
Heartless Love....

A time came when both of them became matured,and understood the meaning of life and got many dreams to fulfilled....they had no time for each other, pressured by great responsibilities... Rik ( make lead) chased his dream and became a military officer in India... Seth ( female lead ) due to some misfortunes she was determined to join ULFA( one of the largest terrorist organization in India) Both of them were best friends for years...but their jobs and passion made the sworn enemies till death.. Both of their mission of protecting the country were same but means were different... one fought for the citizens of his country and one fought for the citizens of her state.... What do you think...about what kind of story both of them had encountered..? to know more let go to the story..... ~Author~

Anonymous_Fandom · Fantasía
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15 Chs


Next day at school.....

Mark was rushing towards Seth...

Mark : huff huff... Seth I have something to tell you....

Seth : what happened Mark.... why are you in hurry... ?

Mark : Seth... something has happened to Henry....!

Seth : what...!!?

Mark : he is crying in his class...

Seth rushes to Henry....

Henry is Seth's best friend since grade 4 he and Seth has always stayed together in crucial times .. helping each other.. by holding each other's hand... the kind of relationship they had was very special, they had a beautiful pure friendship...

Seth was standing in front of Henry.....

Seth : Henry.. what happened please tell me...

Henry : ...

Mark : he has been quite for some time now...

Seth : why is he acting like this....

Mark : actually.. Jennifer said yes to jack... when Jack proposed her... and rejected Mark and insulted him in front of the whole class..

Seth : ( looks at Henry..) Henry you are crying for this silly reason... when have you become so fragile...( holds Henry..) come on.. Henry get up..

Henry : seth... the love I had for 8 years was broken in an instant... a word has broken my whole world.... ( tears flowing out....)

Seth : Henry... who said your world is broken.. don't you have me.... you have to move on Henry.... the way she insulted you means she never cared for you even once.. she doesn't deserve you Henry..you deserve better....

Henry : but I don't know what to do.. I am sad...

Seth : Henry... why are you crying now... you never cried when your mother passed away then why now... please don't waste your tears.... your tears are precious to me....

Henry : ( falls into the arms of seth with tears) I don't know what to do seth... am I so unlucky... i lost my mom... and now I didn't get what I wished for... why...!! was I was born to be alone...

Seth : ( holds tightly..) idiot... you fool.. don't you have me who said you are alone.. you can never be alone as long as I am with you.....

Henry had very miserable life when he was a kid.... his mother passed away when he was in grade 4..his father had an affair with another lady outside... he even had an illegitimate child... but Henry's mother refused to divorce which made his father angry so he used domestic violence on her in order to divorce... this lasted for years seeing his mother beaten to death by his father made Henry very angry as well as sad..hearing his mother's painful screams every night made him lost his sleep for days... a time came when his mother was not able to tolerate any violence.. so she committed suicide...

on the night of Henry's 9th birthday she hanged herself in a big oak tree with her rope.. and next morning she was lying dead in Henry's arms... it was a huge trauma for Henry... and few days later after her dead his father married his new wife and moved her to his house with his illegitimate daughter... Henry has no power to resist as he was just a kid.... so he had to suffer all the violence by his step mother who didn't love him at all...

Next day... at school..

Seth : (rushes to see if Henry is present...)

Henry : Seth..!! ( with a bright smile..)

Seth : Henry..! ( runs towards Henry and punches him..) you fool..

Henry : ouch..!! that hurts Seth...

Seth : if this hurts you then why did you cry yesterday don't you know... my heart hurts when I see you cry....

Henry : lol... my dear Seth... I am so sorry...

Seth : idiot....

Rik : hey Henry.... are you okay today.....

Henry : yup I am.... thanks to someone.... ( points at Seth..)

Rik : ohk...

Seth : Hey Henry and Rik you both know each other...?

Rik : yup.. we have been friends since the day I Transferred to this school....

Henry : yea.

Seth : ( glares at Henry..) why didn't you tell me.. do you know I almost missed a good friend if I didn't get to sit beside Rik in Language period...

Henry : well.... how to tell you Seth you know right what I was going through at that time... and you too were not feeling good... so I never got a chance to tell you..

Seth : fine fine.. I so are you this time.. but remember their won't be a next time...

Henry : lol.. why are you so strict Seth... have mercy on me...

Seth : whatever..

Rik : well I have never seen this side of you.. before Henry.. you were complete new person for me...

Henry : forget it I want to forget yesterday's incident...

Seth : nothing new for me though.,

Rik : what..!? aren't you surprised Seth...

Seth : nope.. why would I.. it's not like ots the first time.. right Henry...

Henry.. : yup... Seth there's nothing that I can hide from you... you have helped me a lot... thank you..

Seth : I won't accept you thanks...

Henry : why..?

Seth : did you forget I told you in friendship there's no sorry and no thank you....

Henry : yeah but you are not my friend

Seth : what..!! did you say ( furious..).

Henry : lol don't be angry.. you are not my friend you are my buddy till death...

Seth : your words are quite cheesy where did you learn this huh...

Henry : lol.. 😆😆

Rik : guys I am still here.. 😑

Seth : sorry Rik... I completely forgot your question.. what did you ask...?

Rik : you have seen him cry before..

Seth : yup... I have

Henry : hey... don't tell him.. he will tease me.. hey.. Seth..!!

Rik : tell na Seth

Henry : Seth no..!!

Seth : well it was when we were in grade 4

Henry : Seth don't tell him... !

Rik : why why..

Henry : fine Seth I will gift you your favorite chocolate... deal?

Seth : don't forget your deal then Henry...

Rik : why did you stop Seth...

Seth : cuz it's a big secret.... I won't share cuz that's something I had like to keep in between me in Henry...

Rik : what..!

Henry : so you pranked me for the chocolate... 🤨 Seth

Seth : hell yea.. 😆 I never intend to tell him.

Henry : are you even my friend right now.. you corrupted lady..

Seth : whatever you must treat me..

Henry : fine fine..

Rik : are you guys always acting like this...

Henry : yea... I know we look like kids but this is what we enjoy..

Rik : I am impressed by your friendship.. I want to have like this friendship too..

Seth : Rik we don't consider each other as best friends we consider each other as soulmates.. and it's very fortunate to meet one.... you will meet your soul mate too.. that also very soon..

Henry : yup.. all the best friend..

Rik : thanks.. but I am really impressed by this... can you guys share your story with me...

Seth : you wanna hear our story..

Rik : yea of course...

Seth : what do you think Henry..

Henry : let's share it with him.. since he is our good friend...

Seth : as you wish..