
Harry Potter: The Celestial Fox ( English Version)

The magical world has never been a safe place. Dragons, Trolls, Dementors, beings from the abyss, are just some of the dangers that inhabit it, not to mention the greatest terror in it, sentient beings. The fantastic and the extraordinary have always been linked to danger, but not everything has to be so bad. Where there is darkness, there will always be light. In this alternative reality, a variable is born, he was not meant to live, but he lives, slowly changing the gears of this world. When the broken fragments of a life in a different reality merge with the young Extimum at 5 years old, his perception of the world changes and he realizes where he is or isn't... Fighting to maintain the status quo is no longer an option when the world he thought he knew shows him that it is not exactly what he believed. A mysterious background, a complex destiny and a gift along with his arrival that promises to take him to the top of this world if he is willing to put in the effort. Join me in this coming-of-age story where both the young wizard will learn how to live and the author will improve in his description of his adventures. --- This version is an automatic translation with Google, I try when I can to improve the errors that may occur in the process, but as a non-native there can always be a problem or two, so I hope for your understanding. If you want to read the original version (Spanish), you can enter my profile or follow this link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/harry-potter-el-zorro-celestial_21135401405306205 - the original image on the cover is not mine, just modify it, if the owner wants me to remove it, he can tell me. --- This is the first story / fanfic that I write so I will upload some test chapters if you like it, constructive criticism is accepted - R18, R*p3, Reincarnation, Harem, Harry Potter, AU, Romance, Adventure, Fantasy, Dark.

Zeroz7 · Películas
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60 Chs

First day

Early in the morning around 5am you can see Extimum fixing his uniform, he got up early to take a little tour of the castle before breakfast time ; According to the school year, the first year would take classes in:






Defense against the dark arts


History of Magic

The general schedule for the day would be:

Breakfast is served between 6:30 - 8:30 am, then classes are held in the morning or afternoon divided by lunch, classes in the morning are from 9:00 - 11:30 am, lunch from 1:00 - 2:00 pm and afternoon classes from 2:00 - 3:30 pm.

Dinner from 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm, the rest of the between times usually be breaks between classes or free time, that said, students must be in their rooms at 10pm and there are variations for the astronomy class that is given at midnight; In this way, in one day there could be an average of 2 or 3 classes.

Extimum did not know his schedule for this year, but he guessed they would tell him a little later.

The entrance to the Ravenclaw dormitories was on the second floor of the tower, with the entrance to the men's and women's dormitories facing each other and accessible via stairs leading from the common room. The dormitories were arranged along an extensive hallway with a few intersections leading to dormitories for different years.

So after walking a bit, Extimum reached the entrance of the hallway, a small balcony attached to the beginning of the stairs overlooking the entire common room. There weren't many students so early in the morning in the common room, and most of those he saw were from higher years.

It wasn't common for first-year students to wake up so early, especially on their first day in the castle. This was something Extimum noticed as he was the only one from his dormitory who had gotten up, and it was confirmed as he entered the common room.

Extimum didn't linger much contemplating the view. He descended the dormitory stairs, crossed the common room, and exited through the tower door, descending the long spiral staircase and ending up on the seventh floor of the castle. (The entrance to the tower is on the seventh floor).

Given that it was early, he wasn't in a hurry, so he set out to wander around the seventh floor, wanting to explore its entire expanse. The corridors featured some paintings or commemorative images, along with windows that provided views outside the castle and illuminated the hallway beyond the torches placed in the area.

As he walked near one of the paintings, he noticed a plump lady dressed in white Roman robes.

"Was this how the entrance to Gryffindor common room looked, right? And it's also close to the stairs."

Extimum wasn't entirely sure, but it looked very similar to what he remembered; he would have to pay attention later if any Gryffindor came out to confirm.

On his way to the seventh floor, he hadn't taken the usual path, as their prefect had led them through a secret passage that left them closer to the entrance of the Ravenclaw tower.

Setting aside whether it was the entrance or not, Extimum continued exploring the corridors.

He wanted to see if he could find the tapestry with a man teaching trolls to dance ballet. Although he didn't currently need the Room of Requirement, it wouldn't hurt to know where it was. After all, if it was as magical up close as it was described, it was a place he couldn't afford to miss.

On the way, he passed several classrooms and noticed the distinctive entrance to the Divination classroom. Even though he wouldn't be taking it this year, he kept it in mind for the future. Divination was a very interesting branch of magic, and Extimum was curious about its true extent.

Extimum: "I wonder if I'll have the so-called Inner Eye or the Sight for Divination,"—he wondered as he looked at the entrance to the classroom. —"Well, I'll find out later."

After exploring a bit more, he also found the tapestry of the trolls and marked the location mentally. With the Room of Requirement located, he had seen the most important things he remembered from this floor. As there was little time left until breakfast, he decided to explore the lower floors a bit and then leave the castle for his exercise routine.

He hoped there wouldn't be any issues leaving the castle; if there were, at least he now knew the Room of Requirement and could use it before classes began.


In one of the Hogwarts dungeons , the first-year students from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were currently waiting for the teacher for the start of class.

Suddenly, the doors of the professor's personal room are opened, out of there comes a thin man with pale skin, a large hook-shaped nose, teeth were yellow and uneven, he had long greasy black hair that framed his face like curtains, curly lips, dark penetrating eyes that looked like tunnels and he wore a black tunic.

Snape: " You are here to learn the subtle science and the exact art of making potions. There will be very little stupid wand movements here and many of you will doubt this is magic . I do not expect you to come to understand the beauty of a gently simmering cauldron, with its glistening vapors, the delicate power of liquids that glide through human veins, bewitching the mind, deceiving the senses...

I can teach you how to bottle the fame, preparing for glory, even stopping death ... if you are something more than the cork oaks that I usually have to teach ". Said the man walking towards the small auditorium in front of the class with an arrogant air as he delivered his speech glancing at all the students present.

Extimum: 'Snape certainly has a great character.' Extimum was slightly moved by the expectation and confidence in Snape's words, although Snape has a very bad temper and tends to act despotically it does not change the fact that he is a great potions master.

'I hope he teaches in a less hostile way given that Harry isn't here'.

Snape "Now what would you get if you add asphodel root powder to an infusion of wormwood, can someone tell me?"

A Ravenclaw student raised his hand, to which Snape directed his gaze.

Snape: "Tell me sir ...".

Student A "Smith Rodolfus, sir, the combination would lead to the sleeping potion : draught of living death ". Although a bit intimidated by Snape's gaze, he still responded quickly.

Extimum: 'I did not expect it to always start with the same questions, although luckily they are not very difficult .'

Snape: " Well ... now does anyone know where exactly I would go if I had to search for a bezoar? ".

A Hufflepuff student raised his hand, Snape just looked at him and raised his eyebrows waiting for his response.

Student B: " e -the bezoar is a stone found in the stomach of a goat ." The student responded with a little stutter at first.

Snape: "Well sir ...".

Student B: " Stephen Moris". The student responded quickly.

Snape: "Mr. Moris, what is the bezoar for?"

Student B: "yes-it serves as an antidote to various poisons." The student was again flustered by Snape's intense gaze.

Snape: " Well, finally, does anyone know the difference between aconite and luparia ? ".

Hearing the question, the entire room fell silent.

Seeing them like this, Snape felt a little complacent as no one seemed to know, in previous years normally only Ravenclaw students and a few exceptions knew the answers, but just as he was about to finish and start class, he noticed someone else raise their hand.

Looking at the student Snape could tell who he was, although he had not met him personally, but his features were quite prominent among the other students, that and that he knew a little about the Enoch family.

Snape: " Mr. Enoch... do you know the answer to my question? ".

Extimum: " Monkshood and luparia are the same."Extimum simply nodded slightly and provided the answer. He hadn't been particularly interested in responding, but seeing that no one else knew the answer, he decided to participate. First impressions were necessary, after all.

That being said, while wolfsbane wasn't rare, unless someone studied herbology specifically, it was unlikely that they would know the plant's other name. Moreover, not many paid attention to the alternative name it was identified by. The only need to know it was because in some older or foreign recipes, it was referred to by that name. In fact, it still had a third name by which it was known, which was anapelo, but he didn't consider it necessary to mention.

Snape: "Well ... it's good to see that this year, we will have at least some acceptable students, that maybe they are worth teaching, I hope... that you have written all of the above...".

After Snape finished his words, most of the students rushed to write.


After the potions class ended, transfiguration followed, but since they were just starting out, only a few theories and concepts were instructed to take into account before the practical class .

After finishing the transfiguration class there was some free time before lunch , Extimum decided to go see the Hogwarts library .

Hogwarts Library was a vast hall divided into two floors, featuring hundreds of shelves filled with books organized by sections and categories. The place had a cozy and quiet atmosphere, with some books flying from one place to another, organizing themselves, and various study tables scattered throughout where some students were seated, immersed in their reading.

Most students sat at the tables in the central area, but others who enjoyed discretion were seated at tables within the book sections, mostly hidden from plain sight.

Extimum: ' I'll have to take time afterwards to explore the entire library, although I do not think all these books will be useful, most should be, well , I think there was some secret sections'.

'There are sections on Runes, Famous Wizards, Magical History, Muggle History, Newspapers, Spells, Ritual Magic, Potions,… '. Extimum mentally read the labels of the sections as he went further into the library, some caught his attention and he file them to explore later.

As he read the labels, he noticed a dark section; it was strange because the library was well-lit, and it was still daylight. The aisle of this section was quite narrow, and no more than 5 books were visible on the entire shelf. Casting a glance at the rusty label, he murmured, "The Space."

With curiosity piqued, he ventured further into the section, simultaneously casting a "lumos" with his wand and focusing his gaze on the titles of the books.

Extimum: ' The space and its dimensions, all about portkeys and how to create them, the apparition and its problems, the space in which we live, a trip to muggle metaphysics'. Extimum mentally read the titles of the books.

Browsing through the introductions of the books, the first one discussed ways to comprehend space and its dimensions, along with some basic experiments involving magic.

The second explained all the technical information about Apparition and provided procedures for performing it; however, upon closer inspection, it seemed quite complex.

The third was an article discussing the Apparition spell, from its technical aspects to ideas for improvement, which apparently were rejected by the Ministry.

The fourth was a logbook of a wizard who experimented with spells applied to space, detailing his experiences with current spells and his understanding of the world's laws regarding space.

The last book seemed more like a verbose review of the author's understanding after reading some Muggle articles on physics and philosophy. While most were not practical or detailed for the time, the wizard tried to bring a bit of Muggle theory into magic and explained his findings in the book.

Extimum thought to himself, 'Most of the content seems too complex, but if I take bits of the understanding written here by these wizards, it shouldn't be difficult for me to, in the future, develop my own spatial spells—something like a portal or a magical door.'

Extimum spent an hour trying to comprehend the content of the books. He didn't focus on just one because the knowledge presented in each book was very complex, and some could explain things better or skip over certain details.

Although all the topics had different focuses and contexts, they essentially discussed the same thing—space. However, it was just the beginning of the school year, and he would have plenty of time to study them, so there was no need to take a serious approach just yet.

Checking the time on his pocket watch, he returned the books and prepared to leave the library. He still had half an hour until lunchtime, but leaving a bit early was good. After all, he was just exploring the library today.

As he walked towards the exit, he caught sight of a familiar figure from the corner of his eye. Turning his gaze, he saw Hermione reading alone in one of the sections. Initially, he didn't pay much attention and was about to continue on his way when he suddenly stopped.

An uneasy feeling coursed through his body once again, similar to what he had felt on the train but at the same time a bit different. The possessive feeling was still there, but it was no longer the focal point. Now, it was more like... a need? He couldn't clearly articulate it, but undoubtedly, it felt much stronger than before.

Extimum took a deep breath and tried to focus. The feeling couldn't just come randomly; there had to be a reason. As he pondered on it, an idea settled in his mind as if by magic. What his magic, his body, yearned for was... how to put it? To possess her? A connection? Her essence? It was confusing; he understood it yet not entirely.

He wanted her, desired her, but it wasn't a sexual attraction. No, it was something more profound, primitive.

But what became clear to him was... that he needed to claim her, make her his, and his alone.

Extimum: "Damn, what's happening again?" Although he wasn't against making her his own in the future, this sensation supposedly coming from his bloodline was just too overpowering.

He stood there for a while, resisting the feeling, until he took a deep breath and tried to think about it.

'Okay, this lineage is mine. It's a part of me and therefore represents me. There's no point in fighting against myself. I just... I just have to understand it and take control of it.' As he thought this far, the oppression within him disappeared. However, he knew he had to claim her, or whatever he wanted that to mean; that was the compromise he had reached with himself.

Extimum: 'I don't know what's happening to urge me so much to claim her, and even more, why her? The only thing I can think of is that my imperceptible desire for her is being driven by my bloodline'.

In fact, Extimum wasn't far from the truth. Born into this world, his bloodline was always present with him. Even before the awakening of his consciousness, he already possessed the physical traits. The bloodline was a fundamental part of him, and though it lacked individual consciousness, it instinctively knew what it needed to develop.

Thus, when his body became strong enough, the first awakening occurred at the age of 5, unlocking basic abilities and bringing forth some of the memories that had been blocked in his soul. The bloodline would never do anything to harm him, being more of a subconscious part of himself. However, it was limited, parched, desperate for its instinctive inability to grow and evolve, as its primary sustenance had been denied.

Yet, it had glimpsed a ray of hope, based on just a small, insignificant mental preference. It was enough for its instinct of self-preservation to activate, fervently fighting, grasping onto the only visible straw.


He needed a partner to evolve—not in the sense of intimate physical union, but a psychic and chemical connection that had to be established for evolution.

This connection could be formed with a very special friend or a family member, but since Extimum hadn't developed any deep connections since arriving in this world, he couldn't evolve. With no other option, his bloodline took interest in and created a connection with Hermione based on his internal desire.

Extimum had no real relationship or closeness with Hermione, but he had considered courting her in the future. So, even that passing and emotionless thought was enough for his bloodline to choose her. The connection was somewhat one-sided and didn't affect Hermione, but it did affect the wizard.

Extimum needed to claim her as his own to validate that connection between them and maintain occasional and constant physical contact with her. This physical contact would provide the necessary chemical effect for his bloodline to evolve. Completing the claim would also allow him to vaguely sense Hermione's physical/emotional state.

Fortunately for Extimum, he could instinctively feel that something like this wouldn't happen again. It was a one-time occurrence, and once he completed the evolution, it wouldn't be necessary in the future.

Extimum was unaware of much of this information. He had only felt internally what he needed to do and why, never questioning for a moment whether evolving his bloodline was even completely necessary.

Extimum: 'Well, since I have to do this, I might as well make the most of it and lay the groundwork for a future relationship.' Calming himself, he analyzed what he had to do. Initially, he had no intention of delving into relationships so early. Not only was he very young, but he also planned to focus on his studies. Luckily, the requirement didn't demand that he stick like glue, but rather be in contact as much as possible.

Extimum didn't even consider the implications of claiming her, nor did he think about whether the other party would agree. At most, he considered that it might be strange or uncomfortable at first.

All this contemplation seemed to take a long time, but in reality, it lasted only a few seconds. Since the library wasn't crowded, and everyone was scattered and focused on their own tasks, no one noticed the abnormality.

Having made his decision, Extimum headed towards Hermione.