
Haunted Night: Sex Slave Slayer

He was reincarnated with the ability to see the ghosts and malice hidden within this world, whereas most people are afraid of the whispering night. Since that day, when he began to awaken in the middle of the night with a voice like a chain and a twisted grin on his face, he has been hunting down the shadow that humans have left behind on this planet. Kai was a normal kid with normal dreams and grand motivation to prove his worth on the planet, which was taken as a joke by all of his acquaintances. Although many boys respect his free will when it comes to his nature because of his hard work ethic and calm demeanor, he does stand out a little in his class. "A perfectly normal kid like you can also smile like this, Huh!" As he walked out of his house with a perfect personality and covered his face with the hood, cleaning this dirty world, he had been questioned by many, but not many people, about this secret of his. After all, he is the cause of a lot of bad luck and the stuff of many people's nightmares in this world. Up until the day he discovered his parents were moving, and he was asked to move along with them. They traveled across an entire continent to the Sakura Island. Where his tales of lust and twisted hunt begin with his reincarnation.

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2 Chs

I have reincarnated & Desire..

This is where it begin...

"Haha... Welcome, young man. I wish for a haunted night for you." A young man who was dozing off on the floor woke up to a loud voice that reverberated throughout the empty room. He was filled with twisted rage and helplessness.

"Who the fuck? Is cursing this young master this early? in the morning!" Suddenly remembering that he was definitely dead that night, the young man opened his eyes, shouted, and looked around the strange room.

So, as he came to terms with his reincarnation, the young man known as Kai observed the circumstances and his surroundings and recalled a hazy feeling of various memories in his mind.

"Weird, but that hard to accept, I could say." Kai muttered as he felt a bad taste inside his mouth with this world name of his: "Kai! What the fuck with this name, although in this world it is really a common name for those from the central continent, where I was born and my father's homeland?"

"Now then!" Kai smiled and turned to face the window, contemplating the cause of his previous self's death as a twisted grin appeared on his face.

"I should be thanking you for killing that brat, but you did give me the chance to live, so I will let you go and enjoy the little bit of life that is left within you."

In reality, he was staring at a slime-like, twisted figure whose entire mouth was attempting to take a bite out of his head. It appeared as though he was speaking to the window.

When the air around Kai twisted, the slimy thing was busted from within and vanished from sight along with a silent echo: "I told you to leave. Don't blame me for being ruthless."

Kai turned as he left his room to take a look at the lady, who appeared to be in her twenties and had a stunning appearance and shiny brown hair.

"Kai, you are finally up. Come, we will be having breakfast, although I am surprised to see that I was not needed to call you up like every day, today?"

Even though Kai found it strange to hear her call her name, he managed to hide it pretty well as he smiled and looked at the attractive lady, who was his new elder sister.

"Okay! I will be there." He gave a brief response before leaving for the bathroom to freshen up before going for a walk or to visit the high school that his previous self was about to start attending tomorrow.

"That spirit attacked my previous self was due to my high spiritual amount in this life, but I had also carried more spiritual power from my previous life, which is still being stored in my soul."

Only a tiny bit of soul pressure from Kai's teaching existed prior to that, and as a result, the twisted entity was destroyed into nothingness. Kai was unable to use spiritual energy to combat the creature because of his current weak body, which was brought on by the creature stealing his vitality.

"I need to replenish my energy, or else I might literally collapse with an empty stomach like this or be killed by another random zero entity." With the help of the little spiritual energy he had, he was able to give his body emergency energy, but this only lasted for about 30 to 40 minutes before he would pass out from hunger.

"Hmm." As he surveyed the food that was already on the dining table and felt his stomach grumbling, he caught a whiff of something delicious.

"Come and have some, Kai." Ellie spoke as she called Kai before taking her seat and munching down on the bread and milk.

Even though it was expected given Kai's previous self was a heavy eater, he had a full set of dinner with jerky, egg, bread, milk, and milk on the plate.

(The habit of every spiritual user, given that spiritual energy can take a great deal of toll on the human body, necessitates the need for a lot of nutrition; however, for geniuses, this toll can make the person into food grazer.)

"Thanks! I was really dying out of hunger." He spoke, looking at Ellie.

"Nope, it is alright. Because of the sour expression on your face, I could tell that last night was not the best for you, so I had this food ready in advance." Given that not all members of the family are typically this kind to him and other family members, Ellie stood out as being particularly kind.

This might have been because of genetic traits passed down from Ellie's mother, or at least that is what Kai believes.

"Have some before it gets cold." Before Kai began to eat and fill his empty stomach, she smiled and chewed on her food. However, Kai was aware that, given his weak vitality, he might experience an empty stomach sooner rather than later.

"Dad will not be back soon, and I also had a few things to pick up from the town. So, will you come with me or will you wait in the home, given it might take some time?" Ellie asked, as this mansion was far away from the town, they might need to take a ride in the car before, they could reach the town.

"I will come." Kai spoke.

Ellie informed him that the town was not very far away and that they would be moving into their new house the following morning because their mansion was too far from the school.

Kai was a little taken aback as he wondered why his father had constructed this mansion so far from the city or the nearby town.

Although he was aware that his father was wealthy and had numerous wives, he was poor in both of his lives, so he was unable to imagine what was going through his mind.

"Mother moved in because of that man, for sure, but she is still not back."

Holding his chin, Kai considered the familiar yet strange face that was residing inside his head.

"Guess what? It is not a bad thing to have family in this world." As he sat inside the car in the front seat next to his sister, he murmured to himself.

"Did you say something?" Ellie asked suddenly.

Although Kai was perspiring as he considered how acute his sister's hearing sense was, the instant his arm touched her arm, he felt a significant amount of natural spiritual energy emanating from within her body.

"A natural kind and such a strong power inside her body."

His sister, who was still operating the car as they left the mansion gate while guards opened them, felt nothing at all as he continued to absorb the spiritual energy through that touch.

As Kai's body was being strengthened as a result of this process, he began to genuinely enjoy the trip to the next town.

As Kai struggled to contain his smile, which appeared to be darkening with each passing second as the road wound around the tall mountain, his previous worldly personality and twisted desire began to emerge.

Since Kai knew that a straight road would never take him to the top of this mountain or any other mountain, he felt that his consciousness was very much like the twisted road. For this reason, in his previous world, he had succeeded in reaching the top because of his twisted nature.

This nature is hated by everyone, but Kai knew in his heart that it is the nature that all people are essentially composed of.

"I want to possess the most priceless thing the world has to offer, so I want to control the girl next to me in every way, even if only for one night."
