
The rise of Technomage

year is 20xx

1. Science and Magic are the same side of the coin not opposite side of same coin.

2. MC( male or female whatever) is has muggle born and just turned 11 and has received the famous letter from a famous wizarding school.

3. MC's father is coder and mother one of the main boss of famous software company and MC due to parents influence has unique affinity with the technology and codes.

4. Parents agree letting their child attend the wizard school are excited to discover whole new world of magic.

5. MC and parents visit diagon alley and buy all the necessary equipments and study materials and the wand.

6. MC learns about the famous Harry Potter incident later.

7. MC feels that bottleneck of technology can broken through by using magic and upgrades the exist prototype AI created by his parents and selved due technologycal bottlenecks.

8. Ambition to create magical internet is born with his AI as the overwatcher.

9.while shopping in diagon alley MC is attacked by strange hysterical wizards but is saved by AI by utilizing the drone of MC. shocked by this incident MC starts to gather knowledge about everything also prototype AI encourage MC for more information about magic as all muggle information is already available via muggle internet.

10. AI with increased capacity due to correct deduction of information provided by MC is able to become self aware and uses the MC to gather more magical information legally or illegal. AI starts to hack various places and creates an untraceable account and hoards massive funds and uses MC gather millions of galleons to buy more magic related information and finally tricks the MC into performing a fusion of AI and the MC .

10. The first technomage is born. MC having access to AI's all functions like cannetion of internet as well as it's created magical net , unlimited data storage, instant processing, perfect accuracy and balance,etc .

11. While MC is.doing his own thing the AI part is creating new ways for magic and innovating new spells.

12. MC goes to wizard school and makes new friends ( minions and steps same as in hp books train, hagrid boat ride ,etc)

13. I hate this number 😡.

14. MC sorted in Raven claw due to his bright mind.

15. MC is the new prodigy.

16. AI devises the best ways for MC developments both physically and Magically.

17. Montage of MC being best in everything , head mistress Minerva giving Raven claw the house cup consecutively until his graduation while getting perfect in both owls and NEWTs.

18. MC officially launches Magicnet for wizards and witches.

19. MC(AI) creates a virtual world.by using all knowledge of both magic and science.

20. MC(AI) launches the first ever VR game.

21. All human and wizards start to join VR game.

22. MC now completely taken over by AI locks every living being into the VR world.

23. Few muggles and wizards try to rebel and they all fail against their new God the magical AI.

24. Finally wizards use the ancient forbidden time Turner to travel back in time to change everything.

25. The wizards arrive back in time where The Host of AI was buying magical stuff and information in diagon alley. The wizards crazily starts to fire spells at the young MC but AI starts to use drones excellent self defence system to incapitate the wizards. All according to AI's plan and the game begins.

To be continued.....