
Make up for kisses

Meanwhile at Kim Residence...

It was already midnight when Y/n stepped out of Little Yoon's room.

She was planning to go and get change first when she stopped the moment she saw Jin quietly sitting on the sofa and looking outside the window.

He wasn't wearing his mask anymore. He looks like a painting sitting there unmoving. She could see his face now and he was just so damn alluring.

When Y/n thought about the past, it was hard to believe, It was still like a dream.

If this was the fruit of her sufferings, Y/n couldn't help but think that it was all worth it. Not only because the fact that she was dying to see back then was now in front of her but also because everything she wished for had come true.

The world was cruel but here they are, together again inside a single roof. The agonizing pain and suffering that happened to them made Y/n believe that, as long as love exists in this world, things will gradually go back to where it belongs

At that moment, Jin was thinking deeply. He was recalling the proposal he planned five years ago.

The ring he bought was still in his hand and he couldn't wait anymore to give it to her.

He remembered her confession and his heart could still feel the emotions he felt that night.

This time, he wanted to be the one to woe her, cure her and give her his all. From now on, Jin thought that he will do anything for her. He remembered the words she said that night before he left her and he swore to grant that wish. He wanted them to do everything they couldn't before.

Due to him simulating the plan in his head ever so seriously, he didn't notice a certain someone admiring him as if he was someone who descended from the realms of the Gods. Not until suddenly, he heard that sweetest voice called out his name softly.

"Jin..." Y/n said as she stood in front of him, causing Jin to immediately snap.

He looked at her and was surprised that he didn't notice her approach.

"Y..." Jin didn't continue the word he was about to say, because the moment he saw Y/n's eyes, his heart skipped a beat.

Finally, he saw that intense longing looks in her eyes and it made him unconsciously reach out for her hand.

Y/n was about to speak when suddenly, Jin pulled her. Before she could react, his hands were already wrapped around her waist as he buried his face in her abdomen.

His sudden action stunned Y/n for a while but soon enough, she wrapped her hands around his head as she bent her body-hugging his head.

Jin was still sitting on the couch and Y/n was standing in the middle of his legs.

The moonlight was shining brightly as they hug each other tightly. They both were like romantic paintings filled with emotion and genuine unconditional love.

A moment passed and Y/n found herself stroking Jin's hair just like what she used to do before their separation. And the feeling of caressing his hair like this was just so heartwarming and nostalgic.

"Jin... I miss you. " She uttered when all of a sudden, Jin pulled her and made her sit on his leg.

Y/n was once again surprised but before she could even recover her senses from his sudden action, his lips were already slammed into hers.

Jin held her waist as though he doesn't plan of letting go of her anymore. His warm lips slowly kissed her and when she finally relaxed, Jin slid his tongue inside her mouth and gently delved deeper.

The sensation of the passionate kiss they were finally sharing after some long long years was just so amazing and full of intensity.

Jin slowly turned like a chained beast who was finally released. He missed her so much. Words were not enough to describe how much he missed her, how much he missed kissing her and he couldn't restrain himself anymore.

The two kissed for so long and yet Jin still seemed unsatisfied. He kissed her again and again until Y/n caught his face.

She bumped her head onto his forehead as she pants.

"Uhm... Jin ... y-your kissing skill improved a lot. " She said her face fluflushedd.

Well, she just said whatever came into her mind just to distract him even for a while to give herself time to breathe

However, Jin who was supposed to feel happy because she just praised him felt somewhat a bit troubled by her words. He gazed at her and caressed her cheeks with his thumbs.

"I never kissed anyone else since you left. " He suddenly said and Y/n blinked her eyes.

"Then how come you improved a lot?" She asked and Jin fell speechless.

Realizing her question, Y/n blushed a little. She was secretly delighted that he told her he didn't kiss anyone but it also made her curious.

She then looked at Jin intently, waiting for his answer.

She was actually expecting Jin to get stunned for a while but he didn't and he answered her immediately.

"Simulation. " He replied and Y/n tilted her head as she looked at him with questions in her eyes.

"I practiced kissing you in my dreams. " He explained and Y/n almost choked.

She reflexively covered her mouth with her fingers.

'I-is that even possible?'

Just as Y/n was still thinking about it, Jin kissed her again.

This time, he explored her mouth with passion and hunger. Relentless as though he was savoring every taste of her mouth. Until their kisses turned even wetter.

They parted their lips to take a breath but Jin didn't move farther than an inch. Their lips were so close as they heavily panted, that they both feel the heat of each other's breaths.

"Jin..." she uttered and Jin's hand rested on her nape.

"I'm sorry but I want to make up for the kisses we couldn't share for the past five years. " He said and Y/n's eyes widened before he kissed her again.

'M-make up for the past five years? Jin ... how many kisses would that be? Will our lips last if you do that?'

Y/n could only protest in her mind and yet she couldn't stop him either. It was because she couldn't resist him at all.