
Herbie's adventure to the end of the world

Herbie wants to see the world so he set himself ready for the biggest adventure yet. On his way he meets the car what is special, like him. That car is really like him.

StupitPizza_Da_20 · Película
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10 Chs

Crushing cars

The tow truck owner saw Herbie in the no parking area.

"We have another one," he said trough his walkie-talkie. "Do that what you did to the other cars," said his boss:" Send it to crusher." "Right away," said the man.

Herbie wanted to move but his movements were unnoticed by the driver. "Help!" Herbie shouted. But now the driver had a headphones on his head. The hook was now rising his rear wheels. He shuddered by that.

"Herbie!" shouted Maggie. Then she and Aubrie saw a truck towing away Herbie! "After the tow truck!" Maggie shouted. Aubrie wanted to do it but her fuel tank was empty too. "Bother!" Aubrie shouted.

Herbie was towed to the car scrapyard. The car was crushed when he reached there. He knew that it wasn't the first time at this situation but now there was no Maggie to save him. "Sorry Maggie," Herbie said:" I was very bad car. Now i get what i deserve. Sorry Aubrie that i was like this. I hope that you will get a good owner." "Where do i tow it?" asked a tow truck driver. "Right beside the crusher," said the scrapyard owner:" I will crush it when i have done with those three cars." And the he pointed to those three cars. One of them was Zack.

"Where is Aubrie?" Zack asked. "I don't know," Herbie said:" But i didn't knew that you cared." "I know that i am not nice," Zack said:" It's just who i am." Then Herbie saw a wheel locks on Zack's wheels. It was like he wanted to run away but the owner was a step ahead. "You can just drive away," Zack said:" Don't worry about me. I know how to get out of this." "Well, i am accepting my fate," said Herbie:" Maggie has found a car like me." "That's what i don't like about humans," Zack said:" They show you love and then they throw away like a garbage. I know that feeling. I was loved by my owner but then he replaced me with some Ferrari." "My first owner did something like that too," said Herbie:" He bought a Lamborghini. I got jealous and wrecked it. But then he knew i was alive and saved me from jumping off the bridge." Zack laughed at this. "We are not too different," Zack said.

Maggie ran to the scrapyard owner and shouted:" Where is my car?" "What car?" asked the tubby man. "The white Beetle with blue and red racing stripes," Maggie said. Owner then showed her from afar Herbie. "We gonna crush it by the evening," said owner:" But if you wanna save it then you have to pay a fine for parking into the not parking area." "You can't crush him," said Maggie. Then she ran towards Herbie. "Herbie!" she shouted.

Herbie shivered by hearing Maggie. She has came for him! Then the claw took Zack. "Zack!" shouted Herbie. "Your owner is calling for you," Zack said:" Go for her."

"I can't," said Herbie:" I don't have any fuel."