
Harry Potter:The rise of Voldemort

This is the story of how Voldemort's soul traveled back in time. Will he realize his mistakes will he change or will he conquer. Dumbledore won't know what hit him. I don't own harry potter jk rowling does. And the cover is also not mine

atharva_saraf · Película
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32 Chs

Minerva's dedication


sounds were heard from a room. Inside it, a girl was in a crouching position, her hands on her knees and her wand on the floor.

"Damn it, I still can't correctly perform bombarded. But she didn't remain. idle for long and picked up her wand from the floor.

Just as she was about to chant the spell a voice came from behind her. "I wouldn't do that if I were you". Hearing the voice she whipped around directing her wand on the neck of the interrupter.

Tom smirked. Minerva gasped and removed her wand. "Oh- it's you" She sighed in relief. Even though Tom was not her close friend, but he still was acquainted enough to trust.

"What do you mean," Minerva said referring to Tom's previous statement.

Tom smiled and said, "Using magic till the brink of exhaustion is not a good way as it leads to magical depravity in the body".

Minerva didn't answer for a few seconds and looked like she was thinking of something.

She opened her mouth to say something but Tom cut her off and said "Standard wizard autonomy page 69".

"Ah thank- wait how did you know that I was going to ask you-" Tom cut her again and now Minerva was starting to feel annoyed. "You are the best book learner in our year miss beautiful and you must know that I sit with you in our shared class and know your habits of noting the page no's of the things you don't understand".

Minerva didn't know how to feel. A part of her brain feels creeped out and others feel happy about his observation.

Well, you can understand the creeped-out part but let me explain the happy side.

She was happy simply because her parents didn't acknowledge her intellect and hard work. Make no mistake, her parents loved her but she felt like they didn't connect to her. She felt like there was a gap between them. Now when a fellow student notices the things that she wanted her parents or teachers to She didn't know how to feel.

At this moment Tom's lips crinkled from the end. It seems like he had a plan.

"So, what were you trying to practice?" Tom asked bursting Minerva from her thought mill.

"Bombarda spell," she said in an embarrassed tone. Tom gave a deep throaty laugh and said "No need to be embarrassed ". "Here let me show you"

He whipped out his wand and chanted bombarda aiming at the glass vial that was placed on the ground not far away.

Within a second the spell reached the glass vial and it burst into dozens of tiny pieces.

Even Minerva who was a novice knew that from his wand moment to his aim and power all the aspects of the spell were top notch.

She stood there for few minutes gaping like a fish out of water. While she knew Tom was possibly the best student in their year, but she didn't know that his spell work was so precise. She doubted that even third years will not be able to compare with the spell.

But what she didn't know was let alone 3rd year even some so-called Aurors will not be able to replicate the feat he had done.

On the outer surface, it looked like a normal Bombarda but in reality, it was not so simple. The technique he used was mainly self-taught in which one had to concentrate their magic for some time and then release it from one focal point which enabled to increase the effect and area.

This was a very advanced technique used by the best of the duelers in the competition. Taught by the masters before even trying to attempt as it could cause clogging of the magical vein due to excessive mana.

That's why The original Tom was hailed as talented because he learned and perfected this art without even knowing its implication. He just followed his heart and voila he had learned a technique that required guidance entirely on his own.

Minerva looked at Tom as if she were seeing Jesus. Her eyes were sparkling like some jeweler on seeing a precious diamond. She looked like a hungry lioness looked at her prey.

For a second Tom even thought which demon had he awakened.

"Teach me".

[Haha here's some more development and a segway for another arc and character integration. Perhaps even the start of something which Tom never saw

Vote with power stones I am very happy that the previous goal was reached and the next goal will be 50]