

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · Historia
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100 Chs

Slow Transformation

Chapter 25 - Slow Transformation

Ye Zhen did not know that the rags he accidentally left in the forest had made Mo Rongzhan suspicious of Lu Shuang'er. In his memory, Mo Rongzhan had never doubted Lu Shuang'er. He had treated her in those two years. Like an ancient life preserver.

She did not expect that after being reborn, she would unknowingly change her original trajectory.

With Lingquan's recovering body, her skin became softer and smoother. Although he did not reach the level of whiteness and fat, in fact he was much better than when he first arrived in Kyoto, at least his skin was no longer as rough as before, the spots on his cheeks from the sun disappeared, his eyes were more bright and dark than before, his chest was swollen, his clothes were two inches shorter, it seems that he is much longer and taller.

Fortunately, she made new clothes, otherwise she would be embarrassed when she wears inappropriate clothes.

"Sir, music in the Six Arts does not have to be tested for piano art, other instruments are fine too?" Ye Zhen did not want to show piano art while testing music, if it is easy to play the piano alone can be heard from basic skills.

She used to be the best at playing the piano, and it is not necessary to mention the basic skills. The teachers at the women's college are all human beings, and it is easy to see that this is not the first time she has come into contact with the piano.

"So what do you want to test?" Mr. Shan asked with a frown. She wasn't worried about Lu Yaoyao's other talents, but this worried her a bit.

Others may make up for it, but Qin Yi exams add up over time, how can I learn it in a short time?

"Drums." Ye Zhen recalled her talent that she had never displayed before. She knew how to play drums. No one knew about this except the maid and the father who was next to her, but they were no longer there.

Mr. Shan's eyes gleamed slightly, "There are various types of drums, which one would you like?"

"Sir, what do you think of dancing on the drum?" Playing drums while dancing on drums fully meets the requirements of musical art without letting people see the basic skills of piano art from her.

In ancient times, the drum was revered as a divine weapon that can pierce the sky. It can be used to cheer up the army and also for sacrifices. The drum has an uplifting and inspiring mood, but due to the insufficient strength of the woman it is often very difficult and few women would choose such an instrument to learn.

If it's encouraging ... it's different.

Mr. Shan discovered that this girl, Lu Yao, was much smarter than she thought. She could be comparable to her apprentice, but unfortunately, her name is Lu, otherwise she would like to accept another student.

"I've never seen anyone dance on the drums. It's hard to find the big drum alone," Shan said.

Ye Zhen said, "I know that there is a place that can make this great drum, and it will only take ten days to take the exam."

Mr. Shan nodded, "As you have already decided, so be it. By then, if you have six gears and three gears, there will be no problem."

In Liyue Sheyu Shushu's number, Ye Zhen's sheyu is definitely not a problem. There is no need to read the book, and the number can hardly pass. So it doesn't matter if you can pass in other respects. Anyway, as long as she like her will be sent in the women's college, she in other respects she will definitely teach him in the future until she can enter the palace.

Ye Zhen followed Mr. Shan's calculations for a long time, arithmetic is one of his weakest subjects, but he has no problem dealing with exams.

"Let's stop here today. Ms. Lu's people have come to look outside the door a couple of times. I think your grandmother is thinking of you," Mr. Shan said nonchalantly. She understood why Ms. Lu liked all three. girls., If it weren't for ... she would have liked this Lu Yaoyao a bit.

Frustration flashed in Ye Zhen's heart. He didn't like going with Ms. Lu. It was not because she hated the old man, but because she faced the old man's love. She only felt resisted and she did not want to accept and did not want to meet Lu Ling there.

"Sir, then I'll go to the room first." Although Ye Zhen did not like going with Ms. Lu, in order to survive in the Lu family, it was necessary to please the old man.

It was time for dinner and it is estimated that the old woman wanted to look for her for dinner.

The back room of the upper room was already laughing over and over again, and Ye Zhen heard Lu Er and Lu Si's voices as soon as she walked out the door. Apart from them, there seemed to be others.

"The third miss are here." The maid at the door opened the curtain for Ye Zhen and blessed her with a smile.

Ye Zhen returned to her with a perfunctory smile, but he taught her that the maid was stunned, only the third girl seemed to have become a little different. The wild girl who had just entered the house had become so beautiful.

"Grandma, I'm here." When Ye Zhen entered the room, she had already changed into a mischievous and mischievous look, with a bright smile on her face.

The people in the room were silent when Ye Zhen entered. They only felt that the girl's smile was truly beautiful, which triggered the brilliance of everyone else.

When did that skinny black wild girl get so refreshing?

Ms. Lu narrowed her eyes and gestured to Ye Zhen for her to come to her side, "Come here and have a seat you must be very tired."

Ye Zhen also took a look at the people in the room. In addition to Lu Er and Lu Si, there were two girls they had never seen before, about fourteen or five years old, sitting at Ms. Lu's right hand. They also looked at her with surprise in her eyes.

With Ye Zhen's transformation day by day, she is no longer the slim black girl, she will gradually become the same as her before, a dazzling Yaoyao.

"Grandma, I'm not tired. In order to get into college in the future, it's nothing to be tired at this time." Ye Zhen obediently sat down and affectionately took the old woman's arm. keep me more delicious, my whole body is full of power. "

Ms. Lu was amused and laughed: "I know you are a snack."

"It is a blessing to be able to eat," Ye Zhen said solemnly.

"Oh then we are really blessed by Yaoyao." Ms. Lu put her arms around her and smiled, and pointed to the two girls who had been looking at Ye Zhen and said, "These are your two cousins."

Ye Zhen stood up and greeted, "It's great that Yaoyao has seen two cousins, and there are two such lovely girls who accompany Grandma, but she is afraid that Grandma will stop loving Yaoyao by then."

Old Mrs. Lu nodded her head with a smile, "I know you are poor."

The two girls also stood up and replied, "Good sister Yaoyao, I've heard about the third sister for a long time, and I finally met her today. She really isn't that well known to meet."

It is not the first time they have come to Lu's family. They learned that there was a third sister who grew up in the border town. They thought they must be ugly. How could they know that she was such a glamorous girl?

Lu Si smiled and introduced herself to Ye Zhen again, "Sister, this is my cousin Qiuping, this is my cousin Liping, they are also students of the Women's College."
