
Harry Potter:The rise of Voldemort

This is the story of how Voldemort's soul traveled back in time. Will he realize his mistakes will he change or will he conquer. Dumbledore won't know what hit him. I don't own harry potter jk rowling does. And the cover is also not mine

atharva_saraf · Película
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32 Chs

The Olivanders

Olivander was an aging man. He had wrinkles all over his face. His hairs were white and a bit malnourished. Still, he had vigor in his walking and a firmness in his speech.

"Welcome to my humble shop Mr-" He inquired. "Riddle, Tom Riddle" was my reply. I specifically didn't tell my middle name, as he might recognize the name marvolo from 'marvolo gaunt' who was my maternal grandfather.

"Here for your first wand I suppose," he asked me while rubbing his hands. I just nodded in reply.

He went behind a shelf and brought a black box. From it, he took out a grey wand that was straight and had no design. Upon seeing I could tell that this wand was of some cannon fodder.

"10 inches Maple wood ashwinder core unyielding" He gave the wand to me and steered me to try it out. Which I did and unsurprisingly it shattered into smithereens.

The power I innately possessed plus the magical control which came from rebirth was enough for it to give up on remaining in one piece.

"Oho, a tricky one," He said smiling "I know just the thing for you, wait here a minute". Saying that he took off towards his workroom in big strides.

'He was not even surprised' Tom had a sudden thought at which he gave a small laugh.

Sometime near the end of the hour, Ollivander came back with my wand in his hand. If you ask how I know it was mine then you are forgetting that I had spent nearly 45 years of my life with it.

"13 and a half inches yew wood and core of Phoenix feather one of the two unique wands in the world, just finished making it".

I was getting impatient with his babbling. Just give me my wand, Why the need for info that I already know. But I couldn't exactly say it could I.

He grabbed the tip with his hand and directed the handle towards me. It was a sign for me to grab it. Which I did.

As soon as the wand came into contact with my hand it started glowing bright red. It looked like it would burst but somehow it remained and returned to normal. It was wired cause nothing like this happened in the previous life.

"The wand nearly rejected too, but somehow it just could'n-" Before he could finish the sentence he bolted towards his workshop just with a fleeting sentence. "It will be 10 galleons leave it on the table".

'Wierd' was the only thought in my head but I waved it away as a natural reaction in this situation. I'd probably ask him the reason while torturing him someday in the future.

The next and final stop was the most important. No, it was not a pet shop, I will just wait for Nagini to appear. The shop was named 'Tristie's temptation' it was an ice-cream shop.

I know, I know what it sounds like but let me explain. I am not some psychopath murderer that loves ice cream. No, there's another very crucial reason which will blow your mind. If everyday wizards knew of this method then the ministry would have raided this place centuries ago(just a metaphor).

[Short chapter again, why cause next is gonna have content and it will be long as* chapter]

[Next bonus chapter at 90 power stones as soon as it reaches the goal I will post it]