

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · History
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100 Chs

¿Who are you?

"Ashi, my daughter will ask you." Pei looked at Mr. Shan with gratitude. Although she knew Shanshi, she was only an acquaintance that she would nod to when she was a child. This time she took the liberty of inviting, and thought she was empty. In return, he didn't expect Shan Shi to agree.

Mr. Shan nodded slightly, "Ms. Lu San seems smart, and it's not difficult to teach."

It's hard for Pei to say that her daughter seems smart, but she doesn't like to read, otherwise she won't develop the same temperament as a wild girl.

Ye Zhen lowered his head, acting like a meek and obedient person. Other than her father and her brother, the only person in the world who knew her was Mr. Shan. In the years before she became Princess Qin, the person who accompanied her for her longest time was Mr. Shan. Up.

Pei and Mr. Shan exchanged a few words and left, and Ye Zhen personally sent Pei out of the door.

"Yaoyao, study well with Mr. Shan, he's amazing." Pei said to Ye Zhen in a low voice, "Even if you've worked hard, you have to grit your teeth and endure it. You know, Kyoto is different. Border city."

"Well, mother, I will." She will do it. This is her the only chance of her, she does not want to lose it.

Ye Zhen looked back and saw Mr. Shan looking directly at her, as if she wanted to find someone's shadow across her face.

"Mister." Ye Zhen couldn't help it, wanting to recognize Mr. Shan immediately.

"Did you live in a border town since you were a child?" Mr. Shan's eyes suddenly became sharp. The girl looked too much like her former student Ye Zhen. She almost thought that Lu Yaoyao was Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen suppressed her sadness: "Yes sir, I have been living in a border town since I was born."

"What have you learned?" Mr. Shan's face is indifferent, but the waves are roaring in his heart. What is the teacher thinking of him? He was also the husband who asked her to be Ye Zhen, but now he asked her to accept Pei's request and let her come to Lu Jia to teach this little girl.

Originally, she still wondered if the master knew the Lu family, but now that she saw Lu Yaoyao, she knew that was not the case. The teacher asked her to accept the Pei family just because of the girl in front of her. .

Lu Yaoyao ... Ye Zhen ... what is the relationship?

"I only learned 1000-character essays, Daughter Sutra, and Women's Biography." This is what Lu Yaoyao learned, but Lu Yaoyao probably doesn't like reading those books, so she can't learn much.

"What is the use of learning this? Since the establishment of the Women's Academy, she is no longer a woman without talent or virtue. Among the six arts, do you not have the talent for competition?" Mr. Shan asked with the frown. .

The women's college requires six basic skills in the entrance exam, namely ritual, music, shooting, imperialism, book, and number.

If none of the six basic talents can pass, they definitely won't be able to get into school. For Ye Zhen, this is not difficult, but for Lu Yaoyao, it is as difficult as reaching for heaven.

"Lord, please teach me." Ye Zhenhan bowed politely with a very respectful attitude.

Mr. Shan looked at her and after a while whispered, "She can write some words for you to see."

Ye Zhen walked over to the book table, picked up the sheep hair brush next to him, hesitated for a moment, and wrote a prayer on the unfolded white paper.

The clothes are new, the people are not the old.

When Mr. Shan saw the words written by Ye Zhen, a gleam flashed in his eyes. This sentence was from Yan Zi Chunqiu, when she and her students first met, and Ye Zhen wrote this sentence.

"Who are you anyway?" Mr. Shan asked harshly, "Do you think you can be a stand-in for a character like Princess Qin if you look like yourself? You can't help it!"

Is this a coincidence? It is a coincidence, the name is the same, the appearance is the same and now she writes the same words.

No, it's not the same. Lu Yaoyao's character is far inferior to Ye Zhen, skewed, lacking any vigor, and extremely ugly!

Master, what the hell was the master thinking that he didn't even know what her true face was thinking? How could he care so much about Ye Zhen and Lu Yaoyao? What is the relationship between these two girls?

Mr. Shan became more and more suspicious, but unfortunately, no matter how many questions he had, he couldn't get answers. The master didn't want to see her and she couldn't find him even if she looked everywhere. the world.

"Sir, the students don't understand what you mean, who do I look like?" Ye Zhen wanted to tell Mr. Shan that she was Ye Yaoyao, but she still couldn't say it.

"Your writing is not good

, the pen is wrong, you need to practice more. "Mr. Shan abruptly changed the subject, he didn't want Lu Yaoyao to know too much about Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen didn't want to break the casserole and ask for the ending right now. He simply went back to practicing with the pen, and at the same time a question arose in his heart: Why did the husband come to Lujia to teach him?

Mr. Shan was standing next to him, looking at Ye Zhen practicing calligraphy, her beautiful face was silent as water, and no one could see what he was thinking.

"Third lady, the older brother is coming to see you." I don't know how long it took, the maid's voice came from outside.

Ye Zhen was shocked, why would Lu Lingzhi come looking for her? I thought it would be at least a while before I saw it.

Be calm! Ye Zhen told herself in her heart that she is now Lu Yaoyao, that she shouldn't think about how to avoid Lu Lingzhi, she should treat her like she used to and make him believe in her sister, otherwise how can she get revenge? ?

"Let's rest first," Mr. Shan said lightly, picking up Ye Zhen's words and reading them carefully.

"Yes sir." Ye Zhen washed his hands and calmed down before going to see Lu Lingzhi.

She has been in the Lu family for so long and she has never seen Lu Lingzhi. Why would she want to see you today?

She wants to get close to her pretending and pretending like Lu Lingzhi did before her, and she also pretends to be her cousin in a good way.

When she reached the side aisle, Ye Zhen looked at the man standing in the center in a green shirt, like a zhilanyu tree. Memories of the previous life appeared in her mind, and she calmly came behind him.

"Big brother ..." she whispered, she was rightly nervous and shy, and she didn't let anyone see her strange.

Lu Lingzhi turned his head, and when she saw the girl standing behind him, she was completely stunned, Ye Zhen?

No, it's not! The girl in front of me is slimmer than Ye Zhen, with darker skin and different eyebrows, but she still looks the same overall. Is this she ... Sanshu's daughter?

When Ye Zhen saw Lu Lingzhi look like this, she knew that she must be surprised that she looked like Ye Zhen, with a wary look on her face, "Big brother ... are you my brother from the lobby?"

Lu Lingzhi recovered and smiled at Ye Zhen, "Sister, I heard that you want to study at the Women's University."

Ye Zhen smiled charmingly, "Yes, my grandmother said that a girl has to go to college to have a good future. Brother, I know I don't know anything. They will laugh at me when I go out in the future." I will definitely work hard to learn well. "

The girl looked at him with expectant and hopeful eyes. Lu Lingzhi suddenly felt a little soft, but still he said in a low voice, "What if older brother doesn't let you go to college?"

Ye Zhen's heart trembled, and killing intent flashed in her eyes quickly, but her voice became softer and more aggrieved, "Why? Did Yaoyao do something wrong?"...