
Mirror of Erised & Getting Ready for Battle for Voldemort

I am currently sitting in the Library watching the golden trio searching for a clue for Nicholas Flamel. They did not get any clues till now. I called Harry. Ron and Hermione stopped him but he said he will return soon and I will not harm him as it is the library.

[Harry's PoV]

I was searching for information about Nicholas Flamel with Ron and Hermione when I heard someone call for me. I turned to look at the source of sound and found the one who called for me was Lucifer. Just as I was going towards him, Ron and Hermione stopped me," Harry don't go. He's a Slytherin." Maybe I should tell them about the troll incident but I remembered what Lucifer told unless they are stimulated by something and remember it I cannot tell them. I told them it's okay and he's a friendly seeing that he once saved Neville and beat Malfoy . They agreed to let me go and I made my way towards him.

I asked him," What happened Lucifer? why did you call me?" He said, " So what are you looking for?" I hesitated for a moment but knowing that he once saved us I said," We are looking for information about someone named Nicholas Flamel. It's related to our research. " He nodded and said," So it's like that. I have read about him. " I was excited and asked him," Can you tell me about it ?" He nodded.

"Nicholas Flamel is one of the greatest alchemists in the history of magic. He is Dumbledore's friend and have been said to be 600 years old. He is famous for something known as the ' Philosopher's Stone' also known as the 'elixir of immortality'. But nobody knows where that stone is. some say that it is fake and some say that only Flamel knows about it and hidden it somewhere safe but dangerous. These are the only things that I know about him." I was happy know the details and I thanked him. I went back to Ron and Hermione and I knew that what Snape wants is the Philosopher's Stone. I told Ron and Hermione about it and returned to the common room and started to make plans on how to stop it.

[POV end]

I saw the trio making their way back to the their dorms. I knew they were starting to make plans on how to stop the 'culprit'. I walked around the castle as the night curfew has still not started and told Horus to keep an eye on the movements on the trio. I stumbled into a classroom where I saw a mirror. I knew it was the Mirror of Erised and it was also the mirror where the Philosopher's Stone was kept but I didn't feel the aura of the stone as it is still not placed in the third floor to safeguard the stone. I looked into it and I saw everyone around me happy and my parents being able to use magic with me in the centre. Just then I saw Dumbledore behind me and looked at me and asked,"This is the mirror of Erised and it shows a person deepest desires in his heart. So tell me what do you see, my child?" I told him about my desire and he speculated something. I asked him,"what does you see Professor." " I see a pair of socks socks of socks with one of it gone missing and the other searching for it."* I know he sees Grindelwald* I said," I wish good luck to you on finding the your pair professor." He laughed and said," I hope you also find your pair of socks my child. " and then he went out. I returned to my dorm waiting for any movement from the trio. And finally, two nights later Horus informed me of their movements.