
Upgraded Shameless Jin

Jin felt like he was in heaven. They have been kissing for a while now but Jin can't seem to stop himself.

He felt like he was drugged by the warmth of her lips and the sweet taste of her mouth. The world was shining so bright and he felt his heart turn as soft as a marshmallow.

He felt it bouncing with happiness and he can't seem to get enough of her, he was insatiable.

Matching the speed of light, Jin was already pinning her down on the couch. He desired her so much. He just can't get enough of her. She was like a potion so irresistible that there seem to be no antidote.

His brain was so full of her and he couldn't think about anything else.

His hand crawled around her back as he kissed her while his other hand was on her hair. He had forgotten time itself and he held her as if they were never separated.

He felt that the day he told her to wait for him five years ago, seems just like yesterday.

Everything was just so magical.

However, Y/n's eyes opened the moment she felt Jin's body pressing into hers. It was then that she realized that she was already pinned down on the couch.

Her brain which was drifting in fluffy white space for a while now was somehow awakened by the scorching heat of Jin's body, consuming her.

Jin's lips then left hers and he swiftly buried his face in her neck. Y/n moaned as his lips slither on her nape. She gasped and her fingers tugged his hair.

"J-jinn... Uhm... Jin ... wait. "

Y/n uttered but Jin didn't stop. However, the third time she called out his name Jin manage to snap due to her voice and her hands tugging his hair hard.

He raised his head and looked at her. Puffs of warm air were leaving their mouths as they both stared at each other.

"Uhm... that... we're in the living room. " Y/n said.

Her face was red as her eyes wandered around. She was flustered and yet Jin seemed to be oblivious as his eyes were filled with overflowing desire.

"It's okay, no one's here. " He replied and Y/n was shocked.

She looked at him and he was about to kiss her again when Y/n caught his face.

"But... still... this is the living room, someone might---"

Jin held her hands away and cut her words with a kiss, causing Y/n's eyes to dilate.

"Don't worry, if someone comes I'll make sure they won't see any part of you. "

He assured and Y/n's face burned. She swiftly raised her hands and covered her face before Jin could kiss her again. She couldn't believe what Jin just said.

She was speechless. She expected him to at least felt a bit embarrassed. She thought that he might have just lost his control in the heat of passion but the was aware that they wherein the living room and yet he was doing this.

It was unbelievable for Y/n, and as she looked at his face which was so calm despite the kind of words he was spouting, she couldn't help but bit her lip.

'How could this man have turned like this? How many levels did this shameless Jin accelerate?!'

She was already overwhelmed by the way Jin kisses her. And now he's assailing her relentlessly like he was someone so shameless from the very start.

In her current state, Y/n could tell that she was no match against this upgraded version of him right now. She just felt like she couldn't handle him at all.

Well, Y/n's romantic power and knowledge had come to a complete standstill the moment she left five years ago.

And during those years, she never once thought about romance or anything related to it. That was why, in the romance aspect, Y/n stagnated.

She is coming up from where she had been five years ago.

"J-jin. You... you have gone from shameless... you've gone to super shameless now. You're not adorable anymore. " Y/n couldn't help but complain.

She didn't remove her hands from her face while Jin just blinked. However, the next moment, his expression darkened when he realized that she was flustered and embarrassed. He construed that she seemed not yet ready and he understood her.

"I'm sorry. I thought you were ready and... I... I'm sorry, I'm too impatient..." Jin said.

His voice was saddened as he immediately pulled away from her when Y/n suddenly rose and spoke.

"No, I-it's not like that. I didn't say I don't like it, I want you, it's just that we're in this..."

Y/n paused and her face went even redder. She didn't know how she manage to just blurted out those words like that.

Jin who just ran his fingers through his hair also stopped the moment he heard her say ' I want you.

He returned his gaze to her and Y/n who expected him to freeze but didn't was dumbfounded.

It was because Jin suddenly showed her again that sexy killer smile, effortlessly throwing invisible arrows straight to her heart.

He wasn't fazed by things and words like this anymore. Instead, of blushing, he was now showing his happiness and joy so blatantly.

"..." Y/n was speechless, and yet Jin moved casually towards her.

He didn't say a word but the look in his eyes became just so arousing. Causing Y/n to fall in a daze before she realized it, Jin already swooped her in his arms.

"I'm sorry, I failed to realize that it's not comfortable for you here. "

"Sre you saying, you're comfortable here?"

"As long as no one's around but us, and I forgot everything so---"

"Jin ... you are so shameless now. "

"You don't like me being like this?"

"Uh... i... I prefer the moderately shameless Jin. This version of you might give me a heart attack if you continue being like this. "

Jin paused just as he was about to step on the stairs as soon as he heard what Y/n said.

He was puzzled. Jin was about to ask what she meant by 'moderately shameless' when someone spoke from behind them.

"Big bro, I'm ho..." The pink-haired young man stood still as soon as he saw a woman in Jin's arms.