
2 Hunt for Yeti

1. Yeti the gatekeeper of Sangrilla the magical city/ city of immortals.

2. year is 1800s .

3. A young wizard's(aged teenager can be male female is half blood ) only family (I don't know his mother brother sister grandparent father ) suffer from super serious magically and scientifically(of those times i.e 1800's) incurable disease.

4.The young wizard meets A mysterious gypsy woman who gives him information about yeti and leaves him saying " Life for the Lives " the city of miracles the elusive city Sangrilla.

5.The young wizard with his best friend then starts his travel to mysterious country via olden days transportation ( too lazy to research)

6.On the way there he sees many pagan rituals ... muggles burning muggles , witch burning muggles, muggles burning witch, witches and muggles burning fire and eating(😑) and so on.

7. There were no proper roads ( 1800s)... as the way were full of lush jungles/ forests.

8.Many magical beast is seen.(dragons, raptors, land shark,fairys, goblins, orcs, druids,etc)

9.Finally reach the country where Sangrilla is supposed to exist in.

10. ... meeting local cute witch/wizard(crush) who speaks your language(plot armour)by cliche style saving them or something.

11. Filler a day out with the crush and for those guys who like love triangles ... the young wizard's friend also fall for the crush...(cause why not)

12. An authorative figure of the city hears about the Adventure to Sangrilla and sends his snobish relatives with a few (50- 70)guards.

13. I Hate this number 😡.

14.Crush also tags along as guide and translated.(plot armour)

15.Thanks to the guards trip is rather smooth. with all those mules(horse and donkeys kid)

16. They finally reach the Himalayan region of the country where the magical city was said to be.

17.Encounter with yeti and mysterious behavior of the crush(cliche plot)

18.lot of snobish guys guards die in the encounter as a single yeti almost massacres almost all the guards.

19. when the young wizard and his friend almost use magic to stop yeti.... the snobish guy and few of his elites turns out be wizards themselves and start attacking(wandless magic cause no standardized wand created that time in that country) the yeti.

20.crush kidnapped by yeti as it escapes.

21. The young wizard discovers Blood of yeti seems to able heal small wounds.

22. At the cave of yeti before the entrance to the miracle city is the habitat of yetis. All yeti/female opposite the gender of crush of ML(young wizard). Crush chosen as partner to mate with yetis.

23. Ability of Yetis is to shape shift into any creature even human that's why no one even wizard have able to discover yeti.(My personal conspiracy theory 🤔)

24. After completing various convoluted and sacrificing many meat shields(snobish guy's guards) they finally reach the cave or the door of the city.

25. Before the doorway is the cave of yeti and before the cave are various skeletons of various corpses of human which seem to be various other places from history( Roman, spartan, Chinese,local, westerners,easterners,etc) and seemed to have been feasted by the yetis and all opposite gender made to mate with them.

26. Turns out that the snobish guys and guards are the true guardians of the magical city and the YETIs are the mistake of the true rulers of the city. When the ancestors of snobish guy's thought they reached peak of the magical and technologycal limit , in their vanity they made YETIs the magic and weapons proof guardians primarily as to protect their city and protection they did by slaughtering all citizens of the city except few who managed to escape.

28. The snobish guy and his guard came here to make the yetis hibarnate for 1000 years again by using spell they used 1000 years ago.

29. The young wizard and the wizard saves crush and other people kidnapped by yetis by various convoluted ways while the snobish guy and his guards are preparing wards for casting spell.

30. The alpha of the yeti chases the young wizard and friends. Spell casted by everyone does no harm except powerful one stunning them but just for second and the muggle weapons like old guns and dynamite hurting them but the yetis recover extremely fast and Chase them even more.

31. Casting is successful and just right moment but the one yeti is mixed among the saved people and starts to shapeshift into it's form to attack them and break the wards which trapped them for 1000s of years.

32. Fight happens many are slaughtered by yeti, finally using the snobish guy's ancient enchanted kukuri young wizard decapitates the yeti.

33. The snobish guy reveals the heart of yeti is the panacea that will cure his family.

34. The young wizard and his friend find out that their crush was the lover of snobish guy all along.

35. Broken hearted the young wizard and his friend return to their home and young wizard cures his relative and finally returns to the wizard school cause he still is teenager.

And broken he is no.more for he is Gryffindor.. and he already has fioncee ( cause you know 1800 were simple time marriage were arranged)


To be continued...