
Her mysterious lover

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and sometimes it feels like the impossible is within reach... Love is a truly magical feeling, but when there's a barrier between two people, it becomes incredibly painful. How can someone love another person so deeply and passionately, without even knowing them? It's a question that puzzles many. Beliefs change in an instant, leading us to be drawn to different directions and attractions. How can we develop such intense feelings for someone we've never even laid eyes on... someone we've never met? Everything in life carries its own significance, but we often fail to recognize it. Is it truly possible to know everything about another person, to understand them completely, without ever coming face to face? This is the tale of two individuals who share an overwhelming and inexplicable love, yet have never had the chance to meet in person. It's the story of a young woman, who never anticipated that her life could be forever altered by a single phone call... How is it possible, you ask? Dive into this story to uncover the answers.

Rejoice_Diamond · Urban
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21 Chs

How it started

"See it for yourself," Jubilee replied.

It was an envelope containing the check she had given to him, along with a note.


She was overcome with tears. She realized that she needed to do something before it was too late.


It was Sunday, so Dominick was resting in his house. He had asked his servants to leave him alone, and he was sitting on the terrace, enjoying the fresh air and the cold breeze. That coolness brought back memories of the person who owned his heart and mind. He reminisced about the time that turned his life upside down and gave him another reason to live.


Dominick was in California after the death of his mother. He didn't want to stay at his home, as the bad memories haunted him there. His family suggested that he leave for some time to find peace. Dominick was deeply attached to his mom, but fate had been cruel; she had taken her own life after the death of his father, blaming herself for his loss. So, he was staying in a hotel during his time away.

One day, while hiking on the mountains, his mind lost in thoughts, Dominick heard a voice piercing through the silence, calling for help. Startled, he turned around to see a girl about to fall into a deep valley, desperately holding onto a stem. Without thinking, he rushed towards her and asked her to give him her hand. He hadn't even seen her face yet; she had her eyes closed in fear. With a swift motion, he pulled her towards him, and both of them fell to the ground, with her landing on top of him. Their noses were hidden beneath their scarves and mufflers, shielding them from the cold. Only her innocent eyes were visible, captivating him and stealing his breath away.

"Thank you so much! You saved me! Now it feels like you own a small part of my life," she said gratefully.

Dominick managed to find his voice amidst his fascination with her, "My pleasure…and thanks. You don't even know what your voice does to me…"

After helping her up, she removed her muffler, giving him the chance to see her entire face. He was captivated by her beauty and wondered how someone could be so stunning. Her face was flushed due to the cold and fear, making her even more enchanting. She looked at him, seemingly lost, and then simply walked away. It was their first meeting, and after that day, he never saw her again. He had been so lost in her allure that he forgot to ask for her name or anything about her, including where she lived. However, he vowed to himself that he would find her from anywhere in the world and make her his. Perhaps it was love at first sight, or maybe it was just the allure of her voice that drew him in. At that time, he couldn't do much as he was young and had just completed his graduation. He believed that before meeting her again, he needed to become the best version of himself—a man deserving of such a perfect girl. He worked tirelessly day and night, fueled by the thought of her. His family noticed the newfound determination in his eyes but remained unaware of the reason behind it all.

Dominick eventually went abroad to pursue his career as a fashion designer, and through sheer hard work and talent, he became a successful tycoon. He decided to open his first fashion house in Russia, knowing that it would bring him closer to finding the girl who had captured his heart. However, fear always lingered within him—fear that she might have gotten married or moved on during all those years. Countless questions swirled in his mind, but his heart always whispered, "She is mine."

Desperate to find any information about her, Dominick turned to his agents, but they were just as clueless as he was. After days of anticipation, One lucky day, he was sitting with his friend when his phone rang. Since his friend wasn't around, he picked up the call himself. "Hello...?" he answered, his curiosity piqued.

He was struck with shock upon hearing the voice on the other end. It couldn't be true, could it? Was it the same person? The same voice? Determined to stay composed, he regained his composure and the voice replied replied, "Yes...? Can I speak to Miss Sonia...?"

Confused, he added, "Who is Sonia...?" before the call abruptly ended. On the other side of the line, he was captivated by the girl's voice. It touched him deeply, a refreshing departure from the usual ways girls try to connect with boys nowadays. He was certain that this innocent soul was the person he had reached out to.

Eager to learn more about her, he saved her number on his phone and deleted it from his friend's device. When his friend returned, he mentioned having some urgent work and left, heading back to his office. He anxiously waited for his agent to provide details about her.

"Doubts linger. Could she really be the same person? But her voice... I know it," he mused, feeling conflicted. Just then, his phone rang, causing him to gasp with anticipation.

On the call, his agent informed him, "Sir, the girl's name is Hyacinth Hawkins. She is an unmarried girl who resides in Russia. Sonia is our company's personal assistant, and she called inquiring about a job. Hyacinth is an orphan, and her father passed away quite some time ago. Her best friend is Jubilee, who lives near our house. I have also sent you her photo."

Satisfied with the information, he instructed the agent, "I need every single detail about her. You must ensure her safety and gather information down to the second. It's your responsibility."

Assuredly, the agent replied, "Okay, sir, don't worry. I'll take care of it."

He added, "But she must not know anything about this."

I am so sorry for not been able to post frequently. I promise to be doing so now.

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