Hey!" I said as I placed the pie down.." Wait is that?" Minho exclaimed," granny's carrot pie.." we both said at the same time following it with laughter..." She made it for dessert.." I said.." Well don't make me skip to desert." He replied as I chuckled softly..." So is there anything I should help with?" I asked..

" No...I have everything handled.." he replied as I looked around.." well I can help you set the table.." I added," look soojin you are our guest today....I have everything settled..all you have to do is wait and taste my food.." he replied..." Exactly soojin...let's leave Minho here to do the work..how about you come and have a talk with me.." minhos mom said as she grabbed me by the arm and took me away.

After an entire hour of having Mrs Choi bombard me with questions, dinner was served and as we all enjoyed the meal...more questions were thrown my way..." So soojin..are you in like a relationship?" She asked as I almost chocked on my food.." mom!" Minho exclaimed as he poured me a glass of water.." Uhmmm no..not yet.." I responded as I sipped on my water.." Iam only asking because that topic seems sensitive for people in your career...I read somewhere that an singer was boycotted by her for having a husband and kids... sickening right?" She said.." Well it is..but Iam one to not care about what the fans think..I believe that my fans are fans of my music and also respect my private life.." I replied.." That's a good mind set you have right there.." she replied.." So are you open to get into a relationship when the time is right or when you meet the right person?" She added..." Uhhmmm yes absolutely.." I replied with a smile.

" I'll take these to your granny and my parents..." Minho said as he cut some slices of pie and left with them...as I cut ours....I received a call from Dr Park.



" Hello.." I said.." Hello ms Kang...I have called to inform you that the doctor in charge of your operation is in town...I know you haven't made a decision yet but if you want then I can arrange a meeting with him..and he can schedule you for the operation..." He said...


