
Her mysterious lover

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and sometimes it feels like the impossible is within reach... Love is a truly magical feeling, but when there's a barrier between two people, it becomes incredibly painful. How can someone love another person so deeply and passionately, without even knowing them? It's a question that puzzles many. Beliefs change in an instant, leading us to be drawn to different directions and attractions. How can we develop such intense feelings for someone we've never even laid eyes on... someone we've never met? Everything in life carries its own significance, but we often fail to recognize it. Is it truly possible to know everything about another person, to understand them completely, without ever coming face to face? This is the tale of two individuals who share an overwhelming and inexplicable love, yet have never had the chance to meet in person. It's the story of a young woman, who never anticipated that her life could be forever altered by a single phone call... How is it possible, you ask? Dive into this story to uncover the answers.

Rejoice_Diamond · Ciudad
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21 Chs

Hyacinth is back

"Understood, sir. Consider it done," the agent agreed.

He opened his laptop and checked his email. There, he found the photo of the same girl he had been speaking with. He looked at her picture and smiled, whispering to himself, "So, Miss Hyacinth, you're single. Let's see how crazy I can fall in love with you, my dear Hya." He couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for what lay ahead.

Days passed, and he had gathered every detail about her, including her email address. Now he was ready to take action and meet her in person. "I want to meet her. Tell me where she is," he asked his agent over the phone.

"Okay, sir. She is currently at a shopping mall," the agent replied, providing the address. Dominick wasted no time and headed straight there. As he walked by a shop, he spotted her in a beautiful red gown. The shop had glass walls, allowing him to openly admire her as she came out of the fitting room. She carried herself gracefully, and her matching earrings complemented her look perfectly.

He stood there, captivated by her presence. Hyacinth was with someone, presumably Jubilee, and they were selecting clothes together. She tried on several before choosing the red one. He discreetly took a picture, cherishing the memory.

However, he knew it wasn't the right time to approach her. Leaving the mall, he couldn't help but feel his love for her growing with each passing day. Whenever she was out of her house, he found himself following her, drawn to her magnetic presence.

Having discovered her email address, one night he couldn't resist reaching out to her. Remembering her words, "Seems like now you own a small part of this person's life," he felt entitled to connect with her. Using a pseudonym, "Crazy Lover," he texted her.

But she ignored his messages, clearly becoming irritated by his persistence. She even insulted him, asking him to stop bothering her. Undeterred, he continued his pursuit, unable to control his infatuation.

Then, one sunny day, as he was on his way to the office, he witnessed a horrifying accident. He saw Hyacinth's mother crossing the road and losing her balance due to the scorching heat. Without a second thought, Dominick rushed to her aid, picking her up and taking her to the hospital.

In the midst of the chaos, he couldn't help but inform Hyacinth . He texted her urgently, "Your mother met with an accident. She is in XYZ hospital."

Skeptical, she replied, "How can I believe you?"

Frustrated, he responded, "Fine, then don't. But she will die here. She has lost a lot of blood. If not for me, at least think about your mother."

After that text, , Hyacinth didn't message him back.

She reached the hospital and saw her mother lying lifeless on the bed. For the first time, she believed him. And he was right... she was alone now after the death of her mother. She decided to give him a chance. As the days went by, their love and trust increased.

Flashback ends.

He thought that she could forgive him and give him another chance. If she even showed a little sign that she was giving him a chance, he would make sure that she could never go away from him.

The next day, Dominick was a bit late for the office. He had slept late, thinking about ways to win her back, so he ended up waking up late too. When he reached the office, he got the surprise of his life.

The lights of her cabin were on. It hadn't happened since she left; he had prohibited everyone from entering the room. He wanted to believe that she had joined again, but deep down, he knew that it might just be another one of his imaginations. He walked slowly toward the cabin to peek through the glass door. And there she was, his love, sitting on the chair, engrossed in her work, not noticing him. He quietly thanked God for fulfilling his wish. Now, it was his turn to take action. He went to his cabin and called her. She was reluctant to receive the call, but she knew she had to be brave.

"In my cabin now," he said.

She expected this. She collected her things and went there. As she knocked on the door, his heart stopped, knowing that in no time, she would be standing in front of him.

"Come in," he said. "Yes, sir, you called me."

"Can you explain your presence here?" he asked.

"Jubilee... told me about what you said last night... and I'm fine with this. I will work for Schneider designs for a year before leaving again. And I'm sorry if my absence caused any inconvenience," she replied.

He didn't know exactly what to say. "Okay, fine. Now take your tasks for today. Complete the pending project report. And yes, tomorrow we have to attend a birthday party for my friend and client, Miss Donna. Get the details from the reception and be ready for it," he said in a formal tone. He didn't want to rush things.

"Okay, sir. What should we take as a gift?" she asked.

"Select a perfect bouquet. I think that will be good," Dominick replied. "And as for the other gift, I will buy it myself. She will like it. We were college friends."

"Okay, sir," she said, mentally adding, "I didn't ask for any details, Mr. Schneider."

Hyacinth completed the task he assigned, but it took her a long time and she was tired. She headed to the canteen to grab some coffee. Dominick was already there, making his own cup of coffee.

"Let me make it, sir," she offered.

"No, don't bother, I'm okay," he replied casually.

"I insist, I'll make it," she emphasized, determined to help.

He left the cup there and waited while she prepared the coffee. Everything was ready, except for the sugar. Accidentally, she put the sugar in Dominick's mug, the same mug that he had purchased.

"Oh, oops," she said, realizing her mistake. "Don't worry, you can drink in mine, and I'll take the coffee in your mug."

They exchanged mugs and returned to their respective cabins, feeling a sense of closeness. As they sipped their coffee, they couldn't help but imagine each other and have a good time picturing these moments together.