
Chapter 137

vampire instinct surged, and his fangs elongated, his nails elongated and his pale white face got paler.

He stepped out of the dungeon clawing his long nails on the wall, maintaining his gaze at Jeame, who merely look at him with an expressionless face.

"Ain't you scared, I am going to feed on you kid," he said suggestively, before he could say more, Jeame palm mounted on his face swiftly, slamming his head on the wall.


The man slumped on the floor weakly, with a horrified look, Jeame casually glanced at him and tossed a pint of blood to him.

"Come with me," he said coldly, and walked away without looking back, the old vampire regained his senses and scampered for the pint of blood, he hungrily sucked it,  making throaty sounds, and mumbling while draining the pint of blood.

His pale face regained its colour, giving life to his face, his boggy eyes became fuller, he smiled, and swaggered towards Jeame

Pero didn't sleep, he was up all night walking around the house, as dawn reached the middle-aged woman came to meet him, the two of them walked out of the house together.

The woman drove Pero in her car, the two of them arrived at the graveyard, she nodded towards Pero, he squinted his eyes at the woman, but the woman wore a blank facial expression.

He alighted and headed towards the gate, the gate was opened for visitors to come to visit their gone loved ones, that have passed away.

He swept his gaze around the tomb, and his eyes caught sight of the name, tears started brimming his eyes, he approached the grave, and crouched down before it, his heart twitched, and a bitter smile appeared on his face.

He looked at the grave dejectedly, "Tonia, you couldn't even wait for daddy, I wish you could have waited for a long time, papa would have come for you" he lamented.

His butt dropped to the ground, he shook his head in disappointment "I thought you won't leave, I fought for so many years to be alive, just to return that you have left the world, it is unfair" he cried.

"I promise, that  I will avenge if anyone has a hand in your death" he swore by the grave, he stood for a very long time, before turning around, his eyes bore killing intent.

He returned to the car with bloodshot eyes "how did she die?" He asked, the lady sitting by her side, turned to look at her "she was hit by a car" Tonia's friend responded softly.

Pero became angrier, he wished he will be able to find the one who had killed his only daughter, he sighed, the woman drove off.

They arrived at a house, two kids were playing in the courtyard with a ball "Tonia's daughter live there, and these are your grandchildren" while Tonia's friend was telling her about his granddaughter.

The front door opened and a young man