

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · History
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100 Chs


The carriage parked outside the gate of the Women's College, and Lu Lingzhi was inconvenient to send her in, so he said goodbye to Ye Zhen.

"You don't have a maid by your side to take care of you. If you are not used to the life of the school, let someone go and talk to your home." Lu Lingzhi urged her softly.

Ye Zhen smiled and nodded, "I see, brother, don't worry about me."

She must be able to take care of herself.

Lu Lingzhi glanced at Ye Zhen with a smile, and then got on the carriage again and left.

Yesterday, Pei had asked her to send her daily needs to the school building of the medical museum, and she could come to the college so easily today.


Ye Zhen just entered the academy, and immediately heard someone calling her name from behind. She turned her head and a light yellow figure walked towards her briskly. The girl was round in figure, but the smile on her face was bright and sweet, and she was waving her hand vigorously. .

It was Sun Wen that I met in the last exam! Ye Zhen stopped and smiled as she watched Sun Wen walk up to her.

"Yaoyao, I didn't expect to meet you on the first day of school." Sun Wen looked at Ye Zhen happily. Before Ye Zhen could speak, she kept talking, "Fortunately, I met you, otherwise I I don't know what to do. It's not long after I arrived in Kyoto. I don't even know anyone, so I can't find someone to talk to..."

Ye Zhen listened to her and said in a tweet, "I also just arrived, and I met you when I didn't expect it."

Sun Wen liked Ye Zhen very much on the day of the exam. She has a problem. She likes to look at her face when she makes friends. She looks good and has a nice person. She is the favorite, "Yaoyao, in the future we will be Classmate."

"Yes!" Ye Zhen didn't have any close friends before. Faced with such a passionate Sun Wen, she was a little caught off guard, and she didn't know how to deal with it.

Sun Wen didn't notice Ye Zhen's uncomfortableness, and took Ye Zhen's hand to the medical museum.

The medical museum is very large, and it is the largest school in the women's college.Although it is no longer the pomp of a hundred years ago, there was Qi Yanling that year, and there were still many girls who chose to study medicine, and there were many women from famous backgrounds.

There are forty students in their beginner class and they are divided into two classes.Ye Zhen and Sun Wen first check which class they are in.

"Yaoyao, we are all in Class B." Sun Wen whispered.

In the two classes of A and B, the best is naturally A. Their exam results are obviously not bad, why are they in Class B.

Ye Zhen smiled and said, "A and B are the same, don't they learn medicine differently?"

Sun Wen nodded, "You are right."

"Humph." Someone sneered and said disdainfully, "Sure enough, they all come from the country, and they don't have any knowledge at all, so they can come to the college."

Upon hearing this, Ye Zhen and Sun Wen both turned their heads and looked at them. They both felt that the voice was a bit familiar. They saw the girl in pink clothes with an arrogant face, they remembered who this person was, but they taunted on the day of the exam. Sun Wen's ugly Gao Xueping.

Ye Zhen had never seen Gao Xueping before, but seeing this girl's arrogance, she should be the lady of the Longshan Gao family.

Although the Longshan Gao family is not a century-old family, it is also a famous family.It is also quite surprising that Gao Xueping will come to the medical museum.

"We are from the country, so are you fine?" Sun Wen stared at Gao Xueping and asked.

Gao Xueping is relatively tall, and looks quite condescendingly at Sun Wen, "I won't talk to ugly monsters, you get out of it."

Sun Wen hates others for saying she is ugly. Where does she look ugly? "You... don't go too far."

Gao Xueping ignored Sun Wen, but raised her eyebrows to look at Ye Zhen, "Are you Lu Yaoyao?"

Ye Zhen took Sun Wen's hand, "Let's go, I never talk to people who are ugly and think they are beautiful."

"..." Sun Wen looked at Ye Zhen's eyes instantly brightened.

Gao Xueping was so angry that his face was blue and white, staring at the backs of Ye Zhen and Sun Wen, treating them as his opponents.

Ye Zhen doesn't like to have enemies with others, but she also doesn't like others to humiliate her friends.

"Yaoyao, you are going to make Gao Xueping angry." Sun Wen felt too hateful and admired Ye Zhen even more.

"She is not a broad-minded person. Don't provoke her in the future." Ye Zhen reminded Sun Wen that she was not afraid of Gao Xueping, but she remembered that the Gao family had some relatives with the Liuhua family. Although Sun Wen was also an official girl, It's no match for the princess.

Sun Wen said, "It was obviously she who came to provoke me, and I didn't offend her, so why do I look bad at me?

"Let's go to class first," Ye Zhen said.

In fact, with Ye Zhen's grades, she should have been assigned to Class A. However, she had two college teachers expelled on the day of the exam, and she had such a big conflict with Princess Liuhua. A warning for it.

Ye Zhen and Sun Wen came to Class B. The two classes of Class A and B are adjacent. In fact, it is easy to distinguish the differences between the two classes. Most of the girls in Class A are from Kyoto, and they are from better backgrounds. Related to the aristocratic family in Kyoto, this sort of division shows that today's women's college no longer has the justice of Qi Yanling's period.

If it weren't for becoming a female medical officer, she wouldn't want to come to school at all.

"Yaoyao, let's sit there." Sun Wen pointed to the front position and took Ye Zhen's hand to go over.

Their school is very large, everyone has a table, and there is a futon on the ground.There are already many people in it.When they see Ye Zhen and Sun Wen walk in, everyone's eyes are on Ye Zhen's body.

Ye Zhen nodded at them, and sat down on two empty tables with Sun Wen, and put all the pen and ink in the bag on the table.

"Are you Lu Yaoyao?" a girl in green clothes sitting behind Ye Zhen asked curiously. This girl is about fifteen years old, she is beautiful and cute, and she has two small dimples when she smiles. The crowds are different, sitting alone, no one around is willing to talk to her, she saw that Ye Zhen was actually willing to sit around her, and hurriedly greeted happily.

"Yes." Ye Zhen nodded, frowning her eyebrows slightly, is she so famous?

The girl in green said happily, "My name is Chen Jinru. I saw you on the day of the exam. You are amazing."

Ye Zhen returned her with a faint smile.

Sun Wen smiled and said, "My name is Sun Wen. I also saw you last time. You play the piano very well."

Chen Jinru didn't expect that they would all be willing to talk to her, and became more and more happy.

The chat of the three of them attracted the attention of others, especially when someone heard that Ye Zhen was Lu Yaoyao, their eyes turned towards her, and when she saw that she was so pretty, she felt even more displeased.