

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · History
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100 Chs

School House

Ye Zhen returned to Lu's house, changed his clothes, and went to Ms. Lu to tell her about today's college exam. When she heard that she had top four, Ms. Lu was so happy that she hugged her.

"We Lu are so smart. After just a few days of learning, we can already get four armors," Ms. Lu said happily.

Lu Xiangzhi said, "Grandma, you don't know, Yaoyao almost has one arm less today ..."

After hearing Lu Xiangzhi talk about the difficulties of Princess Liuhua and the two teachers, Ms. Lu was so angry that she shot the table, "It's not reasonable to think that our Lu family is really that bully, isn't it? So? ? "

Ye Zhen hurriedly smiled and said, "Grandma, you can't intimidate me. I still earned 40 thousand taels from Princess Liuhua. When I get the silver, I invite you to eat and drink spicy food."

Lu Shiming and his wife came in from outside, "Who wants a delicious drink?"

"Father mother". Ye Zhen stepped forward and said with a sweet smile, "Daughter won a sum of silver today, and I want to invite the old woman out to eat."

"Tsk tsk mother look, we've raised her for so many years, she didn't even think about asking us to invite us, she just kept filial piety towards you," Lu Shiming said with jealousy.

Ms. Lu smiled and wanted to hit him, "Even his own daughter fixes it! Yaoyao took four armors today. This is a happy event. Let's go to a meeting tonight and let's be happy for Yaoyao."

Ye Zhen immediately put her arm around Ms. Lu's arm, "Grandma, I want to eat the Xinlongtang noodles."

"Haha, okay, okay! He called to explain to Xinlongtang." Ms. Lu turned her head to explain to the lady that she was next to her. "Chen, she, go back for a meeting."

Chen Xiu-mao smiled and said yes.

Pei looked at Ye Zhen, smiled, and said to Ms. Lu, "Mother, you can spoil this girl like that."

"Our Lu family girls must be spoiled," Ms. Lu said carelessly, "Why hasn't Fang'er come back?"

Ye Zhen said, "The cousins ​​seem to have other things. The second sister and the fourth sister are with Miss Xu. I want to come back soon, so I didn't wait for them."

"It's not early, they should be back," Ms. Lu said with a smile.

After talking to Elder Lu for a while, Ye Zhen returned to Pei first.

"Why did I hear that Princess Liuhua deliberately made things difficult for you? Isn't that right?" Pei called her daughter into her room, and then asked her about what she had heard before, because she was with the old woman, she didn't. Don't ask directly daughter.

Ye Zhen said dismissively, "Liuhua bought the academy teacher and thought she didn't understand Liu Le. So the teacher said that since she was playing drums, she shouldn't dance on the head. Fortunately, Mr. Shan He taught me before, otherwise this time. He will suffer a loss. "

Pei looked at her, "You'll accept it when you see it, and what else do you have to bet on with Princess Liuhua?"

"That's because she was too intimidating. If I don't do this, she will continue to intimidate me in the future," Ye Zhen said. When she was Princess Qin, she had already suffered too many grievances, and now she doesn't. I don't want to beg for everything.

It is she who is wronged, it is everyone else, what is the point?

"You should receive the admission notice tomorrow. You have to prepare now," said Pei, her daughter is admitted to the medical center, she is happier than anyone.

Ye Zhen coughed slightly, she still has something to discuss with Pei, "Mother, I think I will live in the Medical Museum school in the future."

Pei was stunned, "Why? She's not that far from home, why don't you come back to live?"

"It's not far, but I have to come and go for more than an hour every day. I don't like to ride a carriage. I only live in school for a few days. After five days of school, don" I still have two days? free? Can I come home those two days? "Ye Zhen pleaded in a low voice. If she could live in the school, it would be much easier for her to act in the future.

She has yet to see Hong Ling and hers former confidants of hers, if she is always in Lu's house, it would be inconvenient for her to leave it.

Pei is also reluctant to let her daughter get in the carriage every day. "This matter has to be discussed with the old woman. If her old woman disagrees, the mother cannot promise."

Ye Zhen smiled triumphantly, "Mother, don't worry, my grandmother already agreed. She is only concerned about your disagreement with Dad."

"Slippery little head!" Pei touched Ye Zhen's forehead. "The Medical Museum school building is for two people. Are you used to living with other people?"

"If you're not used to it, you should get used to it. I'm a good person and I can definitely get along with others." Ye Zhen felt that as long as she is not a Liuhua, she certainly is not. hard to get along well.

Pei jokingly said, "You've had some inclinations since you were young, and I'm afraid you won't be able to handle other people's little habits by then."

"Mother, I haven't gotten along yet, who knows," Ye Zhen said.

"Well I'll tell your father about this, he probably won't object," Pei said helplessly.

Ye Zhen lovingly hugged Pei's arm, "Mother, you are the best."

Pei asked Ye Zhen to return to his room first, and then went to Lu Shiming to talk about it. Lu Shiming disagreed at first. He didn't want to see his daughter for a few days, but when he thought about the round trip every day, he made Jiao Didi. Her daughter couldn't take it anymore, so he had to accept it.

Ye Zhen knew that Lu Shiming had agreed, and his mood rose, and he immediately asked Daimei to start packing things.

In the evening, Lu Fang'er and the others returned and saw Ye Zhen alongside Ms. Lu as a butterfly. The expressions on the faces of the four girls were a bit subtle.

Lu Fang'er smiled and stepped forward, "Yaoyao, congratulations, I didn't expect you to have four armors. The real person didn't show your face, but you were talking about yourself. I lied to everyone before saying that you only learned a thousand characters."

Ye Zhen heard Lu Fang'er's bitter words, only smiled and said, "Second sister, what I'm telling you is the truth, I still secretly learned about dancing on drums, and then Mr. Shan taught me. And I knew I could be on the exam. Keep dancing. "

Lu Jing'er pursed her lips, "Although you were admitted to the academy, you offended Princess Liuhua. Third sister, if you are not the younger sister, you must not accept the bet, lest the princess cannot get out of the stage. "

"What does it have to do with me that she can't leave the stage and lose her face? It's not the disability I want to open up." Ye Zhen smiled slightly, asking him to let it flow like this? Don 'Don't think about it!

Lu Zanzhi smiled and nodded, "Yaoyao was right. It was not our Lu family that wanted her princess to lose her face. Yaoyao, tomorrow I will go to the princess's mansion with my fourth brother to ask for money."

"Thank you third brother!" Ye Zhen smiled and thanked him.

Lu Tingzhi chuckled, "I will wait until the older brother returns. The older brother may not agree with us to do this."

Ye Zhen's small smile sank and she whispered, "He hates it more!"

Lu Xiangzhi glared at her.