
Voldemort & The Secret

I am currently following the trio into the the who have already entered the secret door. I entered the room and found and angry Fluffy and turned the look at me but Byakko transformed to his original form and scared Fluffy to the point it started whimpering. I had to calm it down before entering the secret door with Byakko and Horus and got trapped by the Devil's snare. I casted lumos solem and freed us. The next area was pretty messed up. We saw the keys stuck to the door frame and some on the ground with broken wings. I blasted the others who were still intact and hurried to the chess field.

As entered I saw Hermione taking care of an unconscious Ron. I walked towards them and Hermione got alert,"Who's there?" I neared and she saw my face and she said," Why did you come here?" I said," Relax , I mean no harm. By the way, where's Harry? Ferula!" while easing up Ron's injuries with Harp* I don't want Dumbledore to know it was me from my magic signature* She saw what I did and said," He went inside, help him." I nodded and erased her memory of being here using the variant of obliviate I created and stupified her for a few seconds till the time I went inside.

Just I entered, I saw Quirell's body turn to ash just like in the original. Voldemort's s spirit made its way towards Harry and he screamed while Voldemort passed through his body. I thought Harry would fall unconscious and Voldemort will die just like the original but something unexpected happened. Voldemort's spirit was still intact but it grew weak but I felt the same dark aura as from my parents' seal. It's traces were very little like someone implanted it on Voldemort's spirit. I knew he must have come in contact with the person who did the seal on my parents. I told Horus to kill it with his fire and lightning while I read its memory.

Horus attacked Voldemort and he was caught off guard. I used legilimency for 5 seconds before he perished but he clearly saw my face before he died. But I clearly heard,"It's you, you're the one he wants to ki....". I first made my way towards Harry and checked whether he was injured or not. I saw he was unconscious and his lower body got paralysed because of Voldemort's having more power. I casted, "Reparifors" and his paralysis was slowly fading while still was unconscious . I took out Philosopher's Stone from his pocket and called Horus over and gave him the stone. the stone got absorbed by his body and his flames got fiercer, looks like he fully awakened his pheonix bloodline. We heard some movements from the outside and knew that Dumbledore was here and I quickly teleported back to the common room* if I teleport back to my room the noise may awaken Theo* . No sooner did I arrived, I turned around only to see Daphne sitting there on the couch drinking tea. She was shocked to see me suddenly arriving at the common room and vomiting. I used "skurge" on the carpet and it was cleaned. She asked me,"Where were you?" I said,"I was Hagrid, Horus was sick, so I went there to ask for treatment as he knows better about animals." She believed it as she saw that Horus's red feathers were brighter than before. She then went back to her room before giving me a looking. I went back to my room and organised the memories of Voldemort.

[Voldemort's POV]

When I was possessing Quirell and went to the forbidden forest to drink unicorn blood ,a week before the start of the year, I met a person fully dressed in black wearing a mask. Only his eyes were visible. He had no pupils. (not even the tiny pupils like voldemort shown in the movies.) It was full white. When I tried attacking him, the white eyes changed to full black and he injured me but I clearly felt that the person was in a weakened state like me, no more than me but he was clearly stronger. I asked,"Who are you and what do you want?" The person replied in a tone which could not help him differentiate whether it was a man or woman, " You don't need to know who I am. Just help me getting into Hogwarts on the day of sorting ceremony and I will just confirm something and go back . I will reward you with some of my power. I know how to hide my presence so you need to me being seen by anyone but i can only maintain it for two hours ." Hearing the word 'Power' it was like I had an orgasm and readily agreed.

On the day of the sorting ceremony, he arrived 15 minutes before with Quirell with some invisibility spell. He was standing behind Quirell during the whole ceremony even Dumbledore didn't notice him. Just when the hat was placed on a white haired boy, the coughing came from behind and heard his mumbling,"Just as I expected he is the one. I suffered a backlash just now. Didn't thought that he will have natural occlumency. But I can't him right now because of nature protection on him just like his parents, though theirs is more powerful. I need to recuperate faster, breaking that centuries old seal destroyed 9/10 of my soul. I can't let that prophecy succeed. My power been reduced, it looks like I still need 8 years to recover my original state. I need to get away from here before the spell loses its power.I can't believe an 'God' like me was reduced to such state. Here's the power you wanted. Keep an eye on that boy for me. Once I recover I will make you an immortal. " And then he suddenly disappeared from the hall. I looked at the who talked about. 'Lucifer Morningstar , now I have another person to keep a watch on' I thought.

Throughout the year I kept watch on the two, Harry and Lucifer. During the Quidditch match of Slytherin vs. Gryffindor, I tried jinxing both brooms but that Lucifer, I think has an anti-jinx casted on his broom. So I can only do it Harry . I tried looking for something interesting about that guy but it seemed like he didn't even know such a dangerous person was trying to kill him. During the Christmas holidays, I met that person once again in the forbidden forest...

[POV end]

The memories I got from Voldemort are just till here. I need to wait for the 2nd year to get a clue from Tom Riddle. Three days later is the final banquet of the year and the champion house will be announced. I don't have any idea on who will win. After that I went to sleep.