
Chapter 136

into his car, and drove towards the old mansion, the workers there, ran helter-skelter when they saw that Jeame was coming.

They came in their numbers with their head bowed, the elder butler of the family came forward to welcome Jeame personally.

Jeame smiled warmly, the two of them walked side to side towards the house, "Sir, you came to the old residence is there a problem or something of importance I could help you with?" He inquired.

Jeame simply shook his head "you don't have to worry, I still know my way around the house" he responded, the old butler nodded, opened the door and Jeame walked in, the butler stopped by accompanying him.

Jeame headed towards the basement, and find a dark tunnel, he used his wolf sight, and strode towards the inner side of the tunnel, he arrived at a protected place with a protector.

A man sat in a corner, looking pale and tired, he coughed, Jeame looked around, and grabbed a rope, he dragged it down and the entire dark tunnel was illuminated by lamps on the wall.

The man lying on the floor turned towards the direction of Jeame, he sprang up, and approached him weakly, his legs wobbly.

His back hunched, and his pale face revealed years of horror, he looked helplessly at Jeame "release me" he pleaded.

Jeame watched him silently, without moving from his standing position, the man crouched on the floor and started weeping dramatically.

Jeame shook his head and chuckled, the man would have fooled him, but he had already known what he is capable of.

"Stop acting, I know who you are, I didn't just stumble here by mistake, and all this drama saves it for the theatre," Jeame said softly, the man's body stiffened.

He looked at Jeame with an evil grin, but his pale face remained, the man pouted "so, why did you come to see me, if you know me already?" The man asked in shock.

If he is aware of his capabilities, he won't dare release him.

"I want to release you" the response startled the man behind the bars, he looked at Jeame with a shocking expression.

He chuckled like he had heard a joke "hey, stop playing around, I have lived for thousand years, I am not a low life vampire" he said.

Jeame rolled his eyes "of course, I am going to release you definitely, but there are terms and conditions that can guarantee you freedom depending on how much you satisfy me" he retorted.

The man pondered on Jeame's statement, and observed the kid keenly, he didn't sense anything spectacular, probably years of staying in this dungeon have been messing him up.

"What are your conditions?" He inquired.

"No feeding on random people,  except those I permit you to, you will remain on blood bank, or else, I will throw you in here," Jeame said, with an emotionless tone.

The man smiled mischievously and nodded, Jeame let him out, his