
Haunted Night: Sex Slave Slayer

He was reincarnated with the ability to see the ghosts and malice hidden within this world, whereas most people are afraid of the whispering night. Since that day, when he began to awaken in the middle of the night with a voice like a chain and a twisted grin on his face, he has been hunting down the shadow that humans have left behind on this planet. Kai was a normal kid with normal dreams and grand motivation to prove his worth on the planet, which was taken as a joke by all of his acquaintances. Although many boys respect his free will when it comes to his nature because of his hard work ethic and calm demeanor, he does stand out a little in his class. "A perfectly normal kid like you can also smile like this, Huh!" As he walked out of his house with a perfect personality and covered his face with the hood, cleaning this dirty world, he had been questioned by many, but not many people, about this secret of his. After all, he is the cause of a lot of bad luck and the stuff of many people's nightmares in this world. Up until the day he discovered his parents were moving, and he was asked to move along with them. They traveled across an entire continent to the Sakura Island. Where his tales of lust and twisted hunt begin with his reincarnation.

Montenlord · Urban
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2 Chs

Curse tools and energy.


A term that could be used to describe the instantiable essence of each individual human being as well as a program designed by the gods for use in their system to reproduce the essence of all life.

It is something that every person has in their own unique way, but it is present in every person who is alive as long as the person has not buried his or her own emotions beneath a hard veneer of reality.

Therefore, those who are unaffected by the world and its inhabitants are often referred to as unauthentic or crazy people, but the more accurate term to use is genius.

Since their evolution began in antiquity, desire has been the driving force behind them, and it is the reason they are present on every planet that Kai knew.

"Kai, I am going to the female shop, so will you wait or can you go shopping out and we will be back in time for the meeting?" Ellie turned to look at Kai, who came out of the car and looked at the underwear shop with a little guilt on her face.

After all, she had completely forgotten to get the underwear her sister had requested from her until she received the message, so she had to alter her plans for the day as soon as she saw it.

"Go ahead and do what you want; I will take a look around." It was a good time because Kai had been considering how much cursed and spiritual energy this world contained.

Since fighting would be necessary at that point, he wanted to make some talismans.

After all, despite the fact that it was the same in his previous life, his frail body will prevent him from using the martial artist method of using spiritual energy.

But before he could work on his physique, he would be able to practice spiritual combat while using a talisman as a conductive tool.

Using the spiritual energy!

One could fight through the body and martial art release in his previous world, and hence they were called apprentices.

Although it was not until he was born in that world that he was unable to train as a body spiritualist apprentice, he was able to develop a special fighting style using an ancient familiar and talisman that no one had ever been able to defeat until he ended up fighting that thing.

However, his current body had all the skills required to become a body apprentice, and he still knew about familiars and talismans.

As a result, Kai was confident that his only weakness would not be present in this life.

He would be able to grow extremely strong, and he would like to determine whether or not he can become the strongest person in the world.

"Is there any way I can get the blood of a dead animal?" While walking, Kai was muttering when he sensed a shop's abundantly cursed energy. This energy was so strong that by itself, it could summon an army of cursed beings, and it was beyond the level of being high.

"I am not sure what the hell spiritual apprentice of this world is doing right now, leaving this kind of shop as it is, but I can not seem to find any cursed beings around the town."

Curse energy is normally the polar opposite of spiritual energy.

However, it was also because of this that spiritualists were able to combat those things that had curse energy developing within them.

However, it is also true that curse energy is a superb conductor of spiritual energy and has a propensity to amplify the energy through special collision and recreation techniques.

Talisman, create various effects that can be used to kill and destroy cursed beings by utilizing this unique collision and reflection property.

Despite the fact that if applied to humans, it is also capable of killing them without endangering their physical health, their soul would be destroyed beyond all hope of recovery.

It was not until Kai in his past discovered the method of calling a being from the dead world that it became familiar to him. Kai became the first omnyoji to do so.

Nothing particularly interesting was in the store, other than an elderly woman who was grinning as she watched Kai choose a painting color and look at some paper.

'This place is haunted. But that curse is the shadow that this lady husband had left after his death to protect his wife and all of his relatives.'

'He will leave this world with this old woman, so I should not temper with him. After all, he is doing no harm to this town and is even protecting them all by killing all the cursed beings in the surrounding area for all this time.'

"These colors and papers—I need all of them, and I will pay through the card." Kai only had this one card, which his sister Ellie had given him to use for purchases should he come across any.

Despite the fact that Kai's father had sent the card for his use and given it to Ellie temporarily, Kai was not a frivolous person, so the money could very well last for Kai for a very long time.

"These colors contain a significant amount of cursed energy in addition to this cursed paper, even though it is not blood curse energy."

The cursed being can easily curse everything in his immediate vicinity simply by being there, turning everything into a conductor of the curse.

Using this technique, Kai had previously kidnapped those cursed beings for himself and turned their blood and presence into a machine that could produce a sizable number of cursed tools and papers.

By taking his time and waiting for sister Ellie, Kai was able to draw between 30 and 40 talismans using the spiritual energy he had absorbed from her and without using any of the spiritual energy that was already present in his body.

Ellie came back quite early, and they set off for the mansion before the dawn of night descended on the clear mountain road.

"It is said the road here had a weird vibe to it, but for all this time I had traveled with others, I never felt anything similar to it at all." Ellie recalled the incident and began to discuss it.

This incident, which featured the alleged "ghost of the seventh turn" and was quite well-known among residents of the nearby town, was brought up. Kai felt interested, as he was in need of the cursed material, and hence, he had been looking forward to hearing something similar.

"Oh, how much of that thing is real!" Kai inquired with a hint of excitement, which made Ellie genuinely happy as she began to gush about it. Before they arrived at the mansion and began preparing for lunch, they had a lengthy conversation.

After lunch, they went back to their room, where Ellie had homework to finish since she was also enrolled in a nearby college for her studies.

Since she had to take a week off from school, her coursework was being redone, and she had a lot of ground to make up.

Kai also needs some silent time to make his talisman before the night. Additionally, he was considering returning to the location where the 7th Turn ghost story was well known.
