
Hello Mister Cat: It’s been a lifetime!

He thought she wanted to commit suicide and tried to stop her: “There is always hope. As long as you believe, there will always be a way. Come down from that railing first and let's talk about it." She saw it as a chance to prank him instead of clearing up the misunderstanding: With a cunning smile on her face she yelled at the sky. "I don't believe you! Just let me be! I am going to die!" She spread her arms out like an eagle, preparing to face her ‘death’ bravely. A little bit into their relationship: Scene 1: "My, how terrifying Master Quince! But if my character and background is credible, on what grounds do you intend to throw me in jail?" Queen asked, her eyes shining with amusement. "Attempting to wreck havoc, causing psychological pain and emotional trauma." Quince deadpanned. "Psychological pain and...what?!" Queen half yelled the words out. ‘You smelly cat!!! What psychological pain, throughout our interaction you only had that non expression on your face ok?!' Scene 2: "It's ill mannered of you to suddenly read someone else's documents." He said coldly. "But you are not someone else. You're my fiancé." She replied matter of factly. "My point still stands." Quince replied as he bit out those words. "Yeah well, let it continue standing then." Scene 3: "Jealousy is a petty and useless emotion Miss Vancroft. I already have a fiancée." "Oh is that so?" Queen tilted her head before saying, "Are you trying to say that I don't have to worry about anyone else as I am the only one in your eyes Master Quince?" Note: This is definitely not a story about a helpless damsel or weak female~ Nor is this a story about the bullied female lead~ it’s the male lead that...*whoops* author just dodged a shoe from the male lead~ see you in the book! ? *If you are looking for something light, sweet, poignant and funny to read with no annoying misunderstandings then this is the book for you!* **All credits for the picture goes to the original owner on Pinterest**

Imagine163 · Integral
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83 Chs

The Hunk

Wan Lin went to the cafeteria located on the 9th floor in the building. She walked around the large cafeteria and glanced at the stalls there.

As she was apparently earlier than other employees, her view wasn't blocked by anyone and she could look as much as she want without being a nuisance to others as the cafeteria wasn't crowded.

The food selection was luxurious filled with food from many nations ranging from the south to the north of the world. The best thing about it was that, it was completely free for the employees.

It was a rule though that everything taken by the employee must be eaten as wastage of food was not tolerated.

Wan Lin felt her mouth water at the sight but due to the image of the mighty secretary, she kept her cold expression on. Only heavens knew that she felt like she was in foodie heaven right now!

After perusing, Wan Lin finally settled on some Mexican food and went to get herself nachos and mushroom quesadillas.

She took her tray of food and walked to the seat beside the window. Soon enough, the employees started pouring in from different departments and the previously quiet cafeteria became loud with chatter and laughter.

At first no one noticed Wan Lin sitting there but someone looked towards the window seat and saw her sitting there eating her food peacefully. That person signaled the people around and asked about her. Within 10 minutes everyone was asking about the newcomer identity.

The employees had never seen her before and wondered about her identity. In the company, employees from the same department usually sat and ate their meal together so only someone banned by their department would be sitting alone.

Everyone was well aware of the people banned from the social group and the lady sitting beside the window was definitely not one of them.

The employees that had too much free time on their hands started whispering among themselves, discussing about her.

Even though she was professionally attired, her outfit was simply too boring for her to be from the marketing department where they favor colorful outfits, claiming it boost their brain power.

She couldn't be from the PR department either as her glasses excluded her from that department. It was a rule that the people in that department had to wear contact lenses for their image.

They went through all the departments quirks and yet couldn't figure it out.

Wan Lin completely ignored the stares she received from the people and concentrated on her food. The sun was shining and Wan Lin was enjoying the peaceful lighting that surrounded her.

That was until a shadow fell on her and Wan Lin was forced to look up, annoyance coloring her eyes, only to see a good looking man standing in front of her.

He had light brown hair and light brown eyes. He was smiling charmingly at her, his smile was so bright as if he was trying to compete with the sun.

"May I sit here?" He asked her politely.

Wan Lin didn't own the chairs or tables in the company so there was no reason for her to deny him.

"Suit yourself." She said tonelessly and continued with her quesadillas. Damn they were good!

She chewed happily, completely ignoring the man that was in front of her. The man had a slight smile on his lips as he watched her eat.

"You have something on your lips." He said and passed a tissue over to her.

"Hmm." Wan Lin replied before ignoring him. She grabbed her own tissue and wiped her own mouth. The man chuckled lightly at her expression before eating his food.

The chatters around them got even louder as they saw the action of the man sitting in front of Wan Lin.

That man was one of the top five bachelor of the company whom the women were crazy about! He worked in the contracting department as the manager's assistant.

Apart from his muscular build, cute smile and charming personality, his career path and future was extremely bright!

He was the number one person set to be the next head of his department! While it was true that the next logical step would be to become the manager, the guy had enough talent to straight up become the next head of the department. Not to mention his mysterious background which remains unknown till now!

The women's eyes were burning with jealousy and they were dying to go over to that table to replace that woman sitting opposite of the handsome hunk. But they couldn't as their secret rule stated that all the five bachelors were to be shared and not monopolized by anyone!

Since no one knew whom Wan Lin was, they didn't know if the rule applied to her as well. Everyone was intensely watching the scene in front of them.

Wan Lin felt the gazes staring at her intensified and she glanced at the man eating in front of her.

'Seems like he is somebody famous. But the contracting department? Isn't that the department that I just created a scene this morning?' Wan Lin mused to herself.

"So....Miss Wan Lin." The man suddenly said when he felt her gaze on him.

"Hmm." Wan Lin merely grunted her acknowledgment indicating that she heard him.

"You like Mexican food?" He asked as he gazed at her almost finished quesadillas.

"Hmm." Wan Lin replied, neither confirming nor denying it. She looked down at her food and started eating once more.

Wan Lin was definitely not expecting for him to ask her about the food she liked. She thought he was going to introduce himself and gain her favor as he knew that she was the boss's personal secretary.

Contrary to her expectations, he didn't continue pestering her after he heard her reply. He merely continued eating his food.

Wan Lin was soon done and got up, ready to leave. She thought he was going to stop her but he didn't. He merely smiled politely, silently bidding her goodbye.

Wan Lin walked away with a neutral expression but she was feeling confused inside her heart as she didn't know his motive.

She heard words like, 'the hunk, oldie and Mister Timothy' being whispered continuously around her.

'I have a new nickname as oldie now? Is it the way I dress? And hunk? Probably talking about that guy.' Wan Lin mused as she threw her trash into the bin.

'Timothy huh?' She continued her thoughts and silently remembered the name. If she is not mistaken, it's definitely the name of the guy that ate with her just now.

His behavior was definitely strange but Wan Lin couldn't be bothered about it at the moment. She had another person to put her energy towards. Someone she was ready to invest her time into bullyi....assisting.

Thinking that, she walked out of the cafeteria without turning back even once.

Timothy watched her walk away without tearing his gaze from her, a mysterious glint in his eyes. He looked excited as if he found an extremely interesting prey to hunt.

Hello~ how have you been?! Here’s a new update ! Wonder what Timothy’s role is? Me too~!! See ya~ please like vote comment and subscribe to this novel! Thank you! ❤️

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