

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · History
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Chapter 24

In the palace of the Jin Kingdom, the shadows of the golden tiles and the red walls fell on the glazed floor, and the people of the palace who carried the peony lanterns of the palace walked every corner, the silent and silent shadows were like ghosts.

In the imperial study room, Mo Rongzhan was holding a wooden box in his hand. The box was already broken. He looked at the pieces of cloth inside, his indifferent expression, his deep, cold eyes, and couldn't see what it was. thinking.

"The emperor, Shen Yi begs to see you," Fude whispered outside.

Mo Rongzhan's eyes drenched slightly, "Let him in."

Shen Yi entered from outside in a black suit. He was the dark guard alongside Mo Rongzhan. Mo Rongzhan usually left the dark guards to do the things that couldn't surface.

"The emperor." Shen Yi knelt on one knee in front of Mo Rong Zhan, his robust face without any additional expression.

Mo Rongzhan raised his eyes and looked at him, "Get up, have you found him?"

Shen Yi handed a piece of cloth to Mo Rongzhan and replied in a low voice: "The emperor, his subordinates have found out. This is the brocade of water clouds flowing from the south of the Yangtze River in AD 25. Emperor Gaozong ". Except for the concubine in the palace, some aristocratic families are rewarded. "

"Who has been rewarded?" Mo Rongzhan's voice couldn't hear any change, and it was still cold and flat.

"Except for the Long Princess Mansion, just ... Ye Family" Shen Yi hesitated for a moment before saying.

You family? A strange color flashed under Mo Rongzhan's eyes. He looked at the rag. The girl said that her name was Yaoyao. There was a word for Yaoyao in him, was it her?

Who is she?

If she left this rag, what happened to Lu Shuang'er? It is impossible for Lu Shuang'er to get this Yunjin. Was she the girl who saved him back then?

Mo Rongzhan once again had doubts in his heart.

"Has anyone been to that forest before me?" Mo Rongzhan asked quietly.

Shen Yi replied, "I have seen him in the forest. Besides the path that the emperor walked, there is another path in the forest. Someone passed by at that time, but I have not discovered who he was."

"In any case, we must find out who has been in the forest." Mo Rongzhan's voice suddenly turned cold, maybe this person took out this box, who is that?

Is it Yaoyao? If it's her, why not go to him? He had his jade pendant in his hand ... Mo Rongzhan's eyes suddenly grew cold, and the jade pendant was in Lu Shuang'er's hand!

If Yaoyao was the girl who saved him, how could Lu Shuang'er have a jade pendant? How would she know what happened back then?

Mo Rongzhan didn't think that the person who saved him back then would be related to the Ye family, so when he learned that the Ye family also had this brocade, he automatically eliminated the possibility of the Ye family. in the dry well at first because of the Ye family. The people who designed to frame him, they wanted to kill him over and over again, how could they save him?

Shen Yi took the order and left the imperial study room. Mo Rongzhan sat alone behind the bookshelf and pondered. Not long after that, the voice of the imperial concubine lady begging to see him came from outside.

Mo Rongzhan put away the rags from the wooden box, and only then did Lu Shuang'er enter.

"The concubine has seen the emperor." Lu Shuang'er entered the imperial study room with a smile, bowed her knees and said in an annoyed manner, "The emperor also said that he wants to accompany his concubine to dinner. Today, but you are too busy for dinner. Eat it. ".

"I forgot it." Mo Rongzhan smiled slightly and reached out to take Lu Shuang'er's hand.

Lu Shuang'er's plump, handsome face smiled softly, "The concubine personally prepares some snacks that the emperor likes to eat. The emperor will taste them."

Mo Rongzhan smiled and nodded, and lightly sniffed his temples. Lu Shuang'er's body had always been a blush scent, not the sweet fruity scent of him when he was a child.

"The emperor". Lu Shuang'er thought that Mo Rongzhan wanted to be affectionate and yelled a little, "Would you like to eat first?"

Mo Rongzhan smiled slightly and naturally released Lu Shuang'er's hand. He has never been very picky about food. What he can remember in this life is the bittersweet cake Yaoyao gave him that year.

"Concubine, did you have a nickname before?" Mo Rongzhan asked Lu Shuang'er in a low voice.

Lu Shuang'er smiled and said, "In the past, the family was called Chen Concubine Shuang'er, and the emperor, you used to be Chen Concubine Shuang'er."


Yaoyao said that his nickname is Yaoyao.

Lu Shuang'er was not the forest girl back then! For the first time, Mo Rongzhan made it clear that he was wrong, but what happened to that jade pendant?

Mo Rong ate something without knowing the taste, then let Fude in and took everything.

"The emperor, isn't it palatable that the concubine did it?" Lu Shuang'er asked in a low voice. Although in the eyes of many people, Lu Shuang'er is already the only favored harem, but only she knows that she does not. I dare not be too presumptuous in front of Mo Rongzhan. The man ... did not seem so easy to get along on the surface, even a little grumpy, he was kind to her, just because he was by her side for many years, and he thought she was her savior back then.

"No, it's just that the border is uneven, I'm a bit upset," Mo Rongzhan said lightly: "It's not early, I'll send you back."

Lu Shuang'er's eyes were filled with joy, "It's okay."

Back at the Kunning Palace, Mo Rongzhan did not let the palace lady enter to change her clothes. He sat with Lu Shuang'er for a while before casually saying, "Is the jade pendant I gave you still there? Last time I looked at that peak. It's a bit old, let me make a new one."

"The concubine is afraid of ruining the jade pendant, so she has kept it." Lu Shuang'er paused in her heart, and the emperor suddenly asked for the jade pendant: "The emperor, the concubine, go find him."

Mo Rongzhan nodded, "Yes."

Lu Shuang'er got up in doubt and went to the closet to take out a brocade box. Does the emperor know something? It is not impossible! Everyone in the Ye family was dead except her and her older brother in this world, no one knew that this jade pendant was taken from Ye Zhen.

"Ah ..." When Lu Shuang'er opened the brocade box, she screamed in fear.

Mo Rongzhan immediately got up and walked over, "What's wrong?"

"This ... this ..." Lu Shuang'er stared in amazement at the jade pendant in the brocade box. "The concubine left it well when she put it on. I don't know when it will be like that."

The jade phoenix pendant did not know when it broke, and the phoenix shattered. Only the phoenix was fine, but the phoenix without the phoenix looked very lonely.

The corner of Mo Rongzhan's mouth was pressed hard and he moved the brocade box closer, "I'll let the people go and see if I can ..."

How to fix it? They are all broken into pieces. Is this because he admits the wrong person, so the jade pendant is also broken?

"The emperor, the concubine is guilty and she did not protect Yu Pei well." Lu Shuanger knelt down and said guiltily.

He felt happy in his heart. This jade pendant was the last link between Mo Rongzhan and Ye Zhen. Now even the jade pendant is ruined, and Ye Zhen's shadow has finally completely disappeared.

With her by Mo Rong Zhan's side, sooner or later he would forget what happened back then.

"Rest first, I will go to the Imperial Study Hall to take care of something," Mo Rongzhan said in a cold voice, and left with the brocade box.

Lu Shuang'er was left with a stunned look.

Still can't compare to a jade pendant?
