

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · History
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100 Chs

Wenquan Zhuangzi

Jin Wuxizhuan, and the group of them finally reached Zhuangzi. Lu Shiming had sent people to Zhuangzi to take care of everything. When they arrived, Zhuangzi's housekeeper had already met them at the door.

Pei told Ye Zhen, "It is getting late. After sitting in the car most of the day, I go back to eat something."

Ye Zhen smiled and replied, "Don't mother and husband go to hot springs together?"

"Every patio here draws water from the spring, not just from a pond," Pei said with a smile.

Ye Zhen smiled. No one is more familiar with the structure of this hot spring village than she is. This was originally her dowry. She died and had no children. The Ye family also broke up with her family, so her things became Mo Rong Zhan. Yes, she gave Zhuangzi to the Lu family.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhen's anger rose in her heart and her hatred for Mo Rongzhan grew a little deeper.

Because she is an insignificant person to him, her dowry can be given to others at will.

Pei felt her daughter's mood was a bit depressed and he thought she was too tired so they took her to rest first.

When Ye Zhen arrived at the courtyard arranged for her, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. It was a coincidence that she used to live in this courtyard because the hot spring pool in this courtyard was the largest, and it led to the back mountain. Although the large pool is surrounded by wooden walls, it is not difficult to swim.

When she was not married, whenever she came here to soak in the hot springs, she would sneak to the back mountain at night, lay in the hot spring pool, and admire the moonlight and ink-spattered night scene, which also had a different flavor.

Here are the memories of her, her father and her brother when she was a child, Ye Zhen looked at every corner that she knew and her heart became more and more uncomfortable.

"Yaoyao!", Lu Xiangzhi ran from behind, the smile on her face was shocked when she saw the tears in Ye Hao's eyes, "What's wrong?"

Ye Zhen wiped away his tears, smiled and shook his head, "Okay, aren't you with father? Why are you here?"

Lu Xiangzhi frowned and looked at her, "Are you worried about the entrance exam? Or have you heard that others are betting on you?"

"Do you know that too?" Ye Zhen asked in surprise, has this matter spread?

One of Lu Xiang's faces actually looked like this: "Don't worry about what other people think, don't they say you can't pass the exam if you don't?"

"Brother, go and bet on me." Ye Zhen burst into tears and smiled, tugging at Lu Xiangzhi's sleeves and said, "All my savings are just one hundred taels. Go and place a bet on me, I just bet I can pass the exam. Come in and lose ten. Yes. I win, I will receive a thousand taels. "

"You ... have you squeezed all your savings?" Lu Xiangzhi didn't expect that she was still thinking of making a bet.

Ye Zhen frowned and looked aggrieved, "Brother do you think I can't pass the exam? You look down on me too."

Lu Xiangzhi hastily said, "Why would I despise you? Our Jia Yaoyao is the most intelligent and he will definitely be admitted to the academy."

"Then bet me win." Ye Zhen smiled, her clear eyes glittering like gems.

Lu Xiangzhi looked at her beautiful smile, lost consciousness for a moment, blurted out and agreed: "It's okay."

Ye Zhen happily smiled, "Brother is really nice."

"Go and rest." Lu Xiangzhi came to her senses and shook his head with a wry smile, his eyes filled with pampering and pride.

"Then I'll go first," Ye Zhen said, leading the maid towards the front yard gate.

Lu Xiangzhi looked at her younger sister's back and sighed inwardly to her. It didn't take long for his younger sister to change from a wild boy to a slim girl. He has just found out that among all the girls he met, including the other girls in the Sister of the Lu family, it seems that Yaoyao doesn't look good.

I don't know which bastard child will be cheaper in the future! Lu Xiangzhi thought angrily, and when he returned to the front and met Lu Shiming, he couldn't help but complain to his father.

Lu Shiming slapped him, "Don't think about everything, I can't bear your sister getting married so quickly."

Lu Xiangzhi nodded, "Dad, you are wise."

"Don't leave school yet," Lu Shiming chided with a smile.

In the evening, after Ye Zhen digested his food, he took Daimei to the hot spring pool and enthusiastically said, "I'll go down and soak for a while, you can wait for me outside."

Daimei said with some concern: "Miss, it's all dark, so let's go back tomorrow."

Ye Zhen smiled and said: "Today I have been in the carriage for a long time. My bones are stiff. If I do not take a bath, I will definitely have to sleep well tonight. You too relax go and immerse yourself in Koike, this hot spring will not only soothe fatigue, but it will also improve your skin. "

Daimei's heart moved, but she didn't dare to actually enter the water. She stepped forward to untie Ye Hao's belt and took off her clothes, revealing Ye Hao's wet white shoulders and back.

"Miss, do you want to let your hair down?" Daimei asked quietly as she looked at Ye Hao's rose-glowing skin.

Ye Zhen nodded, removed the bobby pin from his head, and her shiny black hair leaned down like a waterfall.

She only wore a belly girdle and a pair of silk pants that only reached her knees. She did not apply any herbal juice tonight. Her hair down to her waist was spread out to cover her smooth white back. The pink sash was wrapped in two drum balls. The bulging nephrite, her waist is even more unbearable, and her slender legs slowly walked towards the water. The moonlight on her body seemed to shed a layer of fine luster, making her skin more and more radiant like jade.

Even though she is the same woman, Daimei couldn't help but blush when she saw Ye Zhen like this, but she couldn't find any adjectives to express the beauty that she saw.

When did the third lady become so beautiful?

Ye Zhen happily wandered around Tangquan, remembering how her father taught him to swim with her second brother when she was a child.

Her tears were rolling, it was all nonsense and the people she loved were no longer there.

Ye Zhen sank into the water, her eyes aching and unbearable before she came back up.

"Daimei, go outside and wait, I'll call you when I'm done." Ye Hao stood to the side of her and looked at her when she saw Daimei. She didn't want others to see her cry, so she sent Daimei out of her.

"Yes, third miss." Daimei recovered from the surprise, put the tea in her hand beside her, looked at Ye Zhen, and then went out to wait.

Only she is here, so no scruples.

Being reborn in her sister for so long, she was vigilant and protected against life at all times, fearing that people would see the strangeness, but now in a place with which she used to be so familiar, her emotions are somewhat inappropriate and uncontrollable. .

She sank to the bottom again and swam flexibly through the wooden wall. This is what she used to do. The hot spring pool outside the wooden wall is much larger than the one in the courtyard, and the surrounding scenery is more beautiful.