
Harry Potter: Origin Magic

(This fic's previous name was 'Harry Potter: Chill Adventures') One year had passed since Jace, a destitute fifteen-year-old boy, had lost his parents. One day, a mysterious young man named Alexander walked into his home and greeted Jace with a casual "Hi Jace, name's Alexander, and I'm here to show you the ropes of being a magician," as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Jace was taken aback, but he had no say in the matter. As he embarks on his journey as a magician, Jace finds himself navigating through the complexities of life at Hogwarts, a prestigious school for young witches and wizards. With each passing day, Jace delves deeper into the world of magic, facing challenges and making new friends along the way. From mastering spells to discovering hidden talents, Jace strives to live a full life, embracing the wonders and dangers of the magical realm. Join Jace on his thrilling journey as he discovers the true meaning of being a magician. _____________________________________________ If you want to know more, you are welcome to read the fic. A lot of OCs such as Dumbles, Grindelwald, Tommy Boy, Harry, Hermione, and others will be students at Hogwarts. Can you imagine all of them studying together under the same roof? It's going to be quite a spectacle! Oh, and here's another interesting twist: the starting age at Hogwarts is now 15 years old, a small change that's sure to shake things up. Exciting, isn't it? R-18 -> maybe harem ->not. ---------------------------------------- I don’t own any characters other than my OCs. The cover picture is mine. So no one can say shit. Hope you got attracted :L

FakeViolinist · Derivados de obras
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23 Chs


So I edited chapter 10 today. I changed Stella's appearance and her interaction with Jace. I also edited chapter 4, it's the chap where Jace goes to Basil Castle with Alexander and Jace gets his staff. I've changed their interaction so I guess there's nothing new there. Right now, I'm editing chapter 5, the chapter where Jace meets Kat. Finally, I've also edited the synopsis. I did a lot, I know. Where are my power stones? :)

p.s. That's Katherine on the new cover.

Enjoy the chapter :)


As Jace's dormmates gradually drifted off to sleep, he found himself wide awake, unable to contain his excitement for his second day at Hogwarts. He knew he needed to rest for his classes the next day, but his mind was buzzing with anticipation. After tossing and turning in his bed, Jace finally admitted defeat and sat up, realizing that sleep was evading him.

Feeling restless, Jace decided to take a moment to reflect on his future goals. He knew he had ambitious plans and wanted to make the most of his time at Hogwarts. With determination in his heart, he silently opened his trunk and reached out for a piece of parchment and a quill, ready to jot down his aspirations.

As the ink flowed onto the parchment, Jace's thoughts crystallized into concrete goals. He wrote down his goals of excelling in his studies, creating strong bonds with his friends, becoming skilled in advanced charms, and even surpassing Alexander, which was listed as a long-term goal. With each goal written down, Jace felt a surge of motivation and purpose.

After carefully penning his aspirations, Jace read over his list with a sense of satisfaction. He knew that achieving these goals would require hard work, dedication, and perseverance, but he was determined to make them a reality. With renewed focus, Jace folded the parchment and placed it under his pillow, a reminder of what he was striving for.

As he lay back in bed, Jace felt a sense of calm wash over him. He knew that tomorrow would be an exciting day, filled with new adventures and opportunities at Hogwarts. With a contented smile, he closed his eyes and finally drifted off to sleep, eager to begin his second day at Hogwarts and take his first steps toward realizing his dreams.

Jace's morning was a hazy whirlwind. He had overslept, likely due to his late-night activities, and had to scramble to get ready for breakfast and his classes. He hastily donned his fresh Ravenclaw robes, ran his fingers through his hair, transformed his staff into a ring, and grabbed all his books in a rush, unsure of which ones he'd need. With a sense of urgency, he dashed out of the dormitory, hoping to make it in time.

As Jace made his way to the Great Hall, he noticed that the corridors were already bustling with older students who were walking to their respective classes. He picked up his pace, trying to catch up on lost time. Arriving at the Great Hall, he was greeted by the sight of long tables half-filled with students from all houses enjoying their breakfast.

Jace quickly surveyed the closest to him breakfast options and grabbed a slice of toast and a helping of scrambled eggs before joining Tom and Hermione at the Ravenclaw table. As he sat down, he shot Tom an accusatory glance while holding a piece of toast in his hand.

"Why didn't you..." Jace started, his words interrupted by a loud munch as he took a bite of his toast, "wake me up?"

Tom, who had already finished his breakfast, looked back at Jace with an innocent grin. "I tried," he said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Not just me, but the others too. You're just such a heavy sleeper, it's not our fault."

Jace couldn't help but throw a fake chuckle, not believing Tom's words. He knew he wasn't a heavy sleeper and had a knack for waking up to even the slightest noise. He brushed off Tom's comment as one of his pranks.

Jace sipped on the pumpkin juice he had just grabbed from the table and turned to Tom. "Do you know what our first lesson is?" he inquired.

Tom nodded and gestured towards a short man seated at the teacher's table. "Yep. Professor Flitwick, who's apparently the head of our house, dropped by while you were sleeping and gave us our timetables," he explained.

Jace raised an eyebrow in surprise. He hadn't expected the professors to personally deliver the timetables. He glanced curiously at Hermione. "Did you happen to get a spare one for me?" he asked

Hermione threw him an annoyed look, she was clearly unimpressed with his tardiness. "Of course we did. We happen to have a sense of responsibility, unlike someone else," she retorted, her tone slightly sarcastic.

Jace grinned sheepishly, realizing he had unintentionally provoked Hermione. "My bad," he apologized, rubbing the back of his neck. "Thanks for covering for me, guys."

Tom chuckled, patting Jace on the back. "No worries, mate. Just make sure you're up on time from now on," he said with a teasing grin.

"Well, I guess we better not be late for our first lesson then," Jace said, finishing up his breakfast and getting up from the table. Tom and Hermione followed suit, and the trio started heading toward the Charms classroom.

As they were walking, Hermione suddenly halted in her tracks. "Wait! We don't even know where the classroom is, so where are we going?" she exclaimed, furrowing her brows.

Jace exchanged a sheepish glance with Tom, realizing that they had been so caught up in the excitement of the first day that they hadn't bothered to check the classroom location on their timetables.

"We should have thought about that earlier," Tom admitted with a chuckle, scratching his head.

Jace nodded, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Yeah, my bad. I was too busy worrying about being late," he confessed, rubbing his temples in frustration.

Hermione let out a huff, clearly frustrated with their lack of preparedness. "Well, we better find out quickly or we'll be late for our first lesson," she said, taking charge of the situation.

With determination, Hermione approached an older student who was passing by and asked for directions to the Charms classroom. The older boy kindly pointed them in the right direction, and they quickly made their way.

As Jace and his two friends entered the classroom, they were greeted by Professor Flitwick, a tiny and cheerful wizard with a warm smile. Jace couldn't help but notice the resemblance between the professor and the goblins he had seen in Gringotts. Despite his initial hiccup of oversleeping and almost getting lost, Jace was relieved to see that they hadn't missed the start of the lesson.

Professor Flitwick peered up at them with a twinkle in his eye as they joined the class. "Ah, you must be Jace," he said in his high-pitched voice, looking directly at Jace. "The young wizard who overslept, I presume?"

Jace felt a mix of embarrassment and amusement at being called out by the professor. He scratched his head sheepishly and nodded in affirmation.

"Yes, that's me, Professor Flitwick," Jace replied, suppressing a grin. "I promise I won't make it a habit."

Professor Flitwick chuckled, his tiny frame shaking with mirth. "Well, it happens to the best of us, my boy. Just make sure you're on time for your future classes. We wouldn't want you to miss out on any more magical adventures!"

They took their seats and eagerly listened as Professor Flitwick began the lesson on the basics of charms. He demonstrated various spells and explained the theory behind them. Jace couldn't help but feel captivated by the magic and the intricacies of spellcasting. He diligently took notes and tried his best to follow along, feeling a sense of excitement and wonder as he delved into the world of charms.


Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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