

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT! ~Who'd ever thought the young Alpha's son would fall in love with his nanny?!~ She was like the mother he never had, the older sister he's always wanted, his ONLY best friend. After an incident at the Dark Risers's pack, the Alpha sends his son away to another pack to be trained and nurtured into a better person; the future Alpha. Twelve years later, Daniel returns a full grown teen with a high sex drive and lust for beautiful women. At such a young age, he handles the pack solely and also bears the pressure of finding a mate from the elders and his relatives. But Daniel doesn't want a mate. Never does and never will. Why get stuck with one woman who would cause him trouble than spend every night of his with women of his choice? Will he live alone in his carnal pleasures or eat his words? I.G: C3e_Jay Discord: C3e_Jay#0881 Discord server: https://discord.gg/C7zhwcQkQS Disclaimer: Book Cover not mine. Fonts and design by me. (◔‿◔) Volume 1 status: COMPLETED Volume 2 status: ONGOING Volume 3 status: COMING SOON Excerpt; for Volume (2) But…" John held the pillow in his hand with a serious, thoughtful look. "Is this what you really want?" Jephthah looked up from where he was finishing up a sketch of Talia and frowned slightly. "What are talking about?" John sighed and came close to him and Jephthah tensed up because his brother looked really serious. And when he did, he always had something really important to say. "You want Talia to be your fated mate, don't you?" "More than anything in the world." Jephthah said without missing a beat, a light glinting in his eyes like stars, but they died down when he noticed John still had that serious look on his face. "John, What's wrong?" "Jephthah," John sighed. "We're twins... you know that right?" Jephthah almost flicked his head at the stupid question. "So?" "And we're like two peas in a pod. We're each other's half." Jephthah narrowed his eyes at him. "Do you think YOU might be my mate?" John hit his head with a pillow this time. "No!" "Then get straight to the point, John." "70% of girls who are mated to a twin usually are mated to…" he paused looking Jephthah In the eyes before finishing his sentence. "the other twin as well." The pencil fell off his grasp, rolled over the sheet of canvas paper and dropped with a thud to the floor, the sharp pointy end of the graphite breaking off to fall next to the door. "What?!"

C3e_Jay · Fantasía
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262 Chs

She'll come along with us

Naomi paused in the act of putting down a name and glanced up just as Marcy did.

"Excuse me. Who shouldn't come?".

Daniel bit back his reply.

That …that…

He gritted his teeth and fisted his hands much tighter by his sides, his knuckles turning white.

He knew what Alpha Justin was up to with his daughter. She had probably told him their ordeal and of course, the great and mighty Alpha had conspired and cooked up a plan, a plot to link the two of them together.

He scoffed inwardly.

Marcy and Naomi exchanged looks when all he did was to stare in space and scoff to himself.

"Is there a problem?". Marcy calmly asked, folding her arms.

"Not at all". Daniel calmly answered and turned away, leaving the pair in confusion again.

You want to play, Justin?

Sure, I'll play your stupid game.

"The fourth floor's exclusively for the Alpha, the third is for the Beta and Gamma and the second is for guest. There are Ten rooms on the second floor. What if the guests surpass ten members". Naomi explained, holding the pen above the notepad.

"Let me see. Okay put this down. Alpha Justin would obviously share a room with Luna Ciara. Dora would take a room. They'll arrive with the head pack warrior, Lebanon. He'll take a room…".

"That's three rooms gone for the Moon Howler's pack". Naomi confirms.

"Oh yes!!! Brittany would be coming too, along with Royce from the Blood Moon's pack".

"Royce? As in her mate? Beta of the Blood Moon's pack. Why is he coming". Daniel cut in.

"Don't be rude Daniel…He's your cousin's mate".

"I don't mind Brittany coming". He sighed and held the bridge of his nose. "I just feel that a lot of people are coming".

"You're the soon-to-be Alpha. You should be used to hosting people, crowds even".

"Isn't that…a woman's job or something". He answered irritably.

"I mean if you showed a little interest in finding your mate, you'd leave that to your Luna". Marcy instigated with a raised brow.

"He has and he wants to reject her!! Gosh!! Such a stupid drama queen he is". Kelvin's spoke and Daniel rolled his eyes.

Naomi couldn't help but hide a giggle while looking down. The thought of Little Danny finding a mate is so cute and hilarious. She couldn't wait for that moment too. But why isn't he interested in finding his mate. So far, that's the most beautiful experience in the life of a werewolf. Aside being able to shift.

Daniel narrowed his eyes at Noami hiding a smile. Why was she blushing? Did she know she was his mate??? Did she know how her scent was driving him crazy. Did she know how staying in an enclosed space like this was messing with his insides. He couldn't even think straight and here she was…Smiling?!

He was torn between holding her against the bed and making her go crazy with his touch and want more of him.

"Royce would be coming with his sister, Talia and she'll be coming with her best friend, Nancy, Alpha Henry's daughter from the Ruby Stone's pack...". Marcy points out for Naomi before Daniel cut in.

"Great!!! Why don't we just invite the seven Packs to my ceremony. It's not like I've found a mate. They're announcing me as Alpha for Moon goddess's sake".

"Daniel this ceremony is also as important as all other ceremonies. You should be grateful that so many people would be attending it. You can be able to build meaningful connections with Alpha Koan or…".

"I'm getting a drink". Daniel cut in and left the room.

"What's up with him. Isn't he happy about the ceremony". Naomi curiously inquired, brows raised, notepad, down.

"Naomi". Marcy sighed as she finally admitted. "Ever since he thought he lost you, he's never been the same, okay? Life to him has been meaningless since the news of your death so I just look past the things he does because I know …I know how it feels to loose someone you loved. You'd feel so lost and…". Marcy softly explains, her voice trialing off and Naomi cast her eyes down to her notepad, guilt destroying her heart to pieces.

This cold, distant person who doesn't care about hurting people's feelings was Daniel. She had made him this way.

It was all her fault.

She shut her eyes, blinking back the tears that pooled in her eyes.

"So..um…". She managed a smile while wiping her eyes. "That's five room's gone". She was willing to change the topic.

"Okay…Alpha Koan of the Crescent Moon's pack would be coming with his Beta, Raiden".

"Seven room's gone". She wrote down two more names as she said.

"Beta Raiden would arrive with his twin brothers, Jephthah and John".

"Nine rooms gone". She added two more names. "Wow. A lot of people are really coming".

"I know. They're all coming in favor of the Late Alpha. The Shamon who would bless the conspicuous hour of the Alpha naming ceremony will also arrive. So he needs a room as well".

"Anyone else, aunt?".

"Stacey, Royce's aunt would be joining us as well".

"Where would she stay. There's no room left on this floor as well". Naomi pointed out.

Marcy thought for a while before saying,

"Okay…I don't think Daniel would mind sharing his floor with Dora".

"Dora?". Naomi looked back at the list, with a curious look. "Alpha's Justin's daughter?".

"I visited them one time and learnt they were very close friends".

"Oh". Was all Naomi said. Her heart flinched in a way that hurt her Internally. It was as if the blood pumping ouy if her heart suddenly stopped.

Daniel's father was right.

Of course Daniel was just a little kid. He'd replace someone like her without a thought . How could she have been so stupid to think he'd be miserable without her.

He was probably this moody because he had to leave Dora and come here.

"So she'll be staying on the fourth floor with him".

Naomi stiffly put down the name and handed the list over.

Marcy glanced at it .

𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧 𝑒𝑡 𝐋𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐂𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐚


𝐋𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧 (𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫)

𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝒆𝒕 𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐜𝐞

𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝒆𝒕 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲

𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚 𝐊𝐨𝐚𝐧

𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐚 𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧



𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧

𝐀𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐲

She nodded in satisfaction and gave it all back.

"Well you and I will have to go shopping for the food items tomorrow. I don't think we'll have time to do all that today because I'm taking Daniel for cloth shopping": Marcy explained.

"Okay aunt".

"We need a maid to go along with us Incase we need help with the shopping bags".

"The maids will be busy preparing the rooms for the guests's arrival today". Naomi explained. "It's possible the guest would arrive early the next morning or tonight even. So alot of dusting and cobweb removing would need to be done for all eleven rooms".

The house , especially the dining area, the main hall for receiving guests and the game rooms needed to be cleaned too.

"I'm sure we have enough maids to handle the cleaning for today". Daniel suddenly said and they turn to see him standing there crushing a can of soda and throwing it to the ground which Naomi frowned at. "And if the guests would be arriving tonight, we need enough stockpile of food which we don't have at the moment. They would need snacks, drinks, refreshments before the main day".

Marcy nodded at his words in approval. Smart.

"So what do you suggest".

Daniel burped and smiled when he saw Naomi's brows crease into a frown at his unmannerism. Her eyes however, grew wide when he jerked his jaw towards her .

"She'll come along with us".