

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · Historia
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100 Chs


"So you are Lu Yaoyao!" Suddenly, a sharp voice sounded in the school hall.

Ye Zhen was listening to Sun Wen and the others, and when she heard someone scream her name, she looked at it suspiciously.

Sitting in the other corner, two or three women who were talking together looked contemptuously, and the youngest one of them even stood up, pointed at Ye Zhen and said, "You are the shameless Lu Yaoyao. , To coax those men to take money out for you to make a bet, causing the faceless Hu Meizi of Princess Liuhua!"

Ye Hao's face sank, his eyes were cold and he looked at the little girl, "What are you talking about?"

The little girl thought that Ye Zhen didn't dare to quarrel with her, so she walked up to her even more arrogantly, pointed at Ye Zhen's nose and cursed, "Is it wrong, you are shameless, if it wasn't for the little prince and Jing Ninghou How can you get into the academy when you are coaxed?"

"I heard...she also lied to Jingninghou's silver whip." Someone whispered.

"What is shame? You are like a shrew like you, so you have to face it? Which girl are you from? Didn't your parents teach you what is ethics and shame? Such a person can actually become a student of the college, and how can you rely on it? Means?" Sun Wen immediately cursed back.

"It doesn't matter to you, what are you doing when you jump out?" the little girl cursed at Sun Wen.

Sun Wen akimbo, "If you didn't run to us like a madman, I wouldn't bother to care about you, Huang Fuxiang, who are you jealous of?"

Ye Hao released his clenched fists and watched Huang Fuxiang's eyes condensed.

"What are you talking about, who do I need to be jealous of?" Huang Fuxiang became angry and glared at Sun Wen, then turned to look at Ye Zhen, "Lu Yaoyao, hand over my cousin's silver whip!"

Cousin? This Huang Fuxiang is Tang Zhen's cousin?

The corner of Ye Zhen's mouth raised a faint smile, but there was a bit of mockery in his eyes, "Even Tang Zhen is willing to bet and lose, Miss Huang, I don't know what identity you are and you want to return to the silver whip with me. Are you Tang Zhen's cousin?"

Huang Fuxiang glared at Ye Zhen's face jealously, "That's right!"

"Fortunately, it's just a cousin. Otherwise, how would Tang Zhen behave in Kyoto? I don't know what he thinks he can't afford to lose. He wants a cousin to ask me for the silver whip. I know...probably sympathizes with him, but he doesn't. I know where to climb such a cousin." Ye Zhen smiled faintly.

She only knew that Tang Zhen was an orphan, but she didn't know that he had relatives in Kyoto, and obviously this relative should be familiar with Liuhua.

Huang Fuxiang's face turned red and white after hearing Ye Zhen's words.She wanted everyone to know that Lu Yaoyao was a shameless person, and she never thought of hurting Tang Zhen's reputation. It really hurts my cousin.

"Girl Lu is really eloquent. No wonder that even Princess Liuhua is not your opponent." Huang Fuxiang didn't know when there was a slightly older woman behind her. She raised her eyebrows and glanced at Ye Zhen, "I hope you can follow your skills. As good as eloquence."

Huang Fuxiang saw her as if she saw a rescuer, "Sister Su!"

Su Xinmei nodded and looked around at the academy. "Everyone should be seated. Don't want to cause trouble when you just start school. I hope you remember that no matter how prominent your family is, entering the academy is the same. I am your teacher. Please ask me if you don't understand, please come and ask me. There is no teacher teaching today. I will send you books first, and then arrange for you to go to the school. You can walk around in the school and take a look at the medicine field. What kind of medicine, in addition to studying medicine, you will also learn how to grow medicine in the future."

Sister Jiaoyin? Ye Zhen glanced at Su Xinmei. If he can stay as a teacher after graduation, he will become a teacher in the academy in the future.

Everyone heard Su Xinmei say that she was a teacher and elder sister, so she didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore, and obediently returned to her seat to sit down.Huang Fuxiang gave Ye Zhen a triumphant glance, then turned her head and walked away with a snort.

As soon as Ye Zhen sat down, Chen Jinru behind him whispered to her, "Senior Sister Su was adopted by the Huang family. She has been in the Huang family since she was a child."

No wonder Huang Fuxiang can be so confident! Ye Zhen smiled faintly. The first day she came to the academy, it seemed to be a little different from what she imagined. When she was Ye Zhen before, no one had dared to provoke her in front of her. Now it is Lu Yaoyao, as if... It was looked down upon by many people.

Su Xinmei is asking people to pick up books, and each person only picks up a beginner's book, and they need to go to the library to copy any books they will use in the future.

Books are rare, and a good book is even rarer. The books in the library are all left over from a hundred years ago and are well preserved. Everyone who goes to transcribes must be very careful. If they are damaged, they will definitely be punished. .

"Everyone has a book in hand, and it contains the basic introduction to herbs." Su Xinmei's voice is clear, "Tomorrow teacher will take you to the medicinal field. You will learn all the herbs in the book first."

Ye Zhen glanced around and found that the knowledge of herbs in it had been learned by her, and it was not difficult to remember.

"Now you can walk around in the academy," Su Xinmei said.

Huang Fuxiang stood up and said to Su Xinmei, "Sister Su, can you take us? We don't know the way."

Su Xinmei glanced at her, "Yes, let's go."

Huang Fuxiang smiled and gestured to the girls next to her, and followed Su Xinmei out.

"Really! What proud of?" Sun Wen snorted coldly.

Chen Jinru said, "Senior Sister Su has been in Huang Cangjia since she was a child, so it is natural to be better for Huang Fuxiang."

Ye Zhen smiled faintly, "Let's go out too."

She is not interested in what other people say and do.Ye Zhen just wants to learn what she wants, so that she can become a female medical officer in the future.

"Lu Yaoyao!" Not long after Ye Zhen and the others left, they saw Gao Xueping approaching arrogantly.

Ye Zhen frowned slightly and looked at her, "Gao girl, what's the matter?"

"You also want to live in the school?" Gao Xueping looked at Ye Zhen coldly, with a high-level look.

"Does this have anything to do with Girl Gao?" Ye Zhen asked with a slight smile.

Gao Xueping commanded coldly, "I don't want to live with you, you move out and live with others!"

Ye Zhen was slightly startled, and he didn't think that she was actually arranged to live with Gao Xueping. "If Miss Gao doesn't want to be in the same room with me, she can move out."

"There is only one room between the two, why should I move out? Naturally, you are required to move." Gao Xueping said coldly.

The schools in the college are also divided into levels.The best is the room between the two. Pei felt sorry for her daughter to live in the college, and naturally chose the best for her.

Ye Zhen smiled faintly, "Gao girl, since there is only one room, why should I move out?"