
Evil, Harry

Harry Potter was always known as the brave and selfless wizard who defeated the evil Lord Voldemort. But after years of being in the spotlight and constantly being told how special he was, Harry began to change. He became more power-hungry and ruthless, using his abilities for his own gain.

The wizarding world was shocked as they watched Harry turn to the dark side. He began to use the Death Eaters, once loyal to Voldemort, for his own purposes. He didn't hesitate to eliminate anyone who stood in his way, including those who were once his closest friends.

Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley were horrified by Harry's transformation. They knew that they had to stop him before he became any more powerful. They formed a resistance against him, rallying other wizards and witches to their cause.

The two friends found themselves in a dangerous battle against their former hero. It was a difficult fight, as Harry's powers had grown to be almost unstoppable. But Hermione and Ron never gave up, and in the end, they were able to defeat Harry and restore balance to the wizarding world.

The wizarding world was left to ponder the consequences of Harry's descent into darkness. They learned that even the greatest of heroes can fall, and the importance of keeping a check on their own power and desires