

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · Historia
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100 Chs


Beyond the wooden wall, there is another world outside.

Ye Zhen came out of the water with red eyes looking at the familiar scenery. She was still the same as her when she was a child. There were no changes. She remembered that when she was five, because she was upset and excluded. For her mother, she felt very aggrieved, but she did not dare to cry at home, for fear that her mother would hate her even more.

Dad brought her here. He taught her how to swim and made her cry here, and then quietly told her that it wasn't that her mother didn't love her, but that the knot in her heart hadn't been resolved. In fact, her mother loved her very much.

She was here at the time, crying deeply, completely crying for all the grievances, and when she returned, she was already smiling.

She now she wants to cry a lot, and then she has a warm pair of hands that hold her house.

However, there is no more.

Surrounded by mist, Ye Zhen looked ahead through the desert smoke, and a round of moon flowers hung high on the mountain top, illuminating the surrounding clouds and mountains like splashes of ink. The thick clouds were as heavy as mountains, and the distant mountains Is pale as a cloud, as a cloud as a mountain, and it is not clear at all.

Ye Zhen covered his face with both hands and began to cry in pain.

Dad, I'm so painful, so hard, where are you?

She was wrong, she knew she was wrong, she shouldn't marry Mo Rongzhan out of her own desire, she shouldn't even love him, but it was too late.

She didn't even know how to get revenge, on the condition of nothing from her, who could she do to pay for the death of her father and her brother?

Ye Zhen cried for a long time. After crying earlier, the complaints in her heart would also disappear, but now why the hatred and sadness in her heart couldn't be relieved.

She raised her head, looked at Yuehua, who was still glowing, and spread her arms to swim back and forth in the hot spring pool.

Ye Zhen, who was immersed in her pain, did not notice her. In the forest on the other side of the pool, there was a long shadow standing there, with deep, bright eyes looking at her.

Mo Rongzhan did not expect that, on a whim, he would meet such an impressive woman on this mountain. Although it was night, the moonlight was bright and he was a martial artist, and his eyes could see farther and more clearly than ordinary people. He had stayed in another pool before hearing a woman scream.

Who is this woman? Could it be that some official who wanted to please you fixed it here?

Mo Rongzhan's gaze sinks slightly, and he coldly stares at the woman who is swimming back and forth like a mermaid in water. If she wants to seduce him, then this trick is new, but unfortunately, he is not the one who knows how. pity the flower What if the person who appreciates jade pretends to be weak and cries in front of him?

Suddenly, the woman in the water stopped swimming. She was sitting on the stone slab in the middle of the pool. She seemed to be a bit tired. She was panting she was in front of him next to her, and he could clearly see the roundness of her wrapped in her belly. As she gasped up and down, what surprised him was her glowing skin, under the moonlight, she looked like a fairy.

There is a banshee and beautiful, Pei returns to Xiangshuimei ... the red face is like a lotus, the skin is like fat and is more eccentric. Lightweight and not self-sufficient.

Mo Rongzhan had such a situation on his mind, his breathing became a little heavy and his feet walked uncontrollably.

Ye Zhen was a bit weak. He sat down on the stone slab and wanted to rest for a while. After swimming for so long, his emotions have calmed down and the anger and sadness in his heart have also been suppressed. He now he just wants to go back to sleep, and he will wake up tomorrow. He can be strong.

Suddenly, she seemed to hear a slight noise, Ye Zhen looked around her suspiciously, and when she turned her head, she was stunned.

At some point next to the hot spring pool there was a man wearing a black robe with gold trim, his large robe was loose on him and his belt was loosely tied, revealing his chest strong and strong. of the.

Mo Rong Zhan? Ye Zhen looked at him blankly, why was he here?

Just when Ye Zhen was stunned, Mo Rongzhan had already entered the pool, and the sound of entering the water finally woke Ye Zhen up.

He jumped into the water like a mermaid and was about to leave this place quickly. She couldn't meet Mo Rongzhan under such circumstances, absolutely not!

Just when she was about to swim towards the wooden wall, a large hand grabbed her foot and dragged her back with force.

Ye Zhen kicked him hard with the other unzipped foot without thinking.

She listened to Mo Rongzhan huffing and dropping his feet with big hands. She immediately dove into the water, swam through the wooden wall, and called out to Daimei in a panic.

Mo Rongzhan covered his bloody nose with one hand and stared at the wooden wall blocking it. This was the first time a woman dared to kick him.

This woman was not arranged by others to serve him, so who is she?

He stared for a while before exiting the hot spring pool with a cold face, and shortly after exiting the forest, he saw Fude running over, still holding her clothes.

Mo Rongzhan changed out of his wet robe before heading back to Chengde Mountain Village. Tang Zhen and Lu Lingzhi, who accompanied him hunting, were already waiting for him in the hallway. Seeing him return, they all knelt and bowed.

"Get up!", Mo Rongzhan's voice was grim, and his eyes grew more indifferent.

Lu Lingzhi and Tang Zhen exchanged glances, it seems that the emperor's mood is not that good.

"The emperor, what is wrong with you?" Tang Zhen looked up and saw Mo Rongzhan's nose redden, and he couldn't help but ask in surprise.

Mo Rongzhan knew what Tang Zhen was wondering, and his eyes grew colder, "I'm fine, I just went out to soak in the water."

Tang Zhen smiled and said, "This is the most suitable time to take a bath in the spring. If we come back from hunting tomorrow, we can also take a bath."

What if I meet that woman again? Mo Rongzhan thought to himself that if he ever saw that woman again, he would definitely not let her go.

"Is there someone Zhuangzi near here?" Mo Rongzhan asked lightly.

Lu Lingzhi smiled and said, "Back to the emperor, the Zhuangzi that you once gave to the minister is near."

Mo Rongzhan's eyes darkened. Is that woman from the Lu family? Didn't you mean to appear in front of him on purpose? He touched his nose, it seemed like it shouldn't be like that. If she was intentional, would she dare to kick him?

Are you treating him like a disciple?

"Just now, the guards came back to tell me that someone from the city lived in that Zhuangzi. It seems like it should be Master Lu's family," Fude said to Mo Rongzhan with a smile.

Lu Lingzhi was stunned, he had not returned to the Lu family for two days and he did not know that Lu Shiming had brought Ye Zhen and the others to Zhuangzi.

Tang Zhen's eyes lit up, "Could she be your third sister here?"

Mo Rongzhan faintly looked at Tang Zhen with an expression of unprecedented enthusiasm, "Third Sister Yan Zhi, is she the girl who came from the Border City and won the silver whip from her?"

"Going back to the emperor, it's her, don't look at the small size of her, you can't lose to a man in the hunt," Tang Zhen replied with a smile.

Lu Lingzhi felt nervous and inexplicably nervous, he didn't want Mo Rongzhan to see Yaoyao.

"Send her hunting together tomorrow," Mo Rongzhan ordered nonchalantly.