
Harry Potter : multi-purpose system

shikamaru77 · Película
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51 Chs

precognitive sight overuse

Alex saw Malfoy is running back along with two fat trolls with horror on his face and some yellow water that is spilling on the way. He looked at the direction in disgust and goes to his cabin.

Fortunately he didn't soill it here or else Alex would've used a reducto on draco's lower part and he would've been a eunuch for life. Alex came back while breathing air to calm his anger and looked at the girls who are shaking with fear.

Even Cassandra isn't an exception though she isn't shaking but the look on her face is that of horror and she is in trance. Alex spend some time calming them down while Susan refused to leave his arms as she is the most afraid directly looking into his when she is trying to calm him down.

After a few minutes they calmed down while Cassandra asked," what exactly is that? I felt I'm being chased by all my worst nightmares and being hunted down by something so scary that I don't even dare to look at. What did you do?".

She asked looking at Alex while he smiled wryly and said," I also don't know. When I'm 8 an accident occurred while Harry and my father is playing a prank on me and after waking up in a few days something in me awakened maybe it's that power".

Cassandra frowned and said," bloodline awakening", Alex asked like he is confused," what?", Cassandra then said," it's maybe related someting in potter's bloodline. My family has veela in them and I awakened a few characteristics of veela blood. Maybe you also awakened something like that".

Alex nodded and acted like he is got something from her explaination while Daphne and pansy said in unison," this is just like when I'm in the boy who lived brithday 3 years ago. Alex, are you the cause of it at that time?".

Alex smiled wryly and said," I don't know, it's like an instinct that appear", Cassandra is curious and asked," who is the one that stopped it at that time?", Alex looked at her with a smile and said," it's my mother. She hugged me and Harry fearing something will happen to us at that time and broke it and the cause of my outburst at that time is also Malfoy. If it wasn't for my mother there I swear I would've taught him a lesson then and there".

Cassandra nodded and asked," so do you have any other abilities?", Alex shook his head and said," no, I didn't discover anything after that but I feeli can see a glimpse of future soemtines. It happened once when harry tried to hit me with a ball".

Alex said while Cassandra looked at him and said," god, you're a seer that's very rare. Can you see my future?", She asked with a smile while Alex thought,' here comes a cjnace', he smiled and took her hand then activated the precognitive sight to the maximum.

The result made him smirk. He saw her sitting on his lap and kissing him with Daphne. He don't want to say it but then he adjusted the precognitive sight to minimum and saw Cassandra going to fell down today at Hogwarts entrance and dirty her clothes with mud.

He chuckled and said," you must be careful when walking so you won't fall down especially places with mud. It's not nice sight fora girl", Cassandra snorted and said," who will fell down? The noble me? You must've mistaken or talking in your sleep?".

She didn't believe him while Alex chuckled. Then he saw a drop of blood from his nose and sighed. This is what happens when he overused the precognitive sight. It happened in the dungeon when he used it on the dungeon boss to set up traps and protect himself with correct strategy.

He cleaned it using a tissue from his ring while Susan and others looked at him with concern. Alex waved his hand said he is okay. He activated a healing spell from book of healing and healed himself.

This is much short compared to the dungeon where he spit blood out. His body is gradually getting used to it and he is becoming immune to the backlash thanks to his rapid recovery. Intentional peeping on future in this wizarding world is equal to holding a grenade as it's backlas is huge.

That's why seers are rare , because they're different from prophets who can only tell prophecies randomly from a vision. If he has the assistance of an artifact this backlash can be further reduced.