

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · Historia
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100 Chs


Lu Lingzhi accompanied Mo Rongzhan back to the hunting ground, but Yaoyao's amazing dance was still on his mind. He had only heard Tang Zhen say that Yaoyao's dancing is excellent, but he did not expect it to be like this ... Exciting, looking at her as she danced, nothing seemed to be visible around her, and she was the only one left in the center of her eyes.

If she knew that Yaoyao was as glamorous as Chunhua, she would definitely stop Mo Rongzhan from seeing Yaoyao like this.

"The emperor, the little prince is still in the academy." Seeing that Mo Rongzhan had been silent, Lu Lingzhi couldn't help but speak in a low voice.

Mo Rongyi said lightly: "Leave him alone, with Tang Zhen by her side, nothing can happen."

"Yes," Lu Lingzhi replied, but he wondered in her heart why the little prince cares so much about Yaoyao's affairs that Tang Zhen is cheaper.

"Yes, why is your sister thinking of entering the medical room?" Mo Rongzhan calmly advanced and asked casually.

Lu Lingzhi followed him slowly, because he did not walk steadily, so he did not dare to go too fast. "Going back to the emperor, Chen's third aunt is an expert in medicine, and Chen's sister may be fascinated by the ears. and the eyes. but also talented, so I thought about it. To try the medical museum. "

"Did your feet heal so quickly with his medicine?" Mo Rongzhan asked, raising his eyebrows and looking back at Lu Lingzhi's feet.

He was surprised to see that Lu Lingzhi could walk so fast that, generally speaking, he would have to recover for a month if he suffered a fracture.

"It's strange to say that the first time I took the medicine, I felt it was a miraculous effect, but I didn't feel it anymore," Lu Lingzhi said with a smile, not knowing why, Yaoyao didn't give him the medicine. that Lu Xiangzhi gave him later.

Mo Rongzhan only slightly nodded, and the topic did not continue, Lu Lingzhi originally didn't want him to pay too much attention to Lu Yaoyao, but now that he no longer mentioned it, he naturally stopped speaking.

"The first time I met Shuang'er, she said that she had a nickname," Mo Rongzhan suddenly said about Lu Shuang'er.

Lu Lingzhi was shocked when he heard that, his nickname for her? He had never heard Ye Zhen mention that she had a nickname before. Is there something he didn't know? "Chen hadn't lived in Kyoto since he was a child, she always followed her father everywhere, but he didn't know it. What do grandmothers call noble concubines?

Mo Rongzhan's thin lips lifted slightly. He had tried Lu Shuang'er more than once. She had said that she didn't have a nickname, but even if she had a nickname, it couldn't be the same as her cousin's.

"You once said that Shuang'er had been ill when he was a child, so he forgot many things?" Mo Rongzhan asked in a low voice.

Lu Lingzhi's heart was already ringing at this moment. Why does the emperor always ask about the past today? Do you already suspect that Shuang'er is not his life saver?

Before giving the jade pendant to Shuang'er, the emperor had already fully believed that she was the savior he had known in his youth. How could he doubt it now?

"Yes, when the concubine was ten years old, her whole body suddenly heated up and it took her two days to get better, but after waking up, she forgot many previous things and asked the doctor, the doctor said that it is not bad to burn people. That is everything. "Lu Lingzhi said in a low voice, this is the truth, but it simply happened to explain why Shuang'er had forgotten the secret sign with the emperor.

If Mo Rongzhan had not picked up the broken bag in the forest, he would not have remembered that the girl said that she was Yaoyao, he would not doubt Lu Shuang'er at all and would even love her forever.

But once doubts arise in her heart, more suspicions will arise. Mo Rongzhan now knows that Lu Shuang'er is not the one who saved him, he just wants to know how he got the jade pendant from him.

The last thing he dared to guess was if the girl he had missed for many years was no longer alive, so Yu Pei would fall into the hands of Lu Shuang'er.

"So it's no wonder he forgot the secret code with me." Mo Rongzhan smiled slightly, he was angry that Lu Shuang'er pretended to be his little girl, but he can think of the credit the Lu family has given him. over the years, and that he still needs to be used by Lu. Lingzhi, endured it.

He has just ascended the throne and his foundation is not stable; he needs his confidante to be stable.

Lu Lingzhi was not relieved when he heard Mo Rongzhan's words. He felt that there must be a reason why the emperor would ask like this, but why is this? Where did the emperor see the clue?

It seems that he needed to enter the palace to speak to Shuang'er.

Mo Rongzhan suppressed the disgust that welled up from his heart, smiled and said to Lu Lingzhi: "If you want to quickly heal the wound, you still have to rest."

Lu Lingzhi immediately folded his hands and said, "The minister cannot sit still at home. Although he now walks a little slow, he can still go back to the War Ministry to do things."

Mo Rongzhan nodded, "It's okay."

"Brother Emperor!" Mo Rongyi, who had already left the academy, yelled from a distance and ran.

"Short!" Mo Rongzhan's face sank, and Mo Rongyi drank coldly.

Mo Rongyi stopped his horse anxiously and approached Mo Rongzhan with a smile, "Brother Emperor, why are you here too?"

"Aren't you coming hunting? Why did you go to the academy?" Mo Rongzhan asked with a calm face. It was rare that he finished all the memorials early today. Thinking of this brother saying that he was going hunting, he wanted to come and take a look, in the end, he didn't even have a personal photo, and in fact he ran to the academy.

Mo Rongyi was very afraid of Brother Emperor's stern face, and he cowered in fear. "I saw that Yaoyao was there, so I wanted to go see… Brother Emperor, you don't know. Fortunately, I was there today. Otherwise, Yaoyao won't enter the university."

"You have such a big face, can you still take it to the academy?" Mo Rongzhan asked with a sneer.

"Brother Huang, Lu Yaoyao's dance on drums today is obviously not a problem. Liu Hua bought two teachers and had to give him a second. Lu Yaoyao is smart. She bet Liu Hua that she would be admitted to college." Liuhua asked. she lost 20 to one, and then borrowed two thousand taels from Jingninghou. She bet that she would beat Liuhua. After arguing with the two teachers, he said that the other party had to give him an A ... "Mo Rong Yi said everything that just happened, his eyes lit up with enthusiasm," I also earned ten thousand taels, and I'll ask someone to ask Liuhua tomorrow! "

In Mo Rongzhan's mind, there was the appearance of the tender and delicate girl arguing, and the corner of her mouth was chosen, "If the elder princess goes to the palace and finds her mother because of this incident, no I will forgive you.

"Lu Yaoyao took four armors, Liu Hua lost them all, don't you want to admit it?" Mo Rongyi shouted with a smile.

Lu Lingzhi frowned when she heard it. The two teachers were just too intimidating. They clearly wanted to intimidate Yaoyao for not being too proficient in the six arts, which is why she found such a ridiculous excuse.

Fortunately, Yaoyao did not allow them to succeed.