"Kids, appreciate today. My wife stayed in the kitchen all night making you three kinds of dessert!"
Lilo and Bonbi were also accompanying the service, and each Far Circle student was presented with their desserts on three different plates. Someone was familiar; four slices of baklava were saying hello to them. Another slightly burnt, white rice and runny dessert was in a flat bowl. Again on a plate was the third, brown, sherbet-soaked dessert.
"You know baklava, today I specially made rice pudding and sugarpare. My advice is to start with rice pudding, continue with sugarpare, and finally eat baklava. Bon Appetite guys!"
The short woman who owns the shop named the two new desserts, indicated the order of eating, and completed the service. The students whose morale levels have been going up and down since they came to the Near Circle couldn't wait any longer; they took their spoons and started eating rice pudding.