
Harry Potter: Origin Magic

(This fic's previous name was 'Harry Potter: Chill Adventures') One year had passed since Jace, a destitute fifteen-year-old boy, had lost his parents. One day, a mysterious young man named Alexander walked into his home and greeted Jace with a casual "Hi Jace, name's Alexander, and I'm here to show you the ropes of being a magician," as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Jace was taken aback, but he had no say in the matter. As he embarks on his journey as a magician, Jace finds himself navigating through the complexities of life at Hogwarts, a prestigious school for young witches and wizards. With each passing day, Jace delves deeper into the world of magic, facing challenges and making new friends along the way. From mastering spells to discovering hidden talents, Jace strives to live a full life, embracing the wonders and dangers of the magical realm. Join Jace on his thrilling journey as he discovers the true meaning of being a magician. _____________________________________________ If you want to know more, you are welcome to read the fic. A lot of OCs such as Dumbles, Grindelwald, Tommy Boy, Harry, Hermione, and others will be students at Hogwarts. Can you imagine all of them studying together under the same roof? It's going to be quite a spectacle! Oh, and here's another interesting twist: the starting age at Hogwarts is now 15 years old, a small change that's sure to shake things up. Exciting, isn't it? R-18 -> maybe harem ->not. ---------------------------------------- I don’t own any characters other than my OCs. The cover picture is mine. So no one can say shit. Hope you got attracted :L

FakeViolinist · Book&Literature
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23 Chs


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"You could excel in Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, or even Hufflepuff. But where shall I place you?"

Jace held his breath, anxiously awaiting the Sorting Hat's decision. After a moment that felt like an eternity, the Sorting Hat finally spoke again.

"RAVENCLAW!" the hat declared, and Jace let out a sigh of relief as he took off the hat and made his way to the Ravenclaw table, where Hermione and Tom were waiting with smiles on their faces.

As the Sorting Ceremony came to an end, Professor McGonagall addressed the students. "Welcome to Hogwarts, everyone! I hope you all find your time here enriching and rewarding. Remember, the house you've been sorted into is like your family while you're at Hogwarts. Show respect and loyalty to your house, but also be open to making friends from other houses. Now, let the feast begin!"

With that, the feast began. The tables were filled with delicious food, and Jace and his friends dug in eagerly, chatting and getting to know their housemates. Jace sat between Tom and Hermione, who welcomed him warmly and introduced him to some of the other older students.

After the feast, Professor Swott, the Headmaster of Hogwarts, stood up to give his welcome speech. He spoke about the history and traditions of Hogwarts, as well as the importance of unity and friendship among the houses. He also reminded the students of the upcoming challenges they would face during their time at Hogwarts, including exams, assignments, and the occasional dangerous situation.

As Jace listened to Professor Swott's words, he felt a renewed sense of determination. He was determined to work hard and make the most of his time at Hogwarts while having fun with his friends. He glanced at his friends and saw the same determination in their eyes.

The first day at Hogwarts came to an end with the students being led to their respective common rooms.

As Jace climbed the stairs, he couldn't help but marvel at the intricate carvings on the walls, depicting scenes of wisdom, knowledge, and discovery.

Finally, they reached the top and stood in front of the bronze eagle-shaped knocker that guarded the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room. The knocker looked at them with a piercing gaze and asked, "Where do vanished objects go?"

An older student who knew the answer to the riddle quickly answered. "Vanished objects go into the realm of forgotten things, where they dwell in mystery and wait to be found again."

Another older student promptly revealed to them that in order to access the dorms they had to get past the knocker first which always gave a test of wit and intelligence.

The knocker's eyes twinkled, and it swung open, revealing the breathtaking Ravenclaw common room.

Upon entering the tower, Jace was struck by the sense of intellect and curiosity that permeated the air. The walls were lined with bookshelves filled with a vast collection of books and scrolls showcasing the Ravenclaws' deep appreciation for knowledge and learning. The windows were large and arched, allowing natural light to flood in during the day and offering breathtaking views of the surrounding Hogwarts grounds and the starry night sky.

The common room itself was spacious and circular, with a high ceiling adorned with intricate patterns of stars and constellations that seemed to twinkle with magic. The room was furnished with comfortable armchairs and tables for studying, with scattered cushions and rugs providing cozy spots for relaxation and contemplation. The room was also equipped with a roaring fireplace, perfect for warming up during chilly nights or engaging in intellectual discussions.

Jace couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he looked around the Ravenclaw common room. He had always been fascinated by the pursuit of knowledge and learning, and being in this room filled with books and a scholarly ambiance made him feel right at home. He could already imagine spending countless hours studying, researching, and engaging in stimulating discussions with his fellow Ravenclaws.

A quirky and eccentric older Ravenclaw student approached him with a dreamy smile. "Hello there, I'm Luna Lovegood. Welcome to the wonderfully peculiar world of Ravenclaw! What's your name?"

"I'm Jace," he replied, caught off guard by Luna's whimsical demeanor. "This place is amazing. I've never seen anything quite like it."

Luna nodded, her large, dreamy eyes sparkling. "Yes, it's quite unique, isn't it? Ravenclaw values wisdom, creativity, and wit above all else. We strive to constantly expand our minds and seek knowledge in all its forms."

Jace nodded, feeling a surge of excitement. He had always loved learning and exploring new ideas.

Luna gestured to a nearby table adorned with an array of mismatched chess pieces. "Would you like to join us for a game of Wizard's Chess? It's a great way to relax and exercise our strategic thinking skills, and perhaps uncover the hidden secrets of the chessboard."

Jace glanced back at his two companions. "Do you guys mind if I join them?"

They both shook their heads, entranced by Luna's eccentricity and urged Jace to go ahead and embrace the unexpected while they went to socialize themselves.

Jace eagerly accepted the invitation and joined the group of Ravenclaws gathered around the chessboard. He was impressed by their skill and intellect, and he quickly found himself engrossed in the game, using his wits to outmaneuver his opponents. The game was intense, with clever moves and calculated strategies being exchanged among the players. Jace felt his mind working in overdrive, as he analyzed the board and plotted his moves with precision.

When he played against Luna, he was flabbergasted. Luna's unorthodox approach to the game left him baffled and intrigued. She moved her pieces in unconventional and unpredictable ways, often accompanied by cryptic mutterings about Nargles and Wrackspurts. Despite the unconventional gameplay, Jace found himself thoroughly engrossed in the game, using his wits to adapt to Luna's whimsical tactics.

As the games progressed, Jace was swept up in lively discussions with his fellow Ravenclaws about a myriad of topics. Despite his relative lack of knowledge compared to the older students, they were impressed by his voracious appetite for learning and his insightful perspectives, even before the lessons began. Jace soaked in the wisdom and creativity of his newly acquired companions, eagerly absorbing their diverse viewpoints and expanding his own understanding of the world.

As he made his way to his dormitory, Jace couldn't help but smile as he reflected on the evening. Ravenclaw was indeed a house like no other, where eccentricity was celebrated, and where wisdom and creativity thrived in unique ways.

As Jace arrived at his dormitory, he was warmly welcomed by his new dormmates who were excited to hear about his life and adventures. He quickly made himself comfortable among them, engaging in lively exchanges and exchanging stories with his new friends.

Jace also caught up with Tom and discovered that his friend had become acquainted with some older girls.


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