
Her fated human mate

When Millicent Woods, the Alpha of the Crescent moon pack needs the Corona Fletcher to prove her worth to the rest of the pack, it goes missing. As a proud, ruthless pack leader she will not stop until she finds it. Then she does, it's in the hands of a petty thief that is human, even more importantly, her mate. A clash of fate, a thief and an Alpha, who would give in to the other, an insufferable, witty thief or the cold, ruthless Alpha?

Her_Royalbitchness · Fantasía
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152 Chs



"Why are you leaving?" his voice sounds so genuinely confused, I have to turn back to face him. He did look as confused as he sounded. If he felt that way, imagine how I feel.

"Why do you think? I can't stay in this room any longer, you are crazy."

The confused expression on his face disappears and his face breaks into that annoying smile once again.

"Thank you."

I can't help but feel he is baiting me, all the same, i still frown in confusion.

"Why are you thanking me?"

He shrugged lightly with the stupid smile still in place.

"You think I'm crazy."

I scoff.

"I don't think. I know so."

He places his left hand on his mouth, like he was trying to hide a blush. Wow, moon goddess might have just gone to the nut house and selected the worst of them and just haphazardly pinned our souls together.

"Any way, you can't go. I won't let you."

I scoff. Silently daring him to stop me.

"Don't goooooo!!!" He flung his arms everywhere while whining like a child.

I cover my ears. I was straining my ears to catch any little sound outside, to know if the doctor was coming, his whine might have been nothing, but to me it felt like I stood close to a very loud speaker.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

He only got amused by my reaction, he actually clapped with excitement.

"I didn't let you go!"

I close my eyes and listen to Grace's voice telling me that I should not imagine ripping him apart limb by limb. I actually cannot rip him apart, not even imagine it. But it helps to believe I can do it.

"You are the only one I can trust here. Someone amongst your people, is a mole. Until we figure it out, I simply can not let you go." His voice returned to that serious, business-like one I heard earlier.

"We?" I try not to think about the fact that my heart was thrashing around impatiently at the 'we' and the simple sentence that he can't let me go. Of course, it was not in the same context as my heart wishes it were. Thankfully, my heart and me are two different entities.

He nods with all seriousness.

"I told you Princess, once anyone tries to kill me, I don't forget about it so easily. In this place, I only trust you, so I need you."

I am thankful for the fact that he had turned away from me and was looking outside, or else he would have seen just how much his words affected me. I never knew I could go red in the face, but I catch my reflection on the small mirror, my face had gone as red as a tomato.

"Of course, we are still enemies. You are my captor and i am a kidnap victim." He turned to face me with a smile on his face.

His words were like ice, I felt them drench me till I was almost shivering. My face was not red anymore. He was right, no matter how hurtful his words were, it does not matter if each word felt like a punch to my gut.

"You have no idea who you are up against. We will find the person behind it." My voice sounded like it usually did when I talked to any of my subordinates. Not at all like the voice I used with him.

He must have noticed the tightness in my voice, because he frowns.

"Let me help." He offered.

I sighed. He might live his life through dodging bullets and skedaddling with the police while on the top of buildings, but this was more dangerous than that. He was different. He was human. He could get killed by simply walking into rogues. One snap of his neck and he was dead, he was only lucky that the rogue that smothered him was too weak, he will not survive going up against another werewolf. I was not going to risk that.

"No. Your help will be useless to us."

My ears picked up the sound of Erin returning with the doctor. A few guards too. Good.

"You know nothing of my skills. I will be of plenty service to you.."

"I SAID NO!" I snapped. Thankfully it did not come out as a roar.

"Just sit here quietly. The doctor will check on you and clear you." I don't wait for his response, I walk out the room and shut the door.

Headache threatened to swallow my temples as well as my forehead. My fingers massaged them gently. I must schedule an appointment with the moon goddess before Erin's birthday. She had to join Erin's and my soul together. Or else, she could sever my connection with the human. I don't care if I remained mateless forever.

"is something wrong, M?" I hear the Doctors voice ask.

I lean away from the wall and spring open my eyes, I have never been so happy to meet the doctor till now.

"No. Everything is just perfect actually. The human woke up." I could not say he was actually not in a coma before, the explanation process was too long for me.

The doctor looked at me, stunned, he blinked slowly. As if tired of explaining the mechanics of the human body.

"He is in his room. Go see for yourself." I nod in the direction of the room.

The guards followed the doctor, standing guard by the door as the doctor entered.

"Is he really awake?" Erin asked.

I nod.

"Yeah I saw him. Will tell you the details later. Good thing he cannot jump out of the building since it's so high up." I am actually in doubt that he won't jump out the building. He was crazy. He can't out run us, that is the only thing I am counting on, in case he decides to run away.

"M?" The doctor called out, his head peaking out from the open door.

"Yeah?" if that guy actually jumped out of the window, and i catch him first, I swear to the moon goddess, I will rip him to shreds.

"He is not awake, he is lying on the bed.. unconscious." The doctor responds slowly, as if scared that I will rip him to shreds.

"What to you mean? I saw him walking around with my own eyes.. He even ripped out the wires attached to his body." I almost laugh at that.

I wonder what kind of trick he had pulled after jumping out of the window that the doctor had seen someone or something else laying unconscious.

I sigh and walk to the room. Erin hot on my heels.

There he was, laying on the bed so still you would actually believe he was in a coma. I pry the covers off him. He had put the needle back into his hand. The guy was a psychopath. How did he do that?

"No.. no.. no. He was awake." I check the ground for any drop of blood.

"M. Please. He might be a criminal but he is still a patient. I would like you to step away from my patient."

My wide eyes move from the crazy human to the doctor and lastly on Erin. He shook his head slightly. His hand around me in a minute, he steered me gently to the door.

I know I did not imagine everything that happened. He was awake, and nobody would believe me.

When I turn to look at him, I could have sworn his eyes were slightly open and he was grinning at me with that evil grin of his.