
Dragon Tales

Once upon a time in the wizarding world, Harry Potter heard rumors of a dragon that had taken up residence in a far-off mountain. Being the brave wizard he was, Harry decided to venture out and see the dragon for himself.

He packed his supplies and set off on the journey, facing many challenges along the way. Eventually, he reached the mountain and found the dragon guarding a large pile of treasure. Harry approached the dragon cautiously, but it did not seem to be aggressive.

Instead, the dragon spoke to Harry and told him of its dilemma. It had been cursed by a wicked witch, causing it to hoard all the treasure it could find. Harry, being the kind wizard he was, offered to help break the curse.

Together, they journeyed to the witch's lair and engaged in a fierce battle. With Harry's bravery and the dragon's strength, they were able to defeat the witch and break the curse. The dragon was grateful to Harry and offered him any treasure he desired.

But Harry refused, saying that friendship was a greater treasure than any amount of gold. The dragon was so touched by Harry's words that it flew away into the sunset, free from its curse and with a new friend by its side. From that day on, Harry was known as the wizard who tamed the dragon and saved the day.