
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Cómic
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200 Chs

Chapter 40 Casino Conflict

Knowing the news of Van Dijk, the Barrett and the three drove towards Rainland Casino.

As everyone knows, the guards of the Kingdom of Alabastan also got the news and rushed to the casino.

"Gaka, introduce this rainland casino." Barrett asked Gaka on the road.

"No problem, boss." Just killing the first person in his life, Gaka hasn't been relieved.

"Rainland Casino is the largest casino in Alabastan. I am not very clear about their background, but it is definitely not simple. It seems to have the shadow of the royal family."

"In addition, fights are not allowed in the casino. If you don't have any money, you can borrow it in the casino, but if you can't win it on the day, you will put people there and let people take money to redeem them, otherwise they will be sold to the slave market."

Jaka explained that he didn't know much about the news in the casino.

"Heh, can't you do it? Then let's go see and see." Barrett said indifferently, and all regulations are based on strength.

The third day of Barrett's landing.

When the three of Barrett arrived at the casino, the sky was already bright.

Looking at the building in front of you, the overall style is magnificent and magnificent. It can only be said to be the largest casino in Alabastan.

But Barrett was a little disappointed, because the guard in front of the door could not pose a threat to Barrett. It seemed the so-called rules, but so.

Just relying on guards like this is not enough, not to mention Barrett, I am afraid that even the giant axe can't stop it.

Unless the doorway is just decorations and there are masters inside, Barrett might not give face.

"Let's go in." Barrett said.

The three entered the casino, and there were not many people in the casino at this time.

"Disperse, find a place to hide." Barrett whispered the two of them.

Then the three of them found a place to play casually.

Near noon, there were more people in the casino.

"Boss, many people have come in one after another. It doesn't look simple, they should be from the Kingdom Guard." Hahn walked to Barrett casually and said quietly.

"It can't be wrong, these guys are really slow enough, you protect Gaka and watch my instructions." Barrett responded.

Time was still running, and the sky darkened after a while.

Finally, the goal appeared.

Some people came in one after another in the casino. If you feel it carefully, you will find that these guys are pirates. If you expect it well, these guys are the giant axe pirates and the crew.

The pirates are still coming in, but Van Dijk the Great Axe has not been found.

Until the sun completely set, finally no pirates came in.

"Deputy captain, there are fifteen people missing." A pirate reported to the leading pirate.

"Wait," said the deputy captain.

'Oh, it really started to startle the snake.' Barrett scolded inwardly.

Originally, Barrett was going to follow the pirates, but the Kingdom Guards acted directly, making Barrett also impulsive.

It seems that the number of pirates is uneven, and Van Dijk will never appear.

And the king's guards obviously found that the situation was not good. Those kings' guards gathered together in groups, and there were people guarding the door.

"Deputy Captain, what should I do if the dozen or so guys have not come yet?" After a while, the pirate asked again.

"Let the brothers play by themselves, don't call the captain first." The deputy captain warned.

'Damn, sure enough, the vigilance of these pirates is really high.'Barrett scolded secretly.

'What can we do about it?' Barrett racked his brains.

'Ok? If you can't win back with borrowing money, you have to let someone come and redeem the money.' Barrett thought suddenly.

For the present plan, there is only this, the stagnant water must be moved, otherwise there is no chance, just do it, and Barrett walked towards the deputy captain.

Hahn and Gaka tense their nerves, paying attention to Barrett's every move.

Barrett walked to the gaming table where the deputy captain was and simply rolled the dice and guessed the size.

For these things, Barrett didn't understand at all, but he couldn't hold back that Barrett had a fit. For cheating, Barrett couldn't be better at it.

It's a pity that Barrett hasn't seen sex yet, otherwise it would be a lot easier.

Barrett doesn't gamble either. He doesn't have any money in his hands, but as long as the deputy captain loses all the time, I won't even touch it, so you won't doubt me.

"Come and come, buy to leave, buy to leave." A new round began.

The deputy captain is doomed to lose. Someone wins and others lose, but the deputy captain keeps losing.

The deputy captain's face turned blue, losing 20 games in a row, and then losing his pants, the deputy captain retreated.

Barrett took a look at this, and this was where it was. In the twenty-first inning, the deputy captain bet the small, and after that, everyone else bet the big.

The deputy captain was speechless, but under the control of Barrett's black box, the deputy captain won this round.

In an instant, all of the previous losses were won back, a lot more.

The deputy captain's eyes were bright, this is the time to turn, the deputy captain came immediately with interest.

In this way, Barrett caught the vice captain's psychology and gave him a pie when he was desperate. Gamblers always believed in their luck, especially at this time.

Finally, the deputy captain lost everything, but he thought his luck was still there, because he had won several rounds in a row before, and only this round was overwhelmed.

"I want a loan," said the deputy captain.

'finally come.' Barrett thought happily, not in vain for so long.

After fishing, the deputy captain got the loan, and Barrett immediately let him win a round. This is called slackness. Slowly, the deputy captain will borrow more and more money.

Finally, after losing ten games in a row, the deputy captain stopped. It was not that he did not believe in his luck, but that his loan had reached 100 million Baileys.

This is the upper limit of the loan. If it were not for their captain's lavishness, the casino would not even lend him that much money. You must know that not every slave can buy 100 million Baileys.

And then the deputy captain realized that it was over.

"Lend me a little bit more, and I will definitely win the next game." The deputy captain wanted to struggle a bit.

He was struggling like this before, struggling to reach 100 million.

"It's over, the captain will definitely not pay me this hundred million." The deputy captain collapsed.

Barrett left quietly at this time, and the deputy captain was right. His captain would definitely not pay him 100 million, and his only way was...

"Little ones, kill with me!" the deputy captain shouted suddenly.

Hahn and Gaka came to Barrett at this time.

"Shall we do it, boss?" Hahn asked.

"No hurry, I would like to see the strength of this casino, lest it end badly for a while." Barrett replied, he was going to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

The Kingdom Guards also chose to stand on the sidelines as well. At this time, they would only stun the snake. They would not make the same mistake twice.

A large number of security personnel rushed out of the casino, all with knives in their hands, no one was holding a gun, shooting here is easy to accidentally hurt.

Anyway, the pirates don't have weapons. Everyone must surrender their weapons when they come in.

The conflict began...