

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · Historia
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100 Chs


What is she worried about? Miss Lu Si was furious at Ye Zhen's attitude like a fool, "Okay, okay, if you don't listen to my advice, you can't blame others for being embarrassed at that time."

"Fourth sister don't worry, don't blame anyone." If she fails the exam, she might as well die again.

Once she graduated from Women's College with the first degree, is it possible that even a medical center has improved?

Miss Lu Si was so angry that Ye Zhen was so ignorant that she couldn't speak. Where did this wild girl from the border town come from? Does she not know how high the sky is, or is she really thinking that Kyoto is the same as the border city, can she do whatever she wants?

She did not see the inferiority and weakness that she wanted in Ye Zhen, Miss Lu Si felt that nothing was right, so she left a good sentence and walked away angrily at her maid.

"The fourth girl's temperament is getting bigger," Daimei whispered alongside Ye Zhen.

"Everyone who treats themselves like a talented woman is kind of weird." She never considers herself a talented woman, she wants to be a beautiful woman.

Ye Zhen arrived at Pei's courtyard. Pei was ordering the medical books that she had brought from the border town. Seeing her daughter arrive, she smiled and asked Ye Zhen to sit next to her, "Did you just leave the old woman ??"

"Yes, mother." Ye Zhen will appear more cautious in front of Pei's family. Mother and daughter are connected. She is not Lu Yaoyao. Every move will make Pei suspicious. "Grandma said that in a few days, he would take us to the flower viewing party."

Pei laughed and looked at her slim daughter, "Well then go see, but your temper must be collected. Kyoto is not a border city. You can't do it arbitrarily."

Ye Zhen nodded obediently, "Mother, in your mind, is your daughter a wild child?"

"When you were in the border town, you weren't wild and you didn't touch your house all day," Pei said with a smile.

"I know that Kyoto is not a border city, and I will definitely be obedient in the future," Ye Zhen said, taking a medical book in hand and reading it, wondering if Lu Yaoyao's memory exists, she is actually familiar with these. dark medical theories. Even many pharmacological knowledge that she had not learned before appeared in my mind.

Watching her focus on the medical book, Pei smiled and said nothing.

Ye Zhen looked up from the book after a long time, "Mother, I'm taking these books, okay?"

"Oh Yaoyao, you've really changed your sex. I used to let you read these books. You didn't mean you had a headache or your eyes hurt. Why do you want to read it today?" Pei asked in surprise.

"My grandmother wants me to go to the Women's College. After thinking about it, only the Medical Center is the most suitable for me," Ye Zhen said.

Pei's expression was scared, and she put the book in her hand and looked at Ye Zhen, "Yaoyao, did the old woman let you go or did you want to go?"

"I want to go too," Ye Zhen whispered.

"The Women's College is not a private school in a border town. Yaoyao, I haven't restricted you since you were a kid. You can learn all you want, but the Women's College is different. I'm afraid they won't use you" Pei sighed, thinking that the daughter considers going to the university of women like a play.

Ye Zhen said, "Mother, we will probably not return to the border city in the future. Brother is already an assistant to the Ministry of War, and he will definitely continue to ascend in the future. The fourth brother will also have exams in the future. I cannot be like a wild girl. I just concentrate on eating, drinking and having fun all day. I am fifteen years old. It is impossible to be like an eleven or twelve year old girl learning piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. I have been studying medicine with you since I was girl, and the most important thing is to go to the medical museum. It's appropriate. If you have any future prospects, she may still be a medical officer. "

Pei was secretly surprised when she heard it. She did not expect her daughter to come to Kyoto for a long time, and she had such ideas. She asked her in a deep voice: "Did someone say something to you?"

Ye Zhen's heart trembled, she horrible, she forgot that Lu Yaoyao turned out to be a careless temperament, how could she think so much about her? She whispered, "No one said anything to me, just ... seeing the second sister and the fourth sister. It seems a bit out of place to me."

Pei laughed, and only after comparing him will she know his flaws: "It's okay if you want to go to the medical museum, but the women's college entrance exam is not easy. You don't like learning those things when you're young, so if you don't pass the exam. What? "

"It's no big deal if you can't pass the test. This test is originally

four points of hard work and six points of luck. Isn't it half a month before the test? I just work hard these days. "Zhen said charmingly," Mother. Didn't you say that I'm smart before? I'm sure I can learn it as soon as I learn. "

Pei nodded, "Find a husband for yourself, you have to study a lot."

Ye Zhen happily hugged Pei's arm, "Thank you mother."

"How old is a girl? She is still like a girl." Pei looked at her, "If you want to read these books, let people take them away. The wing on your east side will free up like a study room, where you can read in the future."

"It's fine". Ye Zhen now needs to read more of these medical books. Although she has the memory of Lu Yaoyao, she doesn't know much about medicine.

Before coming, Lu Yaoyao had little interest in medical skills.

Pei is an activist and today he said that he wanted to find a wife for Ye Zhen. It was still dark and a candidate had already been found.

I heard that he was a gentleman from a women's college. He quit college because he disagreed with his boss. He would rather be a western feast for others. Although this gentleman is not in college, she is still famous. Ask him. be a Xixi.

Ye Zhen sounded a bit familiar, as if she had been similar. When she saw people, she could hardly hide the emotion from her, it was actually her.

"Mr. Shan, I will leave you with Yaoyao's rules in the future. " Pei was very courteous to Mr. Shan.

Mr. Shan is about twenty-five or sixty years old. She is tall and slim, with delicate eyes and a tall, nonchalant temperament. She does not seem to be close, but she is a well-known talented woman in Kyoto, and she is not of low birth, she used to be a famous family, but then she became a widow, because the mother-in-law at home did not tolerate her, she went to college to be a husband.

Unexpectedly ... Pei can invite Mr. Shan.

Ye Zhen suppressed the moisture from her eyes, stepped forward respectfully and performed a master's apprenticeship, "Hello, sir."

When Mr. Shan saw Ye Zhen, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly hid the surprise, "Ms. Lu San, you and I are not teachers or apprentices, so you don't have to give this great gift .. "

She only came to teach Lu Yaoyao how to pass the exam, not to be her husband.

Ye Zhen expected Mr. Shan's indifference. Mr. Shan was a very temperamental person. When she was Ye Zhen in the beginning, she was also indifferent to him. Or, in the future, the two talents gradually became mentors and learners. Friendship.

However, how proud of Mr. Shan? How could he agree to come to Lu Jiao to teach Lu Yaoyao? Ye Zhen knew how difficult it was to invite Mr. Shan, but she didn't know how Pei did it.