
Harry Potter : twin of the boy who survived

DaoistewNoKO · Película
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84 Chs

christmas gifts

Andrew who woke up in a daze looked at the time. It's already night, he goes downstairs and saw Hannah. Andrew goes to help her but she pushed him to his room after giving him food and told him to go take rest.

Although he insisted Hannah seriously started staring at him while Andrew goes to his room. On the other hand, Lily and James who remembered what happened that night felt even more guilty. They're even ashamed to call themselves as parents.

Fortunately, no one know this except Andrew, them or else they would've been despised by the world now. But they didn't know there are 4 more members who read this through the memories of Andrew. Voldemort, Dumbledore, his brother and Grindelwald. It's just they didn't take action for now.

Dumbledore and the other 3 knew this is all Albus Dumbledore's fault. So this is all pinned to him. Lily and James Potter are pale remembering what have they done to Andrew. They can't even face him now, which parent gave their child a Cruciatus in this world except them.

They can be regarded as dark wizards now, Lily is crying all the time while James looked outside with sad eyes. The entire mansion looked gloomy. Harry who can't bear this anymore asked," mom, dad I want to ask you why did you think Andrew is the dark lord and even gave him a Cruciatus?".

Lily and James looked bewildered at Harry. They have no words to say. They started to choke up and said," its not like that honey. Come here why did you think like that? We didn't use a Cruciatus on Andrew".

Lily is dodging Harry's eyes and harry who is naive come to his mother and hugged her while James also joined the hug. Lily then reassured him," don't worry, we'll get your brother Andrew. He'll be here with us soon".

Hannah got a clue from Andrew's words, she asked Tom about the words of red light, unbearable pain, torture, begging to stop which made Tom bewildered. He hastily said," where did you hear those words? Stay away from there. It's a very dark spell also illegal to use and one of the three unforgivable curses. The Cruciatus curse don't even think about going to the place you heard it from. You're very young once it hit you, it'll leave a trauma even adult wizards can't bear the pain from that spell".

Hannah has wide eyes when heard those words linking them to what Andrew said it makes sense to her. She felt pity towards Andrew and anger towards the potter's. She felt disgusted, using a Cruciatus on their own child are these people crazy.

She understood why Andrew shivered like that everytime he saw them. It's maybe his trauma from that spell. Hannah looked at Andrew who woke up and has come downstairs. She gave him food and told him to go to his room.

Looking at his stubborn figure to help her, she sighed and started staring at him so he will go back which worked. She has done her work and come to check Andrew who is sleeping soundly. She smiled and took the plates them go back to the kitchen.

A few days passed and it's Christmas, Andrew sent letters and gifts to all the ones he knew, as he is supposed to be poor, he can only send candies and chocolates, but as he also permanent transfiguration ability he made a few ornaments and send them to the ones he is close with.

Although he didn't want to he sent a set of socks to Dumbledore, some Candie and a object that appears to sacre away zombies for quirell or more like voldemort, a hat for McGonagall, a sun flower that never withers to madam sprout along with some chocolates, an eagle symboled tie to Flitwick and lastly a couldron for Snape with snake engravings that he bought from couldron store with a discount by working there.

For Hermoine he sent some quills with unicorn pattern, for Casandra he sent a green tea cup with silver snake markings on it that looks very beautiful, for Hannah he bought a silver necklace with the honey badger pendant that she liked.

For others he send only candies and sweets. Andrew looked slept and woke up to find some gifts by his bed side. He saw many packages. He opened them one by one, McGonagall gave him a transfiguration magazine, Flitwick gave him a magazine too, madam sprout gave him a some magical wood from the whooping willow and others she gathered in the forbidden forest she must've remembered his words about him working in ollivanders, Snape gave him a joy potion that'll make him happy for the entire day.

Dumbledore gave him his alchemy notes and some candy in a box, what he didn't expect is tha there are three unknown boxes with only letters on them like V, A, G on each one. Andrew probably guessed who are they he opened voldemort's box and found the gift as an amulet that guards against spells and critical wounds, Aberforth gave him a locket with phoenix engraving that has the power to convert magic it gathered in surroundings into vitality and transfer it into his body but it'll take a long time to gather the magic, Grindelwald gave him two books of his version of alchemy along with spells fortunately there are no dark art books. Andrew wanted to write but he isn't supposed to know their address nor the owls should know them with the first letter of their name. So he gave up writing and sending gifts back to them.

Although the potter's sent the gifts Hannah who saw them first immediately sent them back through the same owls writing to them not to send gifts to Andrew. Though she didn't write anything harsh as she guessed Andrew might scold her if she did it.

Andrew again used his system to learn the knowledge in their books, although it looked thin but it's actually a very big book on their insights and suggestions. Andrew who learned it has a headache for a while and gained very much from those books alone.