
Heartless Love....

A time came when both of them became matured,and understood the meaning of life and got many dreams to fulfilled....they had no time for each other, pressured by great responsibilities... Rik ( make lead) chased his dream and became a military officer in India... Seth ( female lead ) due to some misfortunes she was determined to join ULFA( one of the largest terrorist organization in India) Both of them were best friends for years...but their jobs and passion made the sworn enemies till death.. Both of their mission of protecting the country were same but means were different... one fought for the citizens of his country and one fought for the citizens of her state.... What do you think...about what kind of story both of them had encountered..? to know more let go to the story..... ~Author~

Anonymous_Fandom · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Time is something that doesn't wait for anyone... time was passing fast..summer came after winter..weather changed to monsoon...it was completely new month..Rik, seth and Mark used to spent a lot of time together at school as if they were only present at school. and no one else...

The times that Seth spent with Rik made her assure that Rik is now a good friend of her and has become a part of her school life....Summer changed to autumn and Gradually it was the midterms during that period everyone studied hard to score good marks.....there was no time to waste by talking or chatting because they hard a large syllabus to cover and there was a lot of competition among the students to be flavored by teachers by scoring good marks...after 2 weeks half yearly examination was over... finally it was the time for everyone to rest... few days later classes resume to regular classes and prepared the students for final examination.....

Seth was the class monitor of Grade 7 - B..she had to look after the class when teacher is absent and has to finish all the duties regularly as she was choosen as the class president..one day the class became too violent for Seth to control... but somehow she managed to control the class...even though the whole class was quite still one student present in the class among the students who was a repeater continuously caused trouble in the class..by talking and shouting and swearing at her..

Seth was extremely angry.. that boy crossed the patience limit of Seth..unable to control her anger she scolded that boy in front of the class whose name was Jack...

In order to safe his bloody self reputation as a dont in the class Jack shouted in front of the class....

Jack : hey..!! Miss monitor instead of scolding me you should look at your own pocket..playing with all the boys don't you know someone might like you...

Seth : what the hell are you speaking have you gone nuts..!!!

Jack : ho ho..! ( laughs) seems like you know nothing..why are you so innocent dear class monitor..

Seth : stop beating around the bush get to the point..what the hell are you trying to say...

Jack : fine fine i won't play with you..lol.. do you know Edward..( glares..)

Seth : no I don't..!! who the hell is he?

Jack : what the heck..!! what kind of wife are you.... you don't even know your husband's name ( laughs..) don't you have a little respect for your husband..

whole Class : ( howls like wolves) woah.. big news big news..!!!

Seth : what..!! the hell are you talking about... shut up..!! you surely have gone crazy...!!

Jack : woah woah what a fierce wife Edward got...cool down sister in law..if you are angry because he didn't purpose you then don't worry lol.. he told me that he will make you his girl.. before this week is over....

Seth : first of all who the hell is this Edward.. I don't know any shitty person like him...!! and next I don't look forward to meet any person like him... tell him not to cause any kind of problem for me.. and you should shut that mouth of yours...

Jack : poor Edward..! he told me to deliver this message to you in public.. and as his friend I fulfilled my duty.. but if he knows your reaction he would really feel sad..

Seth : Jack..! since you like to deliver your friend's messages so much that also in public then deliver a message to him for my side ..that also in public

Jack : as you order sister in law.... I will definitely deliver your message word by word to him.. in a short period of time as soon as I meet him..

Seth : ( pissed of) then tell him if your dear friend comes near me and does any kind of stuff I don't like or cause any kind of trouble for me . ..I will break his bones into millions of pieces that you guys won't be able to count.... and tell him if he spreads any kind of rumours.. I won't tolerate that I will directly complain to the principal...

whole class : wow..!!!! ( howls)

Jack : you...!!! bitch..! do you know whom you are getting involved with..

Seth : I don't... and I don't think I need to know. any kind of Shitty guys like you.. who always bullies the weak students.. showing how much power you have.. I don't know about others but I am not afraid of you.. you should know if all students starts protesting you.. you guys won't be able to bully others instead you will be the victim yourself... bring it on.. let me see how much power you and you gang have..

Jack : you Bitch..!!!

Seth : safe your mouth for when I do something... I won't tolerate now... if you speak a single slang the principal's office is not far... don't blame me for complaining about you...!!

Class : woah our monitor is ferocious( teasing tone..)...

Seth : shut up everyone...don't you know what discipline is ...!!!!

Jack : I will definitely get back at you.. don't think you are a girl so I will let you go...

Seth : who told you to let me go...let's see who wins in the end and firstly don't treat me like a girl.. I am not like other girls who had cry in a corner without taking any action... I am the type of person who fights for everything and till now I have never lost a single fight.. as soon as I get myself involved in any kind of mess I am sure to win.. especially when I am on the right path..

Jack : you..!! so much overconfidence..

Seth : that's not overconfidence.. that's self confidence and my attitude.. now stop arguing and sit silently in the class in a discipline manner.. else before we fight the principal will suspend you.. then stay at home and fight with someone else...